Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2020: Goals

After listening to Taoist Gulu’s experience, Meng Zhang felt a little emotional.

As a powerful person who can return to the void, Gu Ludao can definitely be regarded as a prominent figure in the Junchen world.

But because he offended the Holy Land sect, he had to leave his hometown and go to Shenchang Realm to perform an extremely difficult and dangerous mission.

It is really not easy for Taoist Gulu to persevere in such a dangerous environment over the years.

In fact, since the meeting, Master Gulu left a very good impression on Meng Zhang.

Taoist Gu Lu has a heroic appearance and an indescribable martial aura about her. She is not like an ordinary female cultivator at all.

Although she was only in the early stage of returning to the void, she was still able to be neither humble nor arrogant in front of Meng Zhang, and her aura was not weak at all.

Judging from her mental condition, she has suffered a lot over the years, but it has not shaken her resolve and made her depressed.

Although with the help of Master Gu Chen, Taoist Gu Lu’s ability to be able to complete most of the extremely difficult and almost impossible tasks should not be underestimated.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment, and then he first told Taoist Gulu that he would try his best to help Taoist Gulu complete the remaining tasks.

Although Meng Zhang’s cultivation is not as good as that of Gu Chen, it is still a good choice when Gu Chen has no time to clone himself.

At the very least, Meng Zhang’s cultivation level is far above that of Taoist Gu Lu.

Hearing Meng Zhang’s promise, Master Gulu couldn’t help but show a hint of joy on his face.

For many years, she has been burdened by her mission and has been trapped in the extremely dangerous Shenchang Realm, unable to return home.

Now that the person who was helping finally came to Shenchang Realm and made a promise, even she, who had always been calm, felt a little excited.

Then, Meng Zhang selectively told Taoist Gulu about his purpose of entering the Shenchang Realm this time.

Of course Meng Zhang would not mention True Immortal Xianyun, nor would he mention exploring the deep secrets of Junchen Realm.

He just told Taoist Gulu that he needed to find the indigenous gods who had escaped from the Junchen Realm to the Shenchang Realm. It was best to be someone who had lived long enough, was well-informed, and knew many ancient secrets.

He has several questions that he needs to ask the other party carefully.

Of course, the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm, as bereaved dogs who were driven away from their hometown by cultivators, must be extremely hostile to cultivators and would not answer Meng Zhang’s questions obediently.

This requires Meng Zhang to capture the other party and use various means to interrogate him.

Although Meng Zhang has some understanding of the situation in Shenchang Realm through various materials, when it comes to specific details, he is far inferior to Taoist Gulu who has been wandering in Shenchang Realm for thousands of years.

In these years, Taoist Gulu has been hiding in Tibet and has visited most places in Shenchang Realm.

Investigating the internal situation of Shenchang Realm was originally one of her important tasks.

In fact, in order to better hide and survive in the Shenchang Realm, Taoist Gulu has put in a lot of effort.

Her understanding of the Shenchang Realm is deeper than that of most of the natives of the Shenchang Realm.

She has learned many secrets about the Shenchang world through intentional and unintentional spying over the years.

If we can successfully return to the Junchen Realm, Taoist Gulu can definitely provide a lot of valuable information, which will greatly fill the gaps in the Tiangong Library.

Meng Zhang has promised to help her complete the task, so she should repay him.

Taoist Guru Gulu began to slowly describe some of the situations he knew.

As the saying goes, people are inferior when they leave their hometown, and gods will inevitably face many problems when they leave the world of their origin.

As a great master of returning to the void, Meng Zhang has felt the various constraints imposed on him by the Junchen Realm, which has caused him a lot of inconvenience.

If he wants to completely get rid of this shackles, he needs to at least advance to the level of true immortal.

The constraints and restrictions placed on indigenous gods in the Junchen Realm are far greater than those imposed on native cultivators.

Even gods at the level of true gods cannot completely escape the constraints and restrictions of the Junchen Realm.

Those indigenous gods who fled the Junchen Realm back then were basically a bunch of false gods.

After they escaped from the Junchen Realm, they lost the nourishment of the power of heaven and earth and began to slowly become weak.

Although they came to Shenchang Realm, which is similar to Junchen Realm, most of them were unable to adapt to the environment of Shenchang Realm and completely integrate into Shenchang Realm.

As foreign gods, they are out-and-out invaders to the Shenchang Realm and will be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth.

Only by integrating into the Shenchang Realm and transforming into gods of the Shenchang Realm can they be accepted by the Shenchang Realm.

The indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm initially actively supported the indigenous gods of the Junchen Realm and united with them to fight the cultivators out of a sense of despair.

After the indigenous gods of the Junchen Realm fled to the Shenchang Realm, they may have initially received some protection from the indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm based on their friendship from the joint battle.

As time passed, the situation gradually changed.

In the world of gods, the law of the jungle is the norm. There has never been such a thing as a kind-hearted god. Gods are all benefit-oriented animals.

Different gods can gain more power by devouring each other.

The gods of Junchen Realm, who fled to Shenchang Realm and have begun to weaken, are becoming less and less valuable in fighting cultivators.

A weakened **** is still a god, and is still of great value to other gods.

As a result, the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm who fled to Shenchang Realm began to disappear mysteriously, and gradually lost all news.

Today, thousands of years later, there is almost no news about the gods from Junchen Realm in the entire Shenchang Realm.

Even many of the relatively junior indigenous gods and descendants of the gods in Shenchang Realm have almost never heard of the indigenous gods from Junchen Realm who have fled to Shenchang Realm.

There is no such information in the intelligence Meng Zhang has.

If he asked someone else for help today, he might not be able to get useful information.

Fortunately, Taoist Gulu has stayed in Shenchang Realm for thousands of years, and his days have not been wasted. He really provided Meng Zhang with a valuable goal.

Before the large-scale invasion of Junchen Realm by cultivators, although there were disputes and even conflicts between the indigenous gods of Junchen Realm and Shenchang Realm, many gods had frequent exchanges between the two worlds and established a deep relationship. relation.

After the cultivators invaded the Junchen Realm on a large scale, the indigenous gods of the two worlds formed an alliance with each other to help each other and fight against the cultivators together.

Among them, a goddess named Baiyue, who came from the most top family of gods in the Junchen world, married into the Shenchang world and married an indigenous **** named Rihua Shenzi.

The indigenous **** Nikka Shenzi is not only powerful in his own right, but also has an extraordinary background.

The Son of Rihua is one of the most powerful gods in the Shenchang Realm – the descendant of the True God Shengyang.

When the Moon Worshiping Goddess married the Son of God Rihua, she represented the alliance between Junchen Realm and Shenchang Realm and showed Junchen Realm’s sincerity to the alliance.

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