Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2033: Mutation

Although not everyone in this resistance army has seen Taoist Gulu. Taoist Gulu only has direct contact with a few people on weekdays.

But as the founder of this resistance army, Taoist Gulu has a very high status in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone regards Gulu Taoist, who has always been against the indigenous gods, as an idol and worships him as a god.

Everyone was very excited to join the action organized by Taoist Guru Gulu himself.

These rebels who have been lurking in Rihua City for a long time have long felt depressed.

Now that they had a chance to vent, the long-buried hatred in their hearts immediately began to burst out.

Just in front of where they landed, there was a large temple.

These rebels quickly rushed to the front of the temple and began to attack with all their strength.

The Green River River God was not far behind the resistance army. He was extremely anxious as he watched his temple being attacked by the enemy.

Green River and the surrounding area are the foundation of the Green River River God.

His main temple, and most of his followers, are concentrated near the Green River.

If this rebel army is allowed to wreak havoc here, his losses will be immeasurable.

Even though the Green River River God also received strict orders from the Son of God, he still couldn’t help but take action against these daring rebels.

Poisonous Sun’s gaze stopped all the Green River God’s movements.

Although Poison Sun is only a descendant of God, he is not a god. However, his strength is superior to all the indigenous gods present, and he can easily suppress the Green River God.

The Green River River God knew very well that Poison Sun was highly valued by Shengyang True God, and that he was ruthless and ruthless, so he really didn’t dare to defy him head-on.

The order of God Son of Japan is very clear. As long as Taoist Gulu does not appear, they cannot be exposed, let alone take action.

Du Ri is often a bit stubborn. He only knows to carry out the orders of the Son of Rihua to the letter, and does not pay attention to other indigenous gods at all.

Seeing that the temple in front was quickly breached by the rebels, and a large group of rebels entered the temple, wreaking havoc and massacre inside, the Green River God was really worried.

The temple is a place where faith gathers. The believers in the temple are often the most devout believers, providing the purest and most abundant power of faith.

The scene that happened in front of him was like stabbing a knife into the heart of Green River God.

The Green River River God, who knew Poison Sun’s character, glanced around for help.

For all indigenous gods, temples are places that cannot be desecrated.

What the rebels did made them feel the same way, and they all felt the same hatred and hatred.

Even the indigenous gods, who usually had trouble dealing with the Green River God, stood by his side at this time.

As a result, the surrounding indigenous gods spoke one after another, asking Poison Sun to let everyone take action to stop this blasphemous act in front of them.

If such behavior is not stopped, it will shake the foundation of Shinto rule.

Although Du Ri is a bit rigid, he also knows that public anger is hard to offend.

Du Ri had no choice but to use his secret method to directly contact the Son of Rihua to inform him of what happened here.

After hearing Du Ri’s report, Rihua Shenzi also felt a little embarrassed.

If we take action now, it is very likely that Taoist Gulu will not appear at all and disappear completely.

It would not be appropriate to ignore the demands of these indigenous gods.

Xi Ru Xi Ru. After all, the real master of these indigenous gods is the Shengyang True God.

The Son of God Rihua was able to order them because of the order of the True God Shengyang.

In many cases, the Son of God of Japan also needs to win over and make friends with these indigenous gods.

In this game between Rihua Shenzi and Gulu Taoist, both sides know the general purpose of the other, and both sides have concerns about each other.

Taoist Gulu has less capital, so he can only use himself as bait to attract the power of God Son of Japan.

Rihua Shenzi couldn’t resist the temptation of Taoist Gulu, and took the initiative to join the game, even willing to pay a heavy price.

In the view of Rihua Shenzi, the loss of several temples in order to capture Gulu Taoist is not worth mentioning at all.

If he were not concerned about the thoughts of these indigenous gods, he would not take this seriously at all.

Green River River God is a guy with a relatively lively mind. He heard the conversation between Du Ri and Rihua Shenzi, and also guessed some of Rihua Shenzi’s thoughts.

He took the initiative to join the conversation and proposed a solution.

The Green River River God is not a mere commander. He has many capable subordinates, many of whom are powerful at the level of the primordial spirit.

Si minus * Si. However, due to the special situation of the Green River, a powerful beast was suppressed at the bottom of the river.

The most powerful men of the Green River River God are stationed in his divine domain on weekdays, cutting off all contact with the outside world and monitoring every move of the ferocious beasts at the bottom of the river wholeheartedly.

Without the order from the Green River God, these subordinates would never be able to leave the divine domain for even half a step.

This also leads to the fact that even though Green River is the foundation of the Green River River God, he does not have many available strong men around Green River.

Although there are many believers in the temples around Green River, there are not enough powerful people to take charge.

Therefore, facing the attack of this resistance army, these temples are unable to protect themselves, let alone repel the powerful enemy.

The Green River River God’s request is very simple, that is, let him return to his own divine domain.

He can let the group of powerful men who are stationed in God’s Domain leave God’s Domain to deal with the resistance army.

As for the Green River River God himself, he temporarily replaced his subordinates in the divine domain, monitoring the ferocious beasts suppressed at the bottom of the river.

Rihua Shenzi thought for a moment and agreed to Green River God’s request.

This request is not too much. He does not want to appear too impersonal in front of these indigenous gods.

As long as there is no strong person at the level of returning to the void, the Taoist Gulu who is hiding in secret will not be scared away.

With the overall strength of Poison Sun’s team, even if one Green River God is temporarily missing, it will not have much impact on the overall situation.

After receiving the permission from the Son of Rihua, the Green River God thanked him profusely and couldn’t wait to leave here, rushing back to his own divine domain as quickly as possible.

The divine domain of the Green River River God is located deep in the river bottom thousands of feet below the center of the Green River.

On weekdays, not only are no outsiders approaching this place at will, but due to the divine power of the divine domain, all creatures in the Green River will stay away from this place.

Looking from the outside, this divine domain is just a huge water ball, surrounded by silence.

Mi He Mi. Green River God knows the way and goes deep into the river bottom and directly enters the divine domain.

The divine realm is the foundation of a god, the place where he feels safest, and his last refuge.

Just like a fetus returning to its mother’s body, the Green River God returned to his own divine domain and felt waves of great relaxation, and his whole body and mind completely relaxed.

The originally anxious heart became calmer.

But just when he was most relaxed and at ease, a sudden change occurred.

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