Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1963: Warning

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It was with the protection of Banxue Jianjun that Meng Zhangcai escaped unknowingly.

Meng Zhang didn’t expect that such an incident would happen without his knowledge.

To directly accuse Meng Zhang of colluding with visitors from the Four-Pointed Star District and leaking the truth about the Junchen Realm, this is really a fatal crime.

No matter which cultivating force is the most hostile and the first to be eliminated, they are all traitors.

If Meng Zhang had not been accused of being a traitor by Lord Banxuejian as a guarantee, the monks from the Holy Land Sect could have justifiably surrounded and killed him without him even having a chance to tell the difference.

By then, the Junchen world will be so big that there may not even be a hiding place for Meng Zhang.

As for the proposal to let Meng Zhang join the mission, it is also full of malice.

The mission left Junchen Realm and entered the empty void. If the senior officials in the mission had murderous intentions, Meng Zhang would inevitably fall helplessly under siege.

The world of cultivation is really dangerous. The enemies of these Holy Land Sects have no bottom line in their actions.

As soon as the battle with the extraterritorial invaders ended, they began to engage in internal fighting to eliminate dissidents.

A huge anger arose in Meng Zhang’s heart.

He was very grateful to Banxuejianjun, who saved him again.

Although Ban Xue Jianjun did not clearly say who wanted to frame Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang already hated several sects in the Holy Land who had enmity with him.

Meng Zhang secretly made up his mind that this matter could never be let go, and he must take revenge on these guys severely.

This time Meng Zhang came to visit Banxue Jianjun, but Banxue Jianjun misunderstood him and thought that he knew about this and came here specifically to express his thanks.

Meng Zhang did not explain too much, put aside other thoughts for the time being, and solemnly thanked Ban Xue Jianjun.

Meng Zhang solemnly promised that he would never forget Ban Xue Jianjun’s kindness.

In the future, Ban Xue Jianjun will be of use to him. All he needs to do is say hello, and he will go through fire and water without hesitation.

Ban Xue Jianjun, as the general manager of Tiangong, seems to rarely leave Tiangong and is too lazy to interfere with various affairs in Junchen Realm.

In fact, she has great ideas on many things.

In these thousands of years, she has nurtured many monks, either explicitly or covertly, and supported them to become powerful masters of returning to the void.

On the plus side, Banxue Jianjun has a love for talents.

On the bad side, Banxue Jianjun tried to use this method to influence the situation in Junchen Realm and shake up the dominance of the major sects in the Holy Land.

Ever since he met Meng Zhang, Ban Xue Jianjun had a good impression of him.

As a sword cultivator, Banxue Sword Master is very clear-minded and very knowledgeable about people.

She is optimistic about Meng Zhang and thinks that Meng Zhang is a talent that can be made and may be of great help to her in the future.

In these years, Ban Xuejianjun has helped Meng Zhang several times.

Meng Zhang also performed well and made rapid progress in his cultivation, surprising Ban Xue Jianjun many times.

Ban Xuejianjun’s efforts were not in vain, Meng Zhang was willing to stand by her side and be driven by her.

Ban Xue Jianjun did not immediately make any request to Meng Zhang.

An important combat force like Meng Zhang needs to be used at critical moments.

Ban Xue Jianjun also specifically reminded Meng Zhang to be careful in the next period of time.

Originally, after defeating the coalition of extraterrestrial invaders, Ban Xue Jianjun proposed to continue the previously interrupted operations and completely complete the cleanup of Junchen Realm.

Hundreds of years ago, the clean-up operation organized by Ban Xuejianjun personally had already dealt heavy losses to the major alien races and demonic cultivators in Junchen Realm.

If it weren’t for the sudden large-scale attack by extraterrestrial invaders, maybe the cleanup operation would have been completed and Ban Xuejianjun would have achieved his goal.

This time, Ban Xuejianjun’s proposal was rejected by the major Holy Land sects.

Everyone agreed that they had been seriously damaged in previous battles with the foreign invaders and needed time to recover.

Next, they have to guard against the resurgence of invaders from outside the territory. It is really not appropriate to be distracted at this time and clean up the various enemies within Junchen Realm.

During the years of resisting the coalition forces of extraterrestrial invaders, the enemies within Junchen Realm have always been honest and have not jumped out to cause trouble.

This shows that they have been frightened and suffered heavy losses, and are unable to jump out and cause trouble.

Since they are no longer a direct danger, it is better to let them go temporarily and wait until the time is right in the future to slowly clean them up.

Banxue Jianjun cannot act arbitrarily in the Tiangong, and she cannot easily object to the unanimous attitude of the major holy land sects.

As a result, Banxue Jianjun had no choice but to give up this proposal.

Ban Xue Jianjun feels that the sects of the major Holy Land must have selfish motives in this matter. I just don’t know what kind of plot they have.

The reason Ban Xue Jianjun reminded Meng Zhang was because he had a bad premonition in his heart.

In the past, when the army of invaders from outside the territory came to the city, Ban Xuejianjun could still seize the name of justice and ask everyone to unite and join forces to fight against the outside world.

Faced with powerful foreign invaders, the major holy land sects have no time to be distracted and must concentrate all their efforts.

Now that the outside invaders have been defeated, although they are still watching in the void, they should be unable to organize a new large-scale attack on Junchen Realm in a short period of time.

Using this precious window period, the major Holy Land sects can do many things.

Banxue Sword Lord is not omnipotent and cannot always protect Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect without leaving any loopholes.

If the major Holy Land sects really make any big moves in Junchen Realm, they can probably hide it from Ban Xue Jianjun temporarily and finish it before Ban Xue Jianjun reacts.

In this regard, Banxue Jianjun doesn’t have a good way to prevent it.

After all, Banxue Jianjun has limited energy, and there are too many aspects of the entire Tiangong that require her care.

Ban Xue Jianjun’s special reminder made Meng Zhang immediately alert.

As a Tianji master, Meng Zhang felt a lot of warning signs in his heart at this time, and he even felt frightened.

Meng Zhang knew that Ban Xue Jianjun’s reminder was by no means groundless, and was very likely to become a reality.

Next, looking for Shuyuan Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect must face the malicious intentions of the major holy land sects.

Originally, Meng Zhang was planning to discuss the issue of the Immortal Climbing Society with Ban Xue Jianjun, and test her attitude towards the great changes in the Junchen world.

But because of Ban Xuejianjun’s warning and the spiritual warning in his heart, Meng Zhang gave up his original plan and decided to deal with the imminent danger first.

Although Banxue Jianjun helped Meng Zhang many times, she could not stop the actions of the major holy land sects.

If a war broke out between Meng Zhang and the sects of the major Holy Lands, she would not be able to stand directly on Meng Zhang’s side. At most, she would use a neutral stance to stop it.

Although Meng Zhang is already in the middle stage of returning to the void, the strength of the Taiyi Sect is not weak.

But if you face the major holy land sects directly, it is still far from enough.

Meng Zhang must seek new help and have more helpers.


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