Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2044: Chaos

Shortly after several indigenous gods were killed, their statues enshrined in the temples collapsed and fell to the ground and shattered, and their temples also lost their aura.

Their believers, especially those devout believers and the most trusted divine servants, immediately felt empty in their hearts, as if they had lost the most important thing.

Many of the divine servants who had served them for many years even died suddenly.

This is the scene of the death of indigenous gods. It does not appear many times in the Shenchang world, but it is not uncommon.

Especially after every war between Shenchang Realm and Junchen Realm, many indigenous gods will die in Shenchang Realm, and their respective temples will undergo strange changes.

The Son of God of Rihua has a strong control over Rihua City, and the changes in these temples quickly reached his ears.

After so many indigenous gods fell in one go, the Son of God was stunned.

Poisonous Sun’s soul lamp is enshrined at the Shengyang True God. God Son of Rihua doesn’t know that Poison Sun has fallen yet.

However, all the indigenous gods who were with Du Ri died, and there is no news about Du Ri so far. He must be in bad luck.

Neither Poison Sun nor these indigenous gods are, strictly speaking, subordinates of God Son of Japan.

They came to assist God Son of Rihua under the orders of Shengyang True God.

This is not only the loss of many capable men of the Rihua God Son, but also weakened the power of the Shengyang True God.

Rihua Shenzi knew that after such an incident, his family would probably lose a lot of trust and favor from Shengyang True God, and even face punishment.

If Poison Sun really fell, Shengyang True God must have known about it a long time ago.

There is no way to hide the death of several indigenous gods in one breath.

At this time, the Son of Rihua no longer cared about whether Taoist Gulu and his companions wanted to sneak into the palace of Rihua City.

While using the secret method of long-distance communication to report the news to the True God Shengyang, he summoned his capable men and prepared to go to Green River to investigate in person to see what was going on there.

The Son of God Rihua did not directly contact the True God of the Sun, but only contacted an important subordinate **** under him.

Rihua Shenzi reported to him everything that happened, and then asked him for help tactfully.

This subordinate **** told the Son of Rihua that the True God Shengyang was involved in something important right now and might not be able to contact the Son of Rihua for the time being.

He will report to the True God Shengyang as soon as possible about the situation reported by God Son of Rihua.

As for the request for help from the Son of Japan, he will satisfy it as much as possible and will send reinforcements to the Son of Japan as soon as possible.

However, due to the long distance between the two sides, it will take some time for reinforcements to arrive.

Before the reinforcements arrive, the Son of Japan needs to work hard to maintain the situation and prevent it from collapsing.

The Son of God of Japan must find out the whereabouts of the three ancient beasts as soon as possible to prevent them from releasing other suppressed ancient beasts.

汜 reduce bxwx.co汜. Although they don’t know how Poisonous Sun and several indigenous gods fell, the Son of Sunhua and this subordinate **** both attributed it to the three ancient ferocious beasts.

Although the ancient ferocious beasts were defeated in the war with the indigenous gods thousands of years ago, they were almost on the verge of extinction.

XiRubxwx.coXiRu. However, many indigenous gods who have lived long enough and are experienced enough still remember the majestic power of the ancient beasts.

The descendants of the gods, such as the Son of Rihua, almost grew up listening to the legends of ancient ferocious beasts.

For God Son of Rihua, instead of believing that Du Ri and others were plotted to die by Gulu Taoist, it would be better to insist that they fell into the hands of ancient ferocious beasts.

After all, in this way, the responsibility borne by the Son of God would be much smaller. Moreover, it is easier to explain to the other party.

After completing the report, Rihua Shenzi began to gather people and went to Green River to investigate.

At this time, the Son of God no longer cared about the safety of his own palace.

He mobilized almost all the strong men he could mobilize and headed to Green River together.

Feng Jiu, the attendant of the Hun Ling Zun God, is very curious about the ancient ferocious beasts in the legend of Shenchang Realm, and wants to follow them to see them.

To this, Rihua Shenzi agreed wholeheartedly.

After all, Feng Jiu is still in the middle stage of returning to the void, and he is also a combat force that can be used when needed.

Meng Zhang and the others healed their injuries in a hidden place for a while. Before they could fully recover, they left there and headed to Rihua City together.

On the way, Meng Zhang and Taoist Gulu both took the time to regain their strength.

By the time they arrived at Rihua City, Meng Zhang and Taoist Gulu had recovered at least 80% of their strength.

In order to prevent panic among people and cause chaos in Rihua City, the Son of God of Rihua blocked the news of the death of Poison and others.

Even though it was difficult to conceal the news of the death of several indigenous gods, he forcibly blocked the news and strictly prohibited its spread.

He led his men to leave Rihua City, and he kept it strictly confidential. Only a few senior officials in the city knew about it.

Meng Zhang had previously pinned a ray of distraction on Niao Meng, and controlled the general in the city without knowing it.

Niao Meng’s status in Rihua City is not very high, but he has a wide circle of friends and is trusted by the senior officials.

Under his intentional or unintentional temptation, he soon learned that the Son of Rihua had led his men to secretly leave Rihua City.

When Meng Zhang learned the news from Niao Meng, his first reaction was that the God Son of Rihua was repeating his old tricks and wanted to lure the snake out of its hole, so he deliberately released the news.

But Meng Zhang then thought about it, Du Ri and so many indigenous gods fell, how could the Son of Rihua just sit back and watch?

Three ancient ferocious beasts escaped from trouble and are still wreaking havoc in the Green River. Shouldn’t he go and deal with them?

Under this situation, the Son of God of Japan probably had neither the will nor the strength to set up an ambush in the palace.

In order to prove his guess, Meng Zhang not only asked Niao Meng to continue to inquire, but also secretly observed carefully near the palace many times to see if there was an ambush inside.

After many investigations, Meng Zhang was finally able to confirm that there was no ambush in the palace, and the Son of God of Rihua should indeed have left Rihua City with his people.

I don’t know when the Rihua God Son will come back, so there isn’t much time to waste for Meng Zhang.

Although the rebels in the city had already left, Meng Zhang and Gulu Taoist were no longer able to get help from the rebels.

But Meng Zhang had made some preparations before, just to use them at critical moments.

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

At this point, even if the enemy probably has some hidden cards, Meng Zhang is not completely sure, so he still has to take action.

First of all, Taoist Gulu began to secretly assassinate the senior officials of Rihua City outside the palace.

The strongest of these high-level officials is only at the Yuan Shen level. Once Gulu Taoist tries to bully the weak with his strength, they will have basically no power to resist.

Mi He Mi. Soon, almost all the high-level officials of Rihua City outside the palace were killed in assassinations.

This matter was not kept secret, and the corpses of these high-level officials were hung in the most prosperous and lively places in the city.

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