Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2: The leader’s diary

As soon as Taoist Master Zhenling left the hall, the fake smile on his face immediately disappeared.

“Those who don’t know how to praise are so careless about life and death. Don’t blame me for ignoring the feelings of the same family.”

At this time, a young Taoist priest rushed over from a distance.

“Master, the Zhang brothers have been contacted…”

“Shut up, you idiot.” Taoist Master Zhenling cursed fiercely.

The little Taoist priest who was frightened by Taoist Zhenling did not dare to speak. He could only carefully follow Taoist Zhenling towards his residence.

After entering his room, carefully closing the door, and carefully looking around, Taoist Master Zhenling scolded the young Taoist priest, his disciple Li Jie: “You idiot. , I don’t have any brains, how can I talk about that kind of thing outside?”

After scolding, Taoist Master Zhenling got down to business.

“Now, tell me how you contacted the Zhang brothers, bit by bit, without hiding anything.”

While Taoist Master Zhenling and his disciple Li Jie were secretly plotting something big, there was another chaos in the Taiyi Sect.

As the top disciple of Taiyi Sect, Fang Meng also has a resolute and resolute character. After breaking up with Meng Zhang on bad terms, he simply cleaned up and left the Taiyi Sect with a few junior brothers.

Although Fang Meng has a bad temper, he is a senior brother after all and still has a certain prestige in the sect. Moreover, he is a universal person, acts boldly, and is very loyal, so he has many supporters in his sect.

Before leaving, Fang Meng and several junior brothers stole a lot of property from Taiyi Sect.

Knowing that Meng Zhang controlled Taiyi Sect’s protective formation, Fang Meng did not dare to be too presumptuous. After stealing a lot of property in a hurry, he quickly left Taiyi Gate without daring to stay any longer.

Shortly after Fang Meng left with his men, two more hurried visitors were welcomed into the main hall where Meng Zhang was.

Taoist Priest Qingling, another junior fellow apprentice of Taoist Priest Xuanling. He practices “Changchun Jue” and has the fifth level of Qi refining, and is the best spiritual farmer in the Taiyi Sect. He is mainly responsible for taking care of Taiyimen’s most important property – nineteen acres of spiritual land.

Taoist Priest Qingling has an indifferent temperament and rarely participates in other affairs in the Taiyi Sect. All his energy, and even his entire life, was placed on the spiritual field.

Taoist Priest Qingling is a real old scalper and the real pillar of Taiyi Sect. Taiyi Sect has no other industries, and its most important source of income is the Lingtian carefully maintained by Taoist Priest Qingling.

The annual offerings to Shuangfenggu and the cultivation resources of the disciples all depend on the dedication of Taoist Master Qingling.

For Taoist Priest Qingling, who is diligent and dedicated to the public good, Meng Zhang, as the head of the Taiyi Sect, is full of respect in his heart.

“Uncle Qingling, you don’t have to worry. As long as I am here, Taiyi Sect will not collapse. Senior Brother Fang Meng does not want to be subordinate to others and wants to take people away. That is his freedom.”

Meng Zhang gently comforted Taoist Priest Qingling.

After hearing the news that Fang Meng had led people to leave Taiyi Sect, Qing Ling, a good old man who didn’t care about foreign affairs, couldn’t sit still. He ran to the main hall and asked Meng Zhang for countermeasures.

The other visitor in the main hall was a young man in his twenties dressed as a scholar.

This man’s name is Tian Zhen, and he is Meng Zhang’s senior brother.

Unlike senior brother Fang Meng, although Tian Zhen is a senior brother, he is most sincerely convinced by Meng Zhang and is Meng Zhang’s die-hard supporter in Taiyi Sect.

In Tian Zhen’s heart, Meng Zhang is the perfect candidate to succeed the head of Taiyi Sect, and he is also the only person who can possibly revive Taiyi Sect. He unconditionally supported all of Meng Zhang’s decisions.

Therefore, he originally got the news that Fang Meng was taking people away and ran to Meng Zhang to ask for advice. He immediately helped Meng Zhang and began to comfort Taoist Priest Qingling.

“Uncle Qingling, you don’t have to worry. Everyone has his own ambitions. If senior brother wants to leave, no one can stop him. Now that junior brother Meng has inherited the position of head, Taiyi Sect will definitely flourish in the hands of junior brother Meng. ”

Although Taoist Priest Qingling is not a fan of Meng Zhang like Tian Zhen, but with his good-natured character, he will not refute his fellow disciples face to face, even if this fellow disciple is still his junior.

Although he was worried, after being comforted by Meng Zhang, he took the initiative to leave the hall and kept nagging: “Now is the time when people can’t live without people in the spiritual field. I’d better go and take care of the spiritual field.” Tianba. I believe that the leader can handle all the affairs in the sect.”

After Taoist Master Qing Ling left, Tian Zhencai reported to Meng Zhanghui: “Master, what Fang Meng and the others took away were just some floating wealth. The really important materials in the sect are all placed in the sect’s warehouse. ”

“I will personally guard the sect’s treasury. Without your order, no one can even get close.”

Meng Zhang still attaches great importance to his loyal fans. He told Tian Zhen a few words before sending him away.

Since Meng Zhang became the head of Taiyi Sect, he has handed over all the general affairs of the sect to Tian Zhen.

Meng Zhang, who was sitting in the main hall, calculated that after Fang Meng took the people away, there were really not many people left in the Taiyi Sect.

Taoist Master Qing Ling and his two disciples, plus Tian Zhen and himself, were only five people. Even if we add Taoist Zhenling and his disciple Li Jie, find Shuyuan www. There are only seven people, and they can’t even get together two tables of mahjong.

As long as there are fewer people, it will be easier to manage, Meng Zhang thought in his mind.

After a while, Meng Zhang took out a thin booklet from his arms.

The cover of this book is jet black, with five small golden characters engraved on it.

This thin book is actually a magical weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation of Taiyi Sect heads.

Before being recruited by Huangsha City, Taoist Master Xuanling, the old head of Taiyi Sect, gave this book to Meng Zhang for safekeeping.

Now that Meng Zhang has become the new head of Taiyi Sect, he has naturally inherited this book that can only be kept by the head.

As a close disciple of the old master, Meng Zhang had seen the old master use this book more than once.

The old master has long regarded Meng Zhang as the next master of Taiyi Sect, so he never avoids him when using this book.

Although he has never read the contents, Meng Zhang still understands how to use the book.

Meng Zhang opened the cover of the book, revealing a blank page. He injected his own energy, and lines of writing immediately appeared on the page.

After a while, Meng Zhang figured out what this book was about.

The use of this book is somewhat similar to the electronic paper book in Meng Zhang’s previous life. You only need to enter the zhenqi to query the content inside. At the same time, you can also use zhenqi to write on it.

The successive heads of the Taiyi Sect used this book as a diary, recording their experiences and knowledge in it.

The pages may appear to be thin, but the content inside is overwhelming, with more than a million words of eloquence.

Night had fallen, and there was nothing else to do today, so Meng Zhang began to slowly read the contents.

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