Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2030: Check

If he were in other places and faced other enemies, Meng Zhang’s intelligence work might not be easy to carry out, and it would be difficult to find a starting point.

But in a place like Shenchang Realm, facing relatively special enemies such as indigenous gods and divine descendants, Meng Zhang figured out many key points without spending much effort.

Most of the indigenous gods in the Shenchang Realm require believers to provide the power of faith.

Therefore, there is no way that these indigenous gods are unknown.

Presumably, you have hidden your identity and no one knows who you are. How do you attract believers and expand your faith?

Therefore, in order to spread their faith, the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm will try their best to promote their divine power and make themselves famous.

Furthermore, the indigenous gods who own divine realms will stay in their own divine realms most of the time.

Even if you really have to leave God’s Domain, try not to leave for too long or too far away.

As for those divine descendants, almost all the divine descendants in Shenchang Realm have their goal of becoming gods.

Even some particularly powerful gods possess greater power than many indigenous gods. But their goal is still to become a god.

In the world of Shenchang, where Shinto dominates, there seems to be no other way out except becoming a **** and rising from a false **** to a true god.

The widely circulated reputation is a foundation for the **** to grow into a god.

Before becoming gods, the descendants of gods spread their own reputation, which is conducive to the rapid development of believers after becoming gods and absorbing a large number of power of faith.

When Meng Zhang came to Rihua City before, he did not investigate the information himself. He mainly respected Taoist Gulu and wanted to see Taoist Gulu’s ability and her channels in the Shenchang world.

Now that there are traitors in the resistance army cultivated by Taoist Gulu, Taoist Gulu’s previous investigation operation has failed.

Meng Zhang now took over the matter legitimately and began to act according to his own habits.

Meng Zhang first went to his original destination, which was near the residence of Niu Meng, the general who defended Rihua City.

After repeated confirmation, this place has not been exposed yet.

While Meng Zhang was staying here, he had already done some tricks on Niao Meng, but Niao Meng still knows nothing about it.

Now, Meng Zhang was distracted and unknowingly focused on Niao Meng.

When needed, Meng Zhang can use this distraction to secretly influence Niao Meng’s thoughts.

At critical moments, he can even take over Niao Meng’s body by force.

Speaking of which, this method of dividing spiritual thoughts, confusing and controlling people’s hearts is what the devil is best at.

Especially those who practice the inner demon path and the secret demon path have their own strengths in this area.

Among the Taoist cultivators, there are not many forces with similar methods.

The inheritance of Taiyi Sect has indeed an extraordinary origin, it can be said to be all-encompassing and covers a wide range of areas.

In addition to a few key directly transmitted techniques, they often dabble in some side methods in the world of cultivation.

The saint Xu Mengying of the Huanglian Sect majors in the Avenue of the Soul and is proficient in the Avenue of Illusion.

Meng Zhang had a close relationship with Xu Mengying in his early years and had close communication on cultivation.

Today, with Meng Zhang’s cultivation level, even if he has not deeply understood the Dao, he can still use it.

The huge gap in cultivation between Meng Zhang and Niao Meng allowed him to easily control Niao Meng’s mind and confuse his mind.

In his ignorance, Niao Meng became a chess piece and even a puppet under Meng Zhang’s control.

Although Niao Meng does not have access to the top secrets of Rihua City, he is still a prominent figure in the city and has many channels for information.

Much of the information Meng Zhang is currently investigating is public information and has not been deliberately kept confidential.

It didn’t take long for Niao Meng to help Meng Zhang get the information he wanted.

What Meng Zhang wants to know is the news about the well-known indigenous gods and descendants of gods in Rihua City and the entire country.

The God Son of Japan rules a vast country with a large population.

Even if he is the descendant of the True God Shengyang, he cannot monopolize the faith of the entire country.

The country ruled by the Son of God Rihua, as well as many nearby countries, has the most temples and the most believers, and that is undoubtedly the True God of the Sun.

Even in the entire Shenchang Realm, those who believe in the True God Shengyang and his believers are at the forefront.

The next step is to determine the number of temples and believers based on the strength and background of the indigenous gods.

Meng Zhang does not need to know about the indigenous gods and descendants of gods below the level of returning to the void stage.

Soon, he had a general understanding of the indigenous gods and descendants of the gods in the surrounding area.

Excluding some people who are at odds with the Son of Japan, we can roughly deduce the maximum strength that the Son of Japan can use.

Of course, if he wants to rule such a vast country, it is impossible for the Son of God to gather all his strength in Rihua City.

The divine realms of his indigenous gods are distributed inside and outside the country.

On weekdays, these indigenous gods take turns leaving the divine domain and going to Rihua City to serve the Son of Rihua.

The indigenous gods who sit in their own divine domains are also helping the Son of God of Japan to rule this huge country.

This time, after receiving the news from Taoist Gulu, the Son of God of Rihua forcibly ordered to recruit almost all the indigenous gods at the level of returning to the void under his command, and rushed to Rihua City as quickly as possible to obey the order.

As for those who have not yet become gods, look for the book www.zhaoshuyuan.comm They are still descendants of gods, and they still have the strength to return to the void level. There are not many such guys in the entire Shenchang world, and there are only two or three under the command of God Son of Rihua. people.

If you include Feng Jiu, the divine attendant of the Hunling Lord, in Rihua City at this moment, the Son of Rihua has nearly ten Void-Returning level combatants.

No wonder he was confident enough that even if his troops were divided into two groups, they would be able to capture Taoist Gulu and his companions.

The Son of God Nikka was still waiting patiently for the cultivators to ambush, but the indigenous gods under his command began to become unable to sit still.

For various reasons, they cannot leave their own divine domain for too long.

It is not all peaceful inside and outside the kingdom of God Son of Japan.

The indigenous gods who compete with the Son of Japan, the descendants of gods who are at odds with him, and even the most ferocious and destructive beasts…

There will be big problems if some important places lack indigenous gods for a long time.

Even the Son of God of Rihua cannot force all these indigenous gods to stay in Rihua City.

If Meng Zhang has enough time and patience, and he waits for a while, most of these indigenous gods will slowly disperse and return to their respective divine realms.

The enemy’s strength is greatly reduced, and the pressure Meng Zhang faces will be much lighter.

Unfortunately, Meng Zhang also did not want to stay in Shenchang Realm for too long and wanted to complete the mission and leave here as soon as possible.

The true trump cards of those indigenous gods will not be spread around, but their areas of expertise, their power attributes, their general personalities, etc., are widely circulated.

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