Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2028: Returning carbine

The contact information between Taoist Guru Gulu and this resistance army is very confidential, and she only lets a handful of senior officials she trusts know about it.

Always cautious, she not only failed to reveal her true purpose, but also did not reveal her whereabouts during her several contacts with high-level resistance officials.

Every time, she took the initiative to contact the senior leaders of the resistance army, but the other party had no way to contact her, let alone know her whereabouts.

If she hadn’t asked the rebels to provide information about the palace, allowing the traitors to guess her movements, Rika Shenzi and the others would never have had the chance to ambush her.

Taoist Gulu really wanted to go back and deal with the traitors, but her many years of experience in the Shenchang world made her extremely cautious.

The enemy probably guessed that she was targeting the traitor.

If the enemy strengthens the protection of the traitor, or simply sets up an ambush around the traitor, if she fights back now, it will only make her passive, and there may be a risk of being surrounded and killed.

If you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

Taoist Gulu knew that the most correct choice for her now was to leave here with Meng Zhang, and escape as far away as possible.

Anyway, given the size of Shenchang Realm, as long as they stay away from Rihua City, it will be difficult for the enemy to find them.

The top priority now is to get away from Rihua City as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Taoist Gu Lu was about to speak when Meng Zhang seemed to have read through her thoughts and spoke first.

Meng Zhang’s meaning is very simple. They should not rush to escape from here, but should kill someone to turn around.

The enemy should not have thought that they would be so bold. After their whereabouts were exposed, they would not rush to escape, but would dare to fight back.

Taoist Gulu shook his head after hearing Meng Zhang’s words.

Although Taoist Gulu doesn’t know Meng Zhang’s true age, he also knows that Meng Zhang is not too old.

At the very least, among the great masters of returning to void, Meng Zhang definitely cannot be called a senior expert.

Taoist Guru Gulu is also a young and successful person. He was a famous spiritual genius in his youth.

Although she is not from the Holy Land Sect, as a blood descendant of Lord Gu Chen, her cultivation conditions are much better than those of ordinary disciples of the Holy Land Sect.

She cultivated smoothly all the way to the stage of returning to the void, but because of her carelessness, she was plotted by the Holy Land Sect and was killed.

Faced with the huge pressure from the Holy Land sect, her elder, Gu Chen Shangzun, who had always cultivated her, was unable to do anything.

If Banxue Jianjun hadn’t been generous and given her a way out, she might have perished long ago.

After staying in the Shenchang world for so many years, experiencing countless things, and many near-death experiences, she has become extremely mature and abandoned all the shortcomings of the past.

In her opinion, Meng Zhang should have guessed that he was betrayed by the rebels, and he couldn’t accept it emotionally, so he had to fight back.

With the long lifespan of the Void Returning Power, it is the most unwise behavior to engage in a dispute between spirits.

Even if you want to take revenge on the traitor, you can wait until the news has passed and then slowly plan.

Anyway, with a life span of nearly 10,000 years, there is enough time to wait for the opportunity to come.

Furthermore, even if the enemy pays attention to those traitors, it is impossible to have enough power to protect them all the time.

After all, Meng Zhang’s level of cultivation was higher than that of Taoist Gulu. Taoist Gulu thought about it for a while before persuading Meng Zhang in a very tactful tone and explained his thoughts.

Taoist Gulu’s words of persuasion could not persuade Meng Zhang at all.

Although Taoist Gulu didn’t know Meng Zhang’s true purpose of entering the Junchen Realm, he knew that Meng Zhang had some things to ask the gods or descendants from the Junchen Realm.

Taoist Gulu continued to persuade, in addition to the Moon Worship Goddess, there should be other suitable targets in the Shenchang Realm.

She has not stayed in Shenchang Realm for so many years. In addition to the resistance army in Rihua City, she has other sources of intelligence.

After leaving here, she can slowly help Meng Zhang find other targets.

Logically speaking, what Master Gulu said is correct and his approach is correct.

But many things in the world of cultivation do not need to pay attention to these conventional principles.

Meng Zhang insisted on fighting back, which was indeed aggrieved.

Since the enemy dares to ambush him, he will have to pay a sufficient price.

It was not Meng Zhang who was betrayed by the rebel traitors, but since Meng Zhang was involved in this matter, these traitors would not be spared lightly.

Secondly, Meng Zhang’s spiritual warning allowed him to detect the ambush in advance and evacuate in time.

This time he almost encountered a crisis, but crises often contain opportunities.

Meng Zhang’s spiritual sense made him vaguely feel that he should gain unexpectedly huge gains from the Moon Worshiping Goddess.

Meng Zhang did not explain to Taoist Gulu in detail, nor would he reveal that he was a Tianji master with a very keen spiritual sense.

He just told Taoist Gulu that he had chosen to retreat because the enemy situation was unknown before.

Next, he will find out the specific situation of the enemy as soon as possible and choose the most beneficial countermeasures.

Taoist Gulu looked at Meng Zhang’s face full of confidence and knew that he could not convince him.

Taoist Gulu wanted to abandon Meng Zhang and leave here immediately, letting Meng Zhang hit the wall and be in danger on his own.

But she also has great concerns.

First of all, without the help of Meng Zhang, a powerful person in the middle stage of returning to the void, her impossible task would really be impossible to complete.

Secondly, Lord Gu Chen told Meng Zhang about the situation of Taoist Gulu and asked Meng Zhang to contact him. It was clear that he trusted Meng Zhang very much and regarded Meng Zhang as one of his own.

If Taoist Gulu just watched Meng Zhang take the risk and did nothing himself, it would be difficult to explain to the Master Gu Chen when he saw him in the future.

Seeing that Meng Zhang insisted on returning to Rihua City, Taoist Gulu had no choice but to follow him.

In fact, cultivators have various methods and have a great advantage over the natives of Shenchang Realm.

As long as you are not facing an enemy with a higher level than yourself, or falling into an ambush and siege by the enemy, you will generally not fall so easily.

If Taoist Gulu and Meng Zhang cover each other, they will still have a high chance of escaping even if they are besieged.

Taoist Gulu believes that if Meng Zhang can cultivate to this level, he will not be stupid enough to die in vain.

Seeing that Taoist Gulu had no objection, Meng Zhang led her towards Rihua City.

Meng Zhang and Taoist Gulu were not far from Rihua City, and soon arrived outside Rihua City.

I don’t know if it was affected by the previous incident, but in just a short period of time, the alertness of Rihua City increased a lot.

Soldiers were mobilized in groups and stood ready up and down the city.

Over the huge city, there are indigenous gods and gods flying back and forth.


No matter how the defense of Rihua City is improved, it is of no avail to Meng Zhang and Gulu Taoist.

They easily sneaked into the city again and hid safely.

As for the Son of Rihua, after Meng Zhang and the two left, they began to use various means to search the entire Rihua City, trying to find out the whereabouts of Meng and Zhang.

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