Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2062: Crash

Latest website: Almost immediately after destroying the seal left by the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm, Meng Zhang took Taoist Gu Lu and Moon God and left here as quickly as possible.

The ancient ferocious beasts that have been suppressed here for many years were originally trying their best to attack the seal that suppressed them.

The main force of the seal to suppress them is internal, and the external defense force is not too strong.

Even the seal left by the true **** will gradually weaken and begin to show flaws after a long period of time.

Meng Zhang and the others broke the seal outside and found a flaw in the seal.

Now that the seal was broken outside, the suppressed ancient beast immediately noticed it.

The power to suppress them has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer possible to suppress them.

They mustered up their last strength and charged with all their strength, breaking through the broken seal in one fell swoop, completely getting rid of the suppression and regaining their freedom.

After being suppressed for thousands of years, these ancient ferocious beasts let out bursts of excited roars once they were freed.

After a long period of time, there are only two ancient ferocious beasts left that have survived to this day and escaped suppression.

Of course, these two ancient ferocious beasts are the most powerful among all those who were suppressed.

Relying on their strong vitality and devouring the corpses of other ancient ferocious beasts, they finally managed to survive until now and ushered in the day of escape.

Just after escaping from the trap, they ignored the fact that their vitality was seriously injured and their strength was far from being restored. Driven by instinct, they charged towards the divine realm above.

The divine domain of the mountain gods of Heigang Mountain not only helps to seal and suppress them, but is also another cage to monitor and guard them.

At this time, three ancient ferocious beasts were ferociously attacking the divine domain of the Mountain God of Heigang Mountain, and encountered full resistance from the Son of Rihua and the others.

The clone of Hundred Soldiers Fighting God and his subordinates died too quickly, before they had time to make too much noise.

Of course the true God of Hundred Soldiers knew that his clone was destroyed and all his men were killed.

But being thousands of miles away, he couldn’t rush here immediately, and he couldn’t immediately notify the Son of Japan.

Although Nikka Shenzi sensed that something was not good about the situation, it was difficult for him to react until he had detailed information.

Besides, facing the pursuit of three ancient ferocious beasts, even if he and a group of men had the power of the gods to help them, it was not easy for them to hold on.

The only one to blame is that Meng Zhang and the others acted too fast. Not only did they kill the Hundred Soldiers Fighting God clone and his men in a short period of time, but they also destroyed the legacy of the indigenous gods in a very short period of time. The seal he lowered released the ancient ferocious beast that had been suppressed for thousands of years.

When the two ancient ferocious beasts that had been suppressed for many years fiercely charged towards the divine domain of the Black Gang Mountain God, the Son of God of Japan finally came to his senses.

At this time, his best approach should be to leave God’s Domain immediately and evacuate here as quickly as possible.

Of course, in this way, his mission was considered a complete failure, and he would inevitably be punished by the True God Shengyang afterwards.

Thinking of such serious consequences, the Son of God Rihua was afraid of the majesty of the True God Shengyang and could not help but hesitate a little.

It was this hesitation that caused him to completely miss the opportunity to escape unscathed.

The two ancient ferocious beasts that had just escaped violently collided with the divine domain of the mountain **** of Heigang Mountain.

Most of the power of the Divine Realm is either used to bless the Son of Rihua and the others, or used to resist the three ancient ferocious beasts that escaped from the Green River.

The remaining small amount of strength is seriously insufficient to withstand the impact of these two ancient ferocious beasts.

Under the continuous crazy collisions, the entire divine realm began to shake violently.

The protective mask on the surface of the God’s Domain keeps fluctuating, producing a large number of cracks, as if it will collapse at any time.

The three ancient ferocious beasts that were locked in a stalemate with Rihua Shenzi and the others seemed to have sensed something and became even more violent.

Two groups of ancient ferocious beasts joined forces almost coincidentally and launched ferocious attacks from different directions.

At this time, Rihua Shenzi finally knew that something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Now the God’s Domain of the Mountain God of Heigang Mountain is already crumbling. If he forcibly leaves here, the God’s Domain will definitely collapse immediately, and he will also be greatly affected.

His second generation ancestor, Rihua Shenzi, was used to being pampered, and at this time, he finally showed his lack of decision-making.

His successive hesitations and hesitations caused him to miss the best opportunity to escape, and also caused him to ruin these men.

Under the desperate attack of two groups of ancient ferocious beasts, the realm of the mountain **** of Heigang Mountain finally couldn’t hold on any longer and collapsed.

The divine realm collapsed, and the creatures within the divine realm were severely affected.

The mountain **** of Heigang Mountain immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground, losing all fighting power.

The chaotic and rioting divine power caused great trouble to Rihua Shenzi and the others, blocking their way to evacuate in time.

Without the protection of the divine realm, the Son of Rihua and the others were directly exposed to the ancient ferocious beasts.

Faced with the delicious food and supplements, the ancient ferocious beasts roared and rushed over.

Rihua Shenzi had to lead his men to break out of the encirclement desperately, trying to find a **** way out.

All of his men can be abandoned, but Feng Jiu, the divine attendant of the Hunling Lord, cannot be left here.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause serious dissatisfaction with the Hunling Lord God, and even lead to disputes between him and the Shenchang Realm.

If Hun Lingzun is a little more suspicious, he may even suspect that Shenchangjie is deliberately harming his divine attendants in order to weaken the power of his subordinates.

Rihua Shenzi had to command his men to cover Fengjiu’s breakout with all his strength.

Feng Jiu finally felt panicked at this time.

In order to collect information about Shenchang Realm, he has been working hard during these days.

He was curious about the ancient ferocious beasts and followed the Son of Japan, but he put himself in danger.

After a hard battle, the indigenous gods and descendants of the God Son of Japan were killed one after another. After their death, their bodies directly became the food of ancient ferocious beasts.

A few guys were so unlucky that they were even eaten alive.

After all, the Son of God Rihua is the heir of the True God Shengyang, and he has many trump cards.

Feng Jiu, as a divine attendant of the Hunling God, also has his own life-saving methods.

The two of them tried their best and exhausted their cards before finally breaking out of the siege and looking for Shuyuan www. embarked on the road to escape.

An ancient ferocious beast that looked like a goshawk was chasing them.

There are also differences between different ingredients.

Obviously, Nikka Shenzi and Fengjiu are very high-end ingredients.

The goshawk-like ancient ferocious beast has good taste and is always chasing high-end ingredients.

In the end, in the face of one’s own life and death, everything is insignificant and everything can be given up.

Rika Shenzi gave Feng Jiu a blow while escaping, slowing down his escape.

At this moment, Feng Jiu was caught up by the ancient ferocious beast and became the target of the other party.

While the ancient ferocious beast was attracted by Feng Jiu and devoured the fresh ingredients, Nikka Godson finally got rid of the opponent’s pursuit.


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