Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2019: Guru Taoist

Shangzun Guchen and Taoist Gulu have maintained regular contact.

Sir Gu Chen was seriously injured after the last battle with the monks of the Holy Land Sect. After the war, he had to work hard to rescue the members of the Immortal Society, gather the remaining strength as much as possible, and try to revive the Immortal Society.

Shangzun Guchen has no time to clone himself and cannot go directly to Shenchang Realm.

Even if he knew that there was not much time left for Taoist Gulu to complete the task, it would be difficult to provide direct help in a short period of time.

As for the Taoist from the ancient capital, as the deputy general manager of Tiangong, he has a heavy responsibility and cannot escape easily.

Taoist Gudu told Meng Zhang about Taoist Gulu’s situation, which was considered a helpless method.

If Meng Zhang did not sneak into Shenchang Realm, or did not contact Taoist Gu Lu after infiltrating into Shenchang Realm, Taoist Gudu had no other option.

When Meng Zhang faced the tremendous pressure brought by the sects of the major holy lands, he knew that he needed to unite everyone who could be united and win over every force.

While he sneaks into Junchen Realm to complete the tasks assigned by True Immortal Xianyun, he will also provide help to Taoist Gulu as much as possible.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the indigenous forces in Shenchang Realm, Taoist Gulu hid very secretly.

Even if Meng Zhang had a way to contact Taoist Gulu, it would still take some time to contact her.

Meng Zhang has a good understanding of the geographical information of Shenchang Realm.

After he entered the Shenchang Realm, he ran directly towards his goal.

Along the way, Meng Zhang tried hard to hide his whereabouts and not have any contact with the natives of Shenchang Realm.

On the second day after entering Shenchang Realm, Meng Zhang arrived at his destination.

That is a large desert in the south of Shenchang Realm.

There are also many conflicts and disputes among the indigenous forces in Shenchang Realm.

The indigenous gods once led their followers to fight each other and fight to the death.

It was not until Junchen Realm was conquered by cultivators that the indigenous gods of Shenchang Realm began to stop fighting among themselves.

After feeling the huge threat posed by the cultivators, the originally hostile indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm had no choice but to join forces to fight against the enemy and unite with the outside world.

In the history of Shenchang Realm, there have been many large-scale internal wars.

The vast desert where Meng Zhang is currently located was once a battlefield where a group of indigenous gods fought.

The indigenous gods who were born and raised are closer to this world. Some powerful indigenous gods are better at mobilizing the power of heaven and earth than most cultivators.

Due to the excessive use of the power of heaven and earth during the war, the vitality of tens of thousands of miles around was exhausted and the vitality disappeared, so that such a vast desert appeared.

In such a vast desert, there is basically no place for the natives of Shenchang Realm to survive.

During the great war that year, all warring parties suffered heavy casualties, and a terrifying ferocity still remains on the battlefield.

Except for the occasional few brave foreign natives who come to hunt for treasures, there are basically no other outsiders here.

This vast desert is one of Gulu Taoist’s hiding places, but she may not necessarily hide here.

Meng Zhang landed in the desert according to the information provided by the Taoist from the ancient capital.

Coming to a large Gobi desert that looked the same as anywhere else, Meng Zhang began to sneak underground.

More than a thousand feet underground, Meng Zhang found a small cave.

Inside the cave, there are two seemingly ordinary stone tablets.

Meng Zhang walked to a larger stone tablet and carved on it for a long time using a special technique.

Then, Meng Zhang took the smaller stone tablet and left here, wandering around the desert.

Meng Zhang was lucky and did not wander outside for too long. Three days later, the stone tablet he took away began to feel faintly hot.

Meng Zhang took this stone tablet and entered the desert again.

After entering the desert, a map appeared on this stone tablet.

Meng Zhang followed the map’s guidance and soon arrived at the edge of the desert.

He used the earth escape technique to sneak into the ground until he reached a depth of more than two thousand feet before entering an underground cave.

This cave is not big, only about ten feet in diameter.

In the middle of the cave, a Kun Dao wearing a Taoist robe, with an exquisite face and a tall figure, is standing proudly.

According to the description of the ancient capital Taoist, this Kun Dao should be the Gulu Taoist.

Meng Zhang walked up to Taoist Gulu and not only showed his token, but also exchanged the agreed code with her, and the two parties gained initial trust.

There is no reason for Gulu Taoist priests not to be cautious.

She has been hiding in Shenchang Realm over the past few years and has suffered a lot. Not only must we deal with the external enemies in the Shenchang Realm, but we must also guard against the persecution of the internal enemies in the Junchen Realm.

The situation of the monks who committed serious crimes such as Gulu Taoist and were sent outside to atone for their sins are all top secrets of the Heavenly Palace.

Taoist Gu Lu is also a great master of returning to the void, and he is still very valuable to the Junchen world. He cannot be abandoned casually.

However, as soon as Gulu Taoist entered the Shenchang Realm, he was besieged by the indigenous forces and was later hunted for a long time. This shows that not only has the information about her mission been leaked, but most of her body has also been tampered with.

As for where the person who secretly framed Taoist Gulu came from, everyone knows the answer.

Taoist Gulu spent a lot of effort and used various means to ensure that his whereabouts were kept secret.

Even if Lord Gu Chen comes in person, he will have to go through such a complicated procedure before he can join up with Taoist Gu Lu.

These seemingly complicated methods are not only used to protect Taoist Gulu, but also to protect Master Gu Chen and the monks he sent.

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Meng Zhang did not feel impatient and completed all the procedures before meeting up with Taoist Gulu.

After establishing initial mutual trust, Meng Zhang briefly introduced himself.

Gulu Taoist left Junchen Realm more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, although Meng Zhang had already gained some fame, it was mainly limited to the north of Junchen Realm.

In other places in Junchen Realm, he is basically an unknown person.

Taoist Gulu has never heard of Meng Zhang’s name, but he does know something about the Taiyi Sect in its heyday.

Taoist Gulu appears as a casual cultivator in the Junchen world, but secretly he is an important member of the Immortal Society.

The Immortal Society is an organization that secretly opposes the sects of the major holy lands.

In its heyday, the Taiyi Sect was destroyed by Guantian Pavilion. As a member of the Immortal Society, Taoist Gulu certainly had some understanding of it.

Meng Zhang introduced himself as the head of Taiyi Sect, so he was naturally the enemy of Guantian Pavilion.

Meng Zhang took out the token and matched the secret code. He should be considered an ally.

After Meng Zhang introduced himself, Taoist Gulu also told Meng Zhang roughly his experiences in Shenchang Realm over the years.

Among them, Master Gulu focused on the completion of his mission.

With the help of Lord Gu Chen, she has completed most of her mission.

But the remaining part is also the most difficult part.

It is almost impossible for her to accomplish it alone.

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