Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 203: Escape

Seeing the endless flock of ink crows, a poem came to Meng Zhang’s mind, “Black clouds are crushing the city.”

Such a large number of black crows are really capable of attacking a city. Even the destruction of foundation-building sects like Taiyi Sect and Qiaoshou Sect is easy.

It is not difficult to deal with a lone monster, even a second-level monster.

But if you have your own group and can breed the group to a certain number, then such monsters will be very scary.

If a monster wants to form a group, it must at least have a second-level monster as its leader.

If there are multiple second-order monsters in a monster group, the leader of the group, even if he is not a third-order monster, is at least a second-order high-grade monster, which is equivalent to the strength of a human in the late stage of foundation building.

What the monsters pursue is the most primitive and most brutal method of eating the weak and the strong. If the strength cannot conquer the whole group, it is impossible to become the leader.

This is different from human society. Human forces also have to follow family rules, inheritance from disciples, and blood ties. The leader of a sect or a family may not be the strongest.

If the leader of such a large community of black crows is not a third-level demon bird, he is probably not far behind.

The faces of the five foundation-building monks were serious, and they felt a mountain of pressure in their hearts.

Gu Tanghai was the most experienced and was the first to make the correct response. He shouted, “Go at full speed, follow me.”

The flying boat that Gu Tanghai was riding on originally flew at the front and was responsible for clearing the way for the team.

After roaring out this sound, the flying boat Gu Tanghai was riding in immediately accelerated, heading towards the opposite direction from where the ink crows were flying as fast as possible.

Gu Tanghai also jumped on top of the flying boat and used all his strength to prevent the three-headed black crow from attacking the flying boat.

The other flying boats also accelerated to catch up, and the other four foundation-building monks followed suit. They all jumped onto the top of the flying boat and began to drive away the three-headed black crow.

The second-level flying boat accelerated with all its strength, and the spirit stones were consumed rapidly. The speed of the flying boat became faster and faster, and soon reached its limit.

Every moment, a large amount of spiritual stones are consumed. But at this time, no one cared about this.

Everyone on the flying boat secretly prayed, faster, faster…

The five foundation-building monks attacked with all their strength, leaving the three-headed ink crow with no chance to take advantage. Every attack failed.

The ink crow community in the distance is dominated by first-order ink crows, and their flying speed is obviously not as fast as the second-order airship escaping at full speed.

As the flying boat fled forward, the distance between it and the ink crows was getting farther and farther.

Even if there are second-level ink crows in the group of ink crows who come forward and want to break away from the group and pursue them, they are still unable to do so.

The three ink crows that were the first to attack were already the fastest flying among the ink crows.

Now we have to fight against five foundation-building monks while trying to keep up with the speed of the flying boat.

After a long distance, the three-headed black crow finally began to be unable to hold on, so he had to slowly slow down and stop the pursuit.

Although they had escaped far away, no one dared to be careless and still let the flying boat move forward at full speed.

It wasn’t until the ink crow colony behind them could no longer see their shadows that the flying boat continued to move forward for a long time before it began to slow down.

Everyone on the flying boat breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone felt like they had escaped from a disaster.

After the flying boat slowed down, five foundation-building monks gathered on Gu Tanghai’s flying boat.

At this time, the five of them could no longer hold their nerves, and they did not behave in the same aloof, calm and indifferent manner in front of the disciples at all.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief. Jin Qigu patted her chest with lingering fear and said: “Fortunately, there are no third-order monsters in the Mo Crow group, otherwise we would be in trouble this time.”

Ruan Dadao continued: “Fortunately, Brother Gu has rich experience and made prompt decisions, so we were able to escape in time.”

The five people discussed it and decided to be extra careful during the next journey and never be careless.

Due to avoiding the ink crows, the flying boat team has deviated from its original course.

After careful testing, the flying boat team adjusted its course, returned to the correct route, and continued towards the Jiuqu League.

After this thrilling incident, Jin Qiaoer was grounded by Jin Qigu. She was no longer allowed to run around and could only stay on her own flying boat.

This made Jin Qiaoer keep pouting her mouth and looking unhappy.

After Meng Zhang gave the order, Zhui Dian took the initiative to fly to Qiaoshoumen’s flying boat and played with her for a while before she became happy again.

With such a near-miss, it seemed that all the bad luck had passed, and the rest of the journey became much smoother.

The time lost due to deviation from the route was slowly made up during the rest of the journey.

Ten days later, the flying boat team finally sailed out of Yaofeng Gobi and entered another large desert.

After spending half a day, the flying boat team crossed the desert and entered an endless prairie.

Both Gu Tanghai and Ruan Dadao have been to Jiuqu League before, and Gu Tanghai also had a life experience here.

The Jiuqu Alliance is composed of many cultivation forces, with a large number of families and many sects.

The world of cultivation here in the Jiuqu League is far more prosperous and developed than that in the Endless Sand Sea. Find Shuyuan

In the realm of Jiuqu League, there are countless foundation-building sects and families. Only Jindan forces can have a certain status. The person who dominates the entire alliance is the existence at the level of the True Lord of Yuanshen.

The two cultivation forces directly bordering the Endless Sand Sea are the Huoyun Sect of the Jindan Sect. The other one is a branch of Huanglian Sect.

Both these two forces invaded the Endless Sand Sea on a large scale hundreds of years ago when the Purple Gold Sect was weakened due to the great changes in the Endless Sand Sea.

But later, after the Feihong Sect rose up and became the ruler of the Endless Sand Sea, they expelled these two forces from the Endless Sand Sea.

The hatred between the Huoyun Sect and the Feihong Sect is as deep as the sea, and they have not been able to let go of their hatred for hundreds of years.

Until now, the Huoyun Sect and the Feihong Sect are still opposed to each other and hostile to each other. Bloody clashes often occur on the border between the two sides.

All monks who come from the Endless Sand Sea are regarded by the Fire Cloud Sect as associates of the Feihong Sect. As soon as you enter the territory of the Fire Cloud Sect, you will be attacked by the monks of the Fire Cloud Sect.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this approach of the Fire Cloud Sect. The Feihong Sect is the ruler of the Endless Sand Sea. The cultivators who come out of the Endless Sand Sea are either disciples of the Feihong Sect or vassals of the Feihong Sect.

The Discipline Altar of the Huanglian Sect is also very repellent to the cultivators coming out of the endless sand sea and creates various difficulties.

Over the years, cultivators who have emerged from the endless sand sea have learned experience. They would avoid the territories of these two factions, take a long detour, and go directly to Gale City.

Thanks to Gu Tanghai, an old horse who knows the way, the Feizhou team successfully avoided the territories of the Huoyun Sect and Huanglian Sect, made a large circle, and successfully entered the territory of Gale City.

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