Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1857: Advance team

What Meng Zhang didn’t know was that not long after he left the Wang family’s residence, Wang Defeng, a seemingly honest guy, made new moves.

When Meng Zhang left the Wang family’s residence, he lifted the restriction on Wang Defeng and allowed him to completely regain his freedom.

As soon as Wang Defeng regained his freedom, he immediately passed various restrictions on the Wang family’s residence and repeatedly checked inside and outside the Wang’s residence to check the situation of the infiltrators.

After a long time, he was sure that Meng Zhang had really left and was not hiding nearby.

And it seems that Meng Zhang has never looked back.

He didn’t say anything about Meng Zhang’s secret arrival, nor did he alert anyone else in the camp.

After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Defeng took out a mirror, placed it in front of him, and rubbed it gently.

A moment later, an old man wearing a black mask appeared in the mirror.

When the old man appeared in the mirror, Wang Defeng had already knelt down respectfully.

“I have seen the envoy…”

“No need to be too polite. That’s what you family monks are like. You have to go through a lot of red tape every time you meet, wasting time in vain.”

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and get down to business.”

Wang Defeng made a gesture of sealing his mouth, and then said helplessly: “My subordinates were forced to take an oath of justice and cannot easily tell what happened.”

After hearing this, the old man thought for a moment and then said: “Just wait, I will send someone to help you deal with it right away.”

“It’s your luck. The messenger I sent is best at changing the weather.”

“As long as your luck is not too bad, the backlash of the Avenue Oath will be minimized.”


After the two parties ended the call, Wang Defeng waited quietly.

As an invincible and powerful force that has been running rampant in the void for many years, Yunzhong City is not just acting recklessly.

Yunzhong City is like those nomads in the mortal world, living in pursuit of water and grass and plundering everywhere.

Before the robbery, Yunzhong City will naturally collect various information about the target.

Even, an advance team will be sent to the target star area, lurking in secret, waiting for opportunities to sabotage the opponent’s various attempts.

Yunzhong City is essentially a big world, and the speed of movement in the void is not very fast.

Most of the wormhole passages in the void cannot carry Yunzhong City through.

However, the advance team sent by Yunzhong City can use various means to reach the target star area long in advance of Yunzhong City.

After the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District learned that Yunzhong City was about to attack, they had no intention of resisting and just thought of escaping and moving to a distant place.

However, there are so many forces in the Four-Pointed Star District, but not every force is willing to move to distant places.

Don’t talk about emotional issues such as being unable to leave your homeland.

During the migration process, many small and medium-sized forces, whose interests cannot be guaranteed, will definitely suffer heavy losses.

If one mistake is not made, the entire family’s power may weaken, or even completely die out during the migration process.

Can the relocation destination be able to accommodate outsiders from the Four-Pointed Star Area? Is there enough resources to support many practitioners?

Not even the top management of the Four-Pointed Star District can guarantee all of this.

In case of emergency, the interests of those big forces can be guaranteed. Many small forces will become victims.

Although Yunzhong City is a bandit in the void, it is notorious and its reputation is comparable to that of the devil.

But the main strength of Yunzhong City is still the Taoist cultivator.

Yunzhong City is just for plundering resources, not the kind of lunatic who wants to exterminate all living things, nor the demonic monks who want to contaminate the world with magic.

The cultivators in Yunzhong City can still communicate to a certain extent.

If the advance team sent by Yunzhong City wants to successfully lurk and take root in the Four-Pointed Star Area, it will need the cooperation of local forces.

After Yunzhong City comes to the Four-Pointed Star District in the future, it will also need to lead the party to lead the way in order to plunder the various resources here more efficiently.

As a result, the advance team sent by Yunzhong City easily found collaborators in the Four-Pointed Star District, and the two parties reached a lot of agreements.

Before the arrival of Yunzhong City, these local leading parties cooperated with the advance team.

After Yunzhong City arrives, it will naturally ensure the interests of these leading parties.

After Yunzhong City leaves, it can even hand over the four-pointed star area to these leading parties.

Although the cultivators in Yunzhong City are ferocious and cruel, they are not the kind of people who do not keep their word.

Moreover, Cloud City rarely directly destroys a large world.

Those cultivators with enough knowledge know that destroying a large world with many living beings will be contaminated with many sins and lead to many bad consequences.

In order to protect themselves and gain more benefits, many forces in the Four-Pointed Star District are willing to serve as the leading party.

The senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District are still strictly concealing the news of the upcoming arrival of Yunzhong City.

But the advance team sent by Yunzhong City will not hide the news.

Of course, out of some consideration, the advance team did not spread the news widely, but only told the conquering party.

The merchant family has always been tactful and lacks firm determination to resist.

The Wang family, a well-known business family in the Four-Pointed Star District, surrendered to the advance team of Yunzhong City a long time ago and actively cooperated with them.

The Wang family actually doesn’t know much about the upcoming arrival of Yunzhong City in the Four-Pointed Star District.

The detailed information was told to them by the cultivators in Yunzhong City after they took refuge.

Meng Zhang has the innate supernatural power of his mind and the ability to see through people’s hearts.

But facing high-level monks, especially those who have practiced the secret method of sealing the mind, this magical power will be greatly reduced.

When Meng Zhang faced Wang Defeng before, he had not been able to see through his heart. He only knew that this guy seemed to be sincere and had never lied.

Although most of what Wang Defeng said is true, find Shuyuan www.zhaohuuuan. com concealed key information, let alone revealed the secret that it had taken refuge in Yunzhong City.

Soon after, the envoy from Yunzhong City arrived at the Wang family’s residence.

When a cultivator takes the oath of the Great Dao, he usually uses the power of the Great Dao he has cultivated to swear an oath to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the world where he was born.

Wang Defeng is from the big world inside the Four-Pointed Star Area.

The gray earth world is far away from the interior of the Four-Pointed Star Area.

The long distance will weaken the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

The monks sent by Yunzhong City were proficient in the secret technique of stealing the sky and changing the sun, and helped Wang Defeng deceive the avenue of heaven and earth.

In the end, Wang Defeng successfully lifted the oath he had made.

Although it was inevitable to suffer some backlash and suffer serious injuries, the result was still acceptable.

Without the shackles of the Dao Dao Oath, Wang Defeng told the envoy of Yunzhong City everything that had happened before.

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