Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2036: Shrink

I saw the Green River River God’s divine domain suddenly shrinking, shrinking a lot, greatly reducing the scope of the divine domain.

The indigenous gods who were watching the battle knew very well that the Green River God could no longer hold on, so he had to reduce his domain and concentrate his strength to try to hold on for a while longer.

The divine realm is the foundation of the gods. Once the divine realm is forcibly broken, the gods to which the divine realm belongs will be severely damaged and will suffer irreparable losses.

Seeing this scene, almost all the indigenous gods felt a deep sense of sorrow for the death of the rabbit and the fox.

Poison Sun has stayed with True God Shengyang for many years and is more powerful than other indigenous gods.

The life and death of the Green River River God is only a trivial matter. If these three ferocious beasts are really allowed to escape completely, regain their freedom, and leave the Green River, the consequences will be disastrous.

Green River is not the only place where ferocious beasts are suppressed in Shenchang Realm.

Many ferocious beasts can sense each other and even respond to each other.

If only one of the suppressed ferocious beasts in Green River escapes, it can still be dealt with with the power possessed by the God of Japan.

But if a chain reaction is triggered and the ferocious beasts that have been suppressed in many places escape, it will definitely lead to chaos in the world and even shake the situation of the entire Shenchang Realm.

The Shenchang Realm is now uniting with other major forces to prepare to launch an all-out attack on the Junchen Realm again.

At this juncture, if a fire breaks out in the backyard and affects the battle ahead, not even the poisonous sun, not even the Son of God of Japan will be able to bear it.

Looking at the ferocious beasts that were wreaking havoc and receiving the distress message from the Green River God, Poison Sun quickly made a decision. Xiru Xiru

When Poisonous Sun gave the order, the several indigenous gods behind him had no choice but to fight towards Green River, trying to help the Green River God suppress the three ferocious beasts.

Du Ri used his secret method and contacted the Son of Rihua again.

While reporting the latest situation, he flew towards the battlefield in the Green River.

At this time, it is no longer important whether or not Gulu Taoist can be elicited.

In the final analysis, Taoist Gulu, as an outside cultivator, has a shallow foundation in the Shenchang world and limited abilities. No matter how hard she tries, she will not be able to harm the overall situation of the Shenchang world. She will only make the senior leaders of the Shenchang world feel that Just annoying.

Compared to the ferocious beasts of ancient times, Taoist Gulu only suffers from ringworm and scabies.

Rihua Shenzi received the report from Poisonous Sun and felt very helpless.

He never imagined that such an incident would arise from what was clearly an action to lure out Taoist Gulu.

This time the Green River River God’s domain was attacked, and three ancient ferocious beasts escaped. Could there be the hands and feet of Taoist Gulu among them?

Rihua Shenzi is not sure.

The places where ancient ferocious beasts are suppressed in Shenchang Realm are kept secret, and only the top brass of Shenchang Realm know about them.

To break the restrictions that suppressed the ancient ferocious beasts, one needs extremely strong strength, and the Son of God of Japan couldn’t do it anyway.

If Taoist Gulu was really involved in the escape of the ferocious beast, then Rihua Shenzi might have to raise his evaluation of her.

In fact, in the country ruled by the Son of God, there were only a few descendants of the gods besides the indigenous gods who knew about the suppression of the ancient ferocious beasts at the bottom of the Green River.

After Meng Zhang targeted the Green River God, he discovered some relevant signs during a detailed investigation.

As the guard who suppresses the ferocious beasts, the Green River God is not too strict in his words.

Many times, for the sake of convenience, he would also let his divine attendants participate in monitoring the ferocious beasts.

After a long time, some clues will inevitably emerge.

After Meng Zhang completely controlled the Green River God, he learned the details of the suppressed beast.

This is an unexpected surprise for Meng Zhang.

An enemy of an enemy is not necessarily a friend, but it can definitely put pressure on the enemy.

Meng Zhang and the Green River River God took the initiative to release these three ancient ferocious beasts in order to muddy the water so that they could take advantage of them.

In the case where Meng Zhang does not use the immortal talisman given by Xianyun Zhenxian, the strength of the Son of Rihua is far greater than that of Meng Zhang and the other two.

It seems that Meng Zhang was lucky enough to receive so much unexpected help.

The various ancient ferocious beasts suppressed throughout the Shenchang Realm are hidden dangers to almost all indigenous gods.

Junchen Realm used to send cultivators to sneak into Shenchang Realm. Many people knew about the existence of ancient ferocious beasts, but due to lack of information and suitable opportunities, it was difficult to take advantage of this matter.

Now Meng Zhang just wants to cause some trouble for the Son of Rihua God, so that he can fish in troubled waters, and has not yet thought of further utilizing these ferocious beasts.

If Meng Zhang was wholeheartedly thinking about Junchen Realm and causing chaos in Shenchang Realm, he should choose to release these three suppressed ancient ferocious beasts at other times, and then secretly cover these ferocious beasts to slow them down. Slowly build strength.

Meng Zhang released these three ancient ferocious beasts now and exposed them to the eyes of the indigenous gods, which did not maximize their value.

In the final analysis, Meng Zhang sneaked into Shenchang Realm this time just to complete the task assigned by True Immortal Xianyun, and did not think too far ahead.

Given the current situation in Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang would not be blindly loyal to Junchen Realm.

He can help Junchen Realm by the way, but he will not sacrifice his own interests for Junchen Realm.

After receiving the report from Du Ri, the Son of God Rihua ordered Du Ri and the others to suppress the escaped ancient beasts as quickly as possible. Find Shuyuan

During this process, they must be careful to guard against sneak attacks by Taoist Gulu and his accomplices.

Rihua Shenzi knew that in this way, the chance of winning Gulu Taoist had become very slim.

He was very unwilling, but he must put the overall situation first and prioritize things, and he could not allow the escaped beast to continue to wreak havoc.

When the indigenous gods were charging towards the battlefield, the giant crocodile opened its mouth wide, bit off a large piece from the divine realm, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

A gap immediately appeared above the divine realm, from which a large amount of divine power and other items leaked.

The Green River River God has accumulated many years of cultivation resources, and the souls of believers are taken into the divine realm after death…

The three ferocious beasts, which have been suppressed for thousands of years and have not received any supplements, have long become extremely hungry and thirsty.

They instinctively opened their mouths and began to wildly devour everything in front of them. Si minus Si

The Green River River God had to shrink the divine domain again and work hard to make up for the gap in the divine domain.

Actually, God’s Domain is far from reaching its limit.

Meng Zhang asked the Green River God to deliberately buy a loophole and throw out something to let the three ferocious beasts regain their strength.

Then take the initiative to shrink the divine domain, preserve your strength, and try to avoid a head-on fight with the three ferocious beasts.

The other indigenous gods who arrived did not know what was going on. While marveling at the power of the ferocious beast, they secretly cursed the Green River God for being such a waste.

Obviously with the help of the God Realm, they have performed so poorly in their own home court. They have lost one after another and continuously shrunk the God Realm. Green River River God is simply a shame for the gods.

Of course, seeing that the Green River God could no longer resist, they did not dare to delay, and immediately took action, trying to suppress the three ancient ferocious beasts. Mi He Mi

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