Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1926: Report

It’s okay if Meng Zhang returns safely, but what’s going on with his cultivation?

Before Meng Zhang disappeared, he was just a monk who had recently been promoted to the Void Return Stage.

In only about four hundred years, he actually became a monk in the middle stage of returning to the void.

This speed of cultivation is really too fast and incredible.

Based on Danshanke’s experience, there seems to be no similar example among the great powers of returning to the void that he has seen.

Yes, when Danshanke first appeared, he habitually investigated Meng Zhang.

He wanted to find out whether the Meng Zhang in front of him had been transformed by the enemy’s spell? Or, is Meng Zhang controlled by the enemy?

During this process, Meng Zhang discovered the movements of Danshanke and did nothing to stop his exploration.

On the surface, Danshanke remained calm, but after discovering that Meng Zhang was at the same level of cultivation as himself, one can imagine the shock in his heart.

Back then, when Meng Zhang was still a monk in the Yangshen stage, Danshanke had already cultivated the Dharma of Heaven and Earth and advanced to the middle stage of returning to the void.

Even though he was shocked at the rapid progress of Meng Zhang’s cultivation, Danshanke quickly calmed down.

During the years when Meng Zhang disappeared, he probably got some opportunities and made such great progress.

Although such examples are rare, they are not unheard of.

In the history of Junchen world, there are many legendary figures.

Although Danshanke has never seen it personally, he has heard of its legend.

The performance of these legendary figures may not be worse than Meng Zhang.

Now that it was confirmed that Meng Zhang was fine, Danshanke asked the three void-returning masters to retreat.

He casually chatted with Meng Zhang.

Danshanke is a true confidant of Lord Tianlei, and his status is much higher than that of Old Man Yinhu.

Meng Zhang still maintained a humble posture in front of him.

For some questions that Danshanke seemed to ask casually, Meng Zhang also tried his best to answer some questions.

Although Meng Zhang had reservations, he basically introduced his experiences over the years.

For Meng Zhang’s experience, all the mountaineers were amazed.

Danshanke is not an ignorant novice. He has the experience of exploring the void.

Especially after advancing to the Void Returning Stage, he once followed Lord Tianlei to leave the Dengtian Star Area and go out to explore.

But compared to Meng Zhang’s experience, the things he had experienced were much different in terms of thrill and level of experience.

Listening to Meng Zhang’s story, there are no flaws in it, and his experience can be justified.

Especially at the end, when Meng Zhang mentioned that the monks from the Four-Pointed Star District had moved not far from the Dengtian Star District, Danshanke’s face became serious.

No one can tell whether such a powerful force appears near the Edentian Star District, whether it will be a disaster or a blessing for the Junchen world, and what kind of impact it will have.

Hearing this, Danshanke did not continue the interrogation, but took Meng Zhang and flew to the center of the vast floating continent.

While flying, the mountaineer explained to Meng Zhang.

In the last battle, Lord Tianlei faced the siege of many hostile powerful men. Although he won in the end, he still suffered some minor injuries.

In order to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible and regain his combat effectiveness, Lord Tianlei immediately went into seclusion to heal his injuries after the war.

Before retreating, Lord Tianlei entrusted all matters here to Danshanke. And I specifically told him that if there was nothing serious, try not to disturb him.

If it were just the matter of Meng Zhang’s return, Danshanke might not let him disturb Lord Tianlei.

But Meng Zhang brought the news about the Four-Pointed Star Area, so he had to notify Lord Tianlei immediately.

Danshanke took Meng Zhang into the quiet room where Lord Tianlei was retreating, and successfully met Lord Tianlei.

Shangzun Tianlei is in good spirits and does not look injured at all.

Meng Zhang respectfully paid homage to Lord Tianlei, and told him all the news he had just told Danshanke.

For Meng Zhang, Lord Tianlei had a good impression.

Meng Zhang returned safely and improved greatly, which is of course a great thing.

Shangzun Tianlei praised Meng Zhang a few words.

You must know that the Lord Tianlei, who has eyes higher than his head, rarely praises others.

Although it is only a few words, it can be seen that Lord Tianlei appreciates Meng Zhang.

Sir Tianlei had only heard about the four-cornered star area mentioned by Meng Zhang, but didn’t know much about it.

As for the reputation of Yunzhong City, Lord Tianlei, who has also been in the void, has certainly heard of its name for a long time.

Although the Four-Pointed Star District, which has several true immortals, is a force dominated by the human race, it may not maintain goodwill towards the Junchen Realm.

Not to mention that there are Buddhist monks and Confucian monks in the Four-Pointed Star District. Even if they are Taoist cultivators from the same Taoist realm as Junchen Realm, they are not necessarily friends of Junchen Realm.

In the Junchen Realm, the battle between the major cultivation forces is extremely fierce.

Zooming into the entire void, the battles between cultivators from different origins have never stopped.

Such a powerful force in the Four-Pointed Star District appeared near Junchen Realm, and it must be taken seriously immediately.

Shangzun Tianlei thought for a moment and asked Meng Zhang to return to Junchen Realm immediately and report the matter to Ban Xuejianjun, the general manager of Tiangong.

Before Meng Zhang disappeared, he was sent to the Void Battlefield.

Because of Ban Xue Jianjun’s arrangement, he was able to obey orders from the cold war leader.

Theoretically speaking, he is still a subordinate of the Cold War Lord, and he should report to the Cold War Lord as soon as possible and follow his arrangements.

Of course, find Shuyuan Meng Zhang trusts Lord Tianlei more than Lord Cold War.

Sir Cold War is the deputy master of the Fighting Hall, and Master Tianlei is the deputy master of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The two have similar cultivation levels and equal status.

Although Meng Zhang was assigned to the Cold War Master, he still has the identity of the law enforcement envoy of the Law Enforcement Hall.

He is now obeying the orders of Lord Tianlei, which is not considered a violation, nor is he disobeying military orders.

The current arrangement of Lord Tianlei is obviously beneficial to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang wished for nothing more than to be able to leave the extremely tragic void battlefield immediately.

With the token given by Lord Tianlei, Meng Zhang thanked Lord Tianlei sincerely, and then left here and returned to Junchen Realm.

Actually, Lord Tianlei has a secret method to directly contact Banxue Sword Lord.

The reason why he made such an arrangement was to help Meng Zhang out of favor and help him escape from the battlefield.

Secondly, the matter regarding the Four-Pointed Star District is too important and cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences.

It is best for the client, Meng Zhang, to report to Ban Xuejianjun in person to ensure that no information is omitted.

Meng Zhang took the token given by Lord Tianlei, successfully crossed his own defense line, passed through Nine Heavens, and safely entered the Junchen Realm and arrived at the Heavenly Palace.

The token of Lord Tianlei worked really well, allowing Meng Zhang to pass smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

Not long after, Meng Zhang met Ban Xue Jianjun, whom he had not seen for a long time, in the Tiangong.

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