Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1987: Yin and Yang disorder

The continuous influx of ghosts, gods and ghosts has left the Void Returning Masters in a state of embarrassment, and even resulted in casualties.

We can’t blame the Purple Sun Saint Sect’s void-returning experts for not trying their best. The ghost realm is really too powerful for them.

Most of the great masters of Void Return cherish their lives, and would not think of risking their lives unless absolutely necessary.

Since there was nothing they could do about the ghost realm, the monks of the Purple Sun Sect had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

After receiving the detailed information provided by the monks of Ziyang Shengzong, the senior officials of the major holy land sects felt that the matter was very difficult.

This ghost realm is so powerful and weird that it gives everyone an ominous premonition.

Continuing to send monks into the ghost realm before there is a countermeasure is just a waste of time.

For a while, no one had any good solution.

Meng Zhang did not enter the ghost realm rashly, but observed carefully from a distance.

Looking at the figure flying towards him, his face turned cold.

This person is none other than Han Yao, the minister of Dali Temple in the Dali Dynasty who has not been seen for a long time.

Han Yao was in a very bad situation at this time. His aura was fluctuating, several eye-catching wounds penetrated his chest and abdomen, and his whole body was covered in blood.

Han Yao flew in front of Meng Zhang and fell to the ground as if he had exhausted his last strength.

Meng Zhang did not rush to save him, but stabbed him coldly.

Han Yao is a very upright person and has always been at odds with the devil.

Now the Dali Dynasty is using magic means to openly sacrifice countless lives. I don’t know what role he played in it.

Han Yao took a breath on the ground, and when he heard Meng Zhang’s question, he struggled to answer.

The senior officials, including Han Yao, had no prior knowledge of the changes in the Dali Dynasty.

He just knew that some time ago, a group of mysterious strong men secretly stationed themselves in Shangjing City.

These strong men have a ghostly aura about them, and they don’t look like living people.

Even though Han Yao was a Yangshen-level master, he felt like he didn’t dare to face these powerful men head-on.

After the return team sent by the Purple Sun Sect arrived in Shangjing City, the Dali Dynasty used all its cards, including this group of mysterious strong men, to resist the monks of the Purple Sun Sect with all their strength.

After a great battle, seeing that his side could no longer resist, Emperor Bawu and several mysterious people launched their last resort.

They must have made all kinds of preparations in advance, and they have concealed this from most of the top officials of the Dali Dynasty.

The sacrificial ceremony of Emperor Bawu and others was successfully launched, turning Shangjing City into a ghostland.

Of course, although Emperor Bawu and the others had blood sacrificed most of the living beings in Shangjing City, they still had reservations.

Important figures such as members of the royal family, ministers of the DPRK and their families were not sacrificed with blood.

In addition, several armies carefully trained by the Dali Dynasty for many years were directly transformed into half-human and half-ghost existences.

In fact, it was a small number of high-level monks who truly maintained the Dali Dynasty.

After experiencing such a shocking change, Shangjing City can still maintain general stability and maintain a minimum order.

Many remaining imperial monks, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least remain loyal to the court on the surface.

Although Han Yao was loyal to the Dali Dynasty and was deeply favored by Emperor Bawu, Emperor Bawu’s actions still exceeded his bottom line.

After painful struggle, he finally decided to break with the Dali Dynasty.

He took advantage of the opportunity when the monks from the Purple Sun Sect had retreated shortly after the attack, and left the ghost realm alone.

Han Yao didn’t have any family disciples to begin with. The five punishment guards under him were basically all lost when they resisted the attack of the Ziyang Holy Sect. He no longer had any concerns in the Dali Dynasty. .

Even if Han Yao secretly escaped from this ghost land, he still spent a lot of effort to finally escape here.

Meng Zhang didn’t look at Han Yao as if he was lying, but he was still dubious about his words.

Meng Zhang then turned to Han Yao to help him stabilize his injuries.

Next, Meng Zhang asked Han Yao many questions, basically all about the ghost realm in front of him.

Han Yao tried his best to answer these questions from Meng Zhang.

After the formation of this ghost realm, it directly penetrated the underworld, and ghosts and gods from the underworld became the main guardians of the ghost realm.

The few remaining living people in the ghost realm were gathered into the palace.

There is some kind of restriction outside the palace that can temporarily prevent the aura of the ghost realm from invading.

When Han Yao left the palace and escaped from the ghost realm, although his time was short, he was severely eroded by the aura of the ghost realm and injured by the wandering ghosts.

It was only by luck that Yang Shen monks like him escaped from the ghost realm.


After listening to Han Yao’s introduction and his own careful observation, Meng Zhang gained a lot of knowledge about the ghost domain even though he had not personally entered the ghost domain.

Meng Zhang himself majored in Yin-Yang Avenue, and the scene in front of him clearly showed that Yin-Yang was out of order and the world was upside down.

The existence of this ghost realm is a serious violation of the rules of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm, and may even endanger the entire world.

Meng Zhang’s external incarnation is Tai Miao, who has lived in the underworld for a long time, and has the innate sensitivity of ghosts and gods.

After Meng Zhang communicated with Tai Miao, he gained a better understanding of the nature of this ghost realm.

The formation of this ghost realm in front of me appears to be a demonic method, but in fact it is more of a ghost method.

The ghost world has always been unpopular in the Junchen world and lacks corresponding accumulation.

Meng Zhang faintly discovered traces of some external forces from the ghost realm in front of him. Find Shuyuan

This ghost realm is not simple. If it exists for a long time, it will destroy the foundation of Junchen Realm.

What the Dali Dynasty did not only made them enemies of cultivators, but also made them public enemies of the Junchen world.

Tianji masters like Meng Zhang are very sensitive to the will of heaven.

He can now faintly sense that the will of heaven in Junchen Realm has been touched, and he is very hostile to the ghost realm in front of him.

Meng Zhang was a little confused in his heart, why the will of heaven in Junchen Realm has not yet sent down the punishment from heaven to blast this ghost realm to pieces.

Meng Zhang closed his eyes and sensed carefully that the will of heaven in Junchen Realm seemed to have become very slow and dull, as if he had Alzheimer’s disease.

Meng Zhang didn’t know why the Heavenly Dao consciousness in Junchen Realm was in such a situation, but he knew that this situation was very abnormal.

He couldn’t find the reason for the time being, so he could only ignore it for now.

As for how to deal with the relationship between him and the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang has already made a decision in his heart.

Since the actions of the Dali Dynasty have offended the will of heaven in the Junchen Realm and it has become a world, then Meng Zhang can never continue to stand with the Dali Dynasty.

From then on, Taiyimen and the Dali Dynasty were no longer allies.

Of course, Meng Zhang also suppressed the urge to do justice for heaven and would not take the initiative to provoke the Dali Dynasty.

In any case, the Dali Dynasty created this ghost realm, and the real headache should be for the major holy land sects.

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