Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2079: Contact

What Meng Zhang wants to know most is whether he can find something to exploit if there is a conflict of interest between Tiangong and the sects of the major holy lands.

Although Taoist Gu Lu is a descendant of Taoist Gudu, it is impossible for Taoist Gudu to let her know everything.

Meng Zhang revealed some of the information he had to Taoist Gulu, in order to use her mouth to convey his opinions to Taoist Gudu.

Although Meng Zhang doesn’t know how long the ghost realm in Yindu City can sustain it, once the major holy land sects can take action, Taiyi Sect’s life will be difficult again.

The ancient Taoist priest is not only a virtual immortal, but also has considerable power under his command.

When facing the major sects of the Holy Land, if the Taoists of the ancient capital are willing to join forces with the Taiyi Sect wholeheartedly, it will greatly reduce the pressure faced by the Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang chatted with Taoist Gulu for a long time and fully expressed what he meant.

During the time that Master Gu Lu was in Taiyi Sect, in addition to having detailed discussions with Meng Zhang, he also inspected the situation of Taiyi Sect and Hanhai Dao Alliance.

Except for a few secrets of Taiyi Sect, most of the entire sect’s situation was revealed to Taoist Gulu.

Taoist Gulu is very optimistic about Taiyi Sect.

The current Taiyi Sect is still far behind the Holy Land Sect in terms of strength, but Taiyi Sect has great potential.

As long as there is enough time for the Taiyi Sect to grow and cultivate more high-level monks, the Taiyi Sect will have the power to confront the Holy Land Sect head-on.

Taoist Gulu didn’t stay at Taiyi Gate for long before he said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, she repeatedly promised Meng Zhang that if there was a conflict between Taiyi Sect and the major Holy Land sects in the future, she would do her best to help.

Shortly after Taoist Gulu left, Taoist Yu Ci, who was far away in the West Sea, also reported the latest news to Taiyimen Mountain Gate through secret methods.

After Yu Cilaodao took control of Xihai on behalf of Taiyi Sect, many overt and covert actions against Taiyi Sect disappeared automatically.

Even the Purple Sun Sect is probably not willing to break out the Void Return War in the West Sea at this time.

Taiyimen’s operation to collect resources from the West Sea became smooth again.

Guanghan Palace, Xuanxin Guan and other forces that had originally taken refuge in Taiyi Sect also had a backbone and their momentum was boosted.

Xingluo Palace, the original ruling sect of the Xingluo Islands, slowly fell under the control of the Purple Sun Sect after the Qiu brothers left.

During this process, although Guanghan Palace, Xuanxin Guan and other forces tried hard to stop it, they failed.

Shortly after Yu Ci Laodao arrived at Xihai, two great masters in returning to the void, Qiu Gangfeng and Xihai Laoguai, who had not been seen in Junchen Realm for a long time, came to him.

As a well-known void-returning master among casual cultivators, Yu Ci Laodao turned to a young sect like Taiyi Sect and became its thug. This is a matter that many people have been discussing in the world of cultivation. .

Qiu Gangfeng and the old monster of Xihai saw that Taiyi Sect sent the Void Returning Power to Xihai, and knew that Taiyi Sect attached great importance to various interests of Xihai.

Both are powerful Void Returners among casual cultivators, Old Monster Xihai and Old Taoist Yu Ci have dealt with each other before.

The purpose of Old Monster Xihai and Qiu Gangfeng’s visit this time is to join forces with Yu Ci Laodao and use the power of Taiyi Sect to recapture Xingluo Palace and regain control of Xingluo Islands.

Now that the major holy land sects have no time to be distracted, the Purple Sun Sect’s power in the West Sea is limited.

The three of them have a great chance of success if they join forces with the Taiyi Sect as their backing.

After controlling the Star Luo Islands, using the Star Luo Islands as a base can further deepen the control of the West Sea.

Laodao Yu Ci is a mature character and is not easily moved by other people’s words.

While dealing with the old monster from the West Sea and others, he passed the news back to the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate and waited for the decision of the higher-ups in the gate.

Meng Zhang was very satisfied with how Yu Ci Laodao could clearly define his position and not make decisions without authorization.

After thinking about the proposal of Qiu Gangfeng and the old monster from the West Sea for a while, Meng Zhang felt that it was unnecessary.

As Junchen Realm is blocked by outside invaders for a longer period of time, various internal resources become scarcer.

The West Sea was captured from the Hai Clan after the last battle between the cultivators and the Hai Clan, and the cultivators suffered huge casualties.

In order to develop the resources of the West Sea, many cultivation forces from land have intervened, and the involvement is extremely wide.

Even among the Holy Land sects, it is not just the Purple Sun Sect that is involved here, but other sects are also involved.

Meng Zhang is quite satisfied that the Taiyi Sect can maintain the current situation and preserve the existing interests.

In fact, after Yu Cilaodao went to Xihai, he followed Meng Zhang’s wishes and did not act aggressively and rely on his cultivation to cause trouble. Instead, he focused on defense and acted in a relatively conservative manner.

The hatred between Qiu Gangfeng and Ziyang Shengzong is very deep. He blamed Ziyang Shengzong for the death of his elder brother Qiu Wanshui. The two sides can be said to be incompatible with each other.

The old monster of Xihai supported Qiu Gangfeng at first, and later moved closer to Ziyang Shengzong.

I don’t know what happened, but this guy actually got together with Qiu Gangfeng to fight against the Purple Sun Sect together.

Meng Zhang is the head of the Taiyi Sect, and everything must be based on the interests of the sect.

If Xihai falls into chaos, it will not support the interests of Taiyi Sect.

It is best to maintain the status quo in the West Sea so that everyone can peacefully develop the cultivation resources there.

Meng Zhang does not want to ruin the situation in Xihai because of Qiu Gangfeng’s hatred.

Of course, Qiu Gangfeng is the Taiyi Sect’s natural ally when fighting against the Purple Sun Sect.

Last time the major Holy Land sects swept away the opposition forces in Junchen Realm, Qiu Gangfeng and the old monster Xihai went directly to the territory of Ziyang Holy Sect, which greatly restrained the power of Ziyang Holy Sect and indirectly helped Meng Zhang. Very busy.

Meng Zhang was unwilling to offend Qiu Gangfeng, but wanted to find ways to win over him.

Qiu Gangfeng had a good relationship with Meng Zhang at first, and he even received help from Meng Zhang before he advanced to the Void Return Stage.

With these close ties and common enemies, the two sides should have a good basis for cooperation.

Meng Zhang issued an order to Yu Ci Laodao, asking him to keep in contact with Qiu Gangfeng and the others and strive to maintain a good relationship. Find Shuyuan

No matter what Qiu Gangfeng and the others say, they can superficially agree to it.

Of course, agreeing is one thing, but Mr. Yu Ci must not act lightly.

Meng Zhang began to think about how to subdue Qiu Gangfeng and the old monster from the West Sea and let them be used for his own use.

When Meng Zhang had no idea about this matter, he was disturbed by other things.

Since the major holy land sects decided to take action in the underworld, first destroying the capital city of the underworld and getting rid of the foundation of the ghost domain in the upper capital, they did not delay and quickly launched into action.

After experiencing the last failure, the major Holy Land sects invested more resources and paid more costs this time, vowing to succeed in one blow.

In addition to the originally prepared return-to-empty level combat power, the major holy land sects also mobilized their forces in the underworld and dispatched a powerful army of ghosts to rush to the underworld city.


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