Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1962: Report

In order to facilitate future operations, after recovering this meteorite belt, the senior officials of Tiangong organized a large number of monks, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and rebuilt many strongholds there.

Among them, Lord Cold War chose a stronghold as his daily headquarters.

Since Meng Zhang acted under the orders of Lord Cold War, he would naturally seek restoration from Lord Cold War when he came back.

After Meng Zhang successfully met with the Cold War Master, he began to report.

Although Meng Zhang was unable to sneak into Shenchang Realm for investigation according to the original plan because he met Lord Gu Chen on the road and captured the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, which alerted the Shenchang Realm.

But when he investigated the army of extraterrestrial invaders before, he collected a lot of valuable intelligence.

After listening to Meng Zhang’s report, the cold war leader didn’t say much.

In order to obtain the movements of extraterrestrial invaders, the senior officials of Junchen Realm sent many spies to investigate.

Through the intelligence obtained from multiple channels, the senior officials of Junchen Realm have almost grasped the latest trends of the army of extraterrestrial invaders.

The information reported by Meng Zhang had no problems, and there were no big surprises.

His mission this time was completed, but it was not outstanding.

Now that Taoist Weiming from Guantian Pavilion has left here and returned to Junchen Realm, the cold war master no longer needs to let Meng Zhang continue to avoid him.

During the time Meng Zhang left, the Junchen Realm monks basically completed the cleaning work of this meteorite belt.

A large part of the monks recruited by Tiangong from Junchen Realm have been disbanded.

Meng Zhang performed well in previous battles, and many people spoke highly of him.

Later, he also made many contributions during the cleaning operation.

If it weren’t for the conflict with Taoist Weiming, Meng Zhang would not have been sent away.

Although the extraterritorial invaders are still gathering troops, there are no signs of launching a large-scale invasion for the time being.

In addition to seizing the time to restore various defense facilities and continue to strengthen defenses, there are no other major events in Junchen Realm.

The cold war leader asked Meng Zhang to temporarily return to Junchen Realm to rest and wait for the next recruitment.

As for work such as discussing merits and giving rewards after the war, there is another department within the Tiangong that is responsible.

After Meng Zhang said goodbye to Cold War Master, he returned directly to Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang did not rush back to Taiyimen, but decided to go to Tiangong first and visit the general manager of Tiangong, Banxue Jianjun.

Having just experienced a war, I wonder if the top brass of Junchen Realm have any new ideas?

Having just learned a lot of information from Lord Gu Chen, Meng Zhang also wanted to explore Ban Xue Jianjun’s tone to see what her attitude would be towards the great changes in the Junchen world in the future.

After the war was over and the meteorite belt was cleaned up, Ban Xuejianjun returned to the Tiangong.

After the war, there were a lot of troubles that followed.

There are many departments in the Tiangong, and each department has a supervisor who performs his or her own duties and can share a lot of work with Banxue Jianjun.

Over the years, routines and fixed procedures have been formed in the Heavenly Palace to deal with various matters, large and small.

However, there are still many matters that need to be handled personally by Ban Xue Jianjun.

During this period of time, she was extremely busy and in a hurry.

Ban Xuejianjun has a close relationship with Meng Zhang, and he had given him high authority before, allowing him to visit him at any time.

But when Meng Zhang went to see Banxue Jianjun this time, he still lined up slowly and waited for a long time.

When Meng Zhang met Ban Xue Jianjun, Ban Xue Jianjun was handling various official duties without paying attention to red tape at all. He was not polite to him at all and asked him to talk and talk about anything.

Before coming here, Meng Zhang had already prepared a draft. He directly asked what big moves the top brass of Junchen Realm would make next after experiencing this war.

Ban Xuejianjun looked at Meng Zhang with a half-smile, and said, “You have a very good nose, and you ran over as soon as you received the news.”

Looking at Meng Zhang’s somewhat baffled look, Banxue Jianjun even laughed and cursed.

“Stop pretending, this matter has been solved for you.”

Next, before Meng Zhang could react, Banxue Jianjun started talking to himself.

It turns out that Meng Zhang returned from the void and brought back news about the monks from the Four-Pointed Star District migrating to the foreign star district.

There seems to be no news coming out from Tiangong. That’s because Banxue Jianjun needs to discuss countermeasures with Tiangong’s senior officials.

Later, the matter was delayed due to the counterattack against extraterritorial invaders.

After the war, the matter was immediately put on the agenda.

According to the results of the discussions between the senior officials of Tiangong and the sects of the major Holy Lands, they are preparing to send an envoy to the foreign star area to have a good contact with this group of immigrants from the Four-Pointed Star Area.

If possible, even if we pay a huge price, we must try to stabilize them as much as possible to prevent them from making any moves against Junchen Realm.

The distance between the Junchen Realm and the Foreign Star Region is not very close. Even ordinary void-returning powers would take decades or even hundreds of years to cross this distance.

Even if these visitors from the Four-Pointed Star Area have any bad thoughts about the Junchen Realm, it is not easy for them to launch an expedition or the like.

If they don’t have enough motivation, they generally won’t act rashly.

Junchen Realm only needs to temporarily stabilize them. After a few true immortals wake up, many problems will be solved.

Of course, look for Shuyuan www. Junchenjie took the initiative to contact these visitors from the four-pointed star area, but there was also a hidden danger.

If the monks from the Junchen Realm expose their own reality, they might actually make the other party malicious.

Among the many big worlds in the void, generally speaking, the weak eat the strong and devour each other.

Even if the Taoist cultivators dominate the Four-Pointed Star District, once they see the delicious fat meat, they will not take into account the incestuous friendship that everyone is a Taoist cultivator, and will inevitably devour the Junchen world.

Therefore, how to organize a mission, how to select personnel, and how to contact visitors from the Four-Pointed Star Area still requires a lot of thought.

While everyone was discussing this matter, some monks from the Holy Land Sect questioned that Meng Zhang might have betrayed the Junchen Realm and taken refuge in these visitors from the Four-Pointed Star Area, leaking all the truth and falsehoods of the Junchen Realm. .

This unreliable speculation was denounced by Ban Xue Jianjun as nonsense.

Meng Zhang’s loyalty to Junchen Realm is unbelievable, and Ban Xue Jianjun can vouch for it.

Ban Xue Jianjun’s resolute attitude left many guys who wanted to make trouble speechless.

Next, someone suggested with ill intentions that since Meng Zhang was so familiar with the situation of the migrants in the Four-Pointed Star Area, it would be better for him to join the mission and go on the mission with everyone.

Banxue Jianjun saw through the malice behind this proposal, and casually found an excuse to shirk the matter.

Meng Zhang must stay in Junchen Realm. Ban Xue Jianjun still has important tasks that he needs to help complete.

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