Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1855: Insider

The senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District who are busy escaping are certainly unwilling to easily establish a strong enemy, let alone fall into a protracted war.

Since this road is blocked, we must find another way out.

There are two true immortals in the Four-Pointed Star District. When they traveled in the void in their early years, they visited a star district with good conditions in all aspects and was very suitable for the reproduction of living beings.

The two true immortals were busy at that time and did not stay in that star area for too long.

Later, due to some internal problems in the Four-Pointed Star District, the forces to which the two True Immortals belonged were not able to vigorously develop that Star District.

Now that Yunzhong City is about to pass through the Four-Pointed Star District, with Yunzhong City’s behavior, the Four-Pointed Star District will definitely not be preserved.

The two true immortals had to convince everyone to make that star area the target of migration.

That star area is too far away from the Four-Pointed Star Area. If you want to use the void battleship to slowly sail there, who knows how much time it will take.

And there are too many dangers in traveling long distances in the void.

Especially if you rashly enter some unfamiliar star areas, even true immortals may be in danger.

In order to complete the migration as soon as possible, the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District decided to build a wormhole passage leading to the migration destination after discussion.

Building a new wormhole passage from scratch is definitely not an easy task.

Even if several true immortal level experts take action, they will encounter many difficulties.

Among other things, if you want to build a stable wormhole passage that can pass through a large number of flying boats and monks, you need to consume a lot of precious materials.

Even the four-pointed star region, which is rich in production, cannot provide all the materials.

In order to collect all these materials as quickly as possible, the Four-Pointed Star District sent multiple caravans to other star districts for purchase.

Some special materials have a single purpose.

The materials required to build wormholes are not a secret to the big forces in the void.

In order to complete the purchase as quickly as possible, the Four-Pointed Star District not only spared no expense, but also could not keep it secret.

Therefore, the news that the Four-Pointed Star District wanted to build a new wormhole channel spread.

In the void, most of the star regions that are suitable for living creatures to thrive and have rich resources have owners.

There are caravans trading between various star regions, exchanging what they need.

Similarly, in order to compete for interests and seize resources, wars will also break out between major star regions.

Building a new wormhole passage is very expensive and is an extremely heavy burden for the Four-Pointed Star Region.

Among the major forces in the void, new wormhole passages are built, either for military purposes to facilitate the mobilization of troops; or for commercial purposes to open up new trade routes; or to discover a new big world , to carry out large-scale development…

The original wormhole passage near the Four-Pointed Star Area is a public passage, and no troops are stationed to control it.

This is because the Four-Pointed Star Region and the star region at the other end of the wormhole passage have long reached a peace agreement.

Both sides gave up control of this wormhole passage to show their sincerity of non-aggression.

Now the Four-Pointed Star District is building a new wormhole passage. According to the agreement, it must be ventilated to the opposite star district to avoid misunderstandings.

If the opposite star district mistakenly thinks that the four-pointed star district has the intention to expand to the surrounding area, it will be very bad.

The news that Yunzhong City is about to pass through the Four-Pointed Star District is still kept strictly confidential, and only a few people are qualified to know.

Wang Defeng would not have known about this matter if he had not been born.

If news of Cloud City’s coming spreads widely, it will definitely lead to serious chaos.

Maybe, before Yunzhong City arrives, there will be a fight within the Four-Pointed Star Area.

In fact, no one can say whether the nearby star regions will take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the four-pointed star region.

Therefore, the Quad Star District announced the approximate location of the other end of the newly built wormhole channel.

This is to show the surrounding star regions that the Four-Pointed Star Region has no intention of expanding around it, and its goal is to target other distant star regions.

Meng Zhang came here after learning about this news and knowing that the wormhole passage to be built in the Four-Pointed Star Area would lead to the star area near Junchen Realm.

Now that he knew the inside story from Wang Defeng, Meng Zhang fell into deep thought.

I don’t know if the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District know that the location they chose to move to is not very far from the Junchen Realm.

The star area where Junchen Realm is located is very lively and has many powerful forces.

The Junchen Realm itself has many true immortals.

Meng Zhang knew that a big change in the Junchen world was about to happen, and it would soon become the focus of the star region, causing countless waves.

I wonder what kind of impact this group of cultivating forces from the Four-Pointed Star District will have on the star district where Junchen Realm is located after they move there?

Meng Zhang just thought about it for a moment and then gave up thinking about this matter.

If the sky falls, there will naturally be tall people to hold it up.

Even if it brings bad influence to Junchen Realm, it will naturally be dealt with by the true immortals of Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang, a mere monk in the Void Return Stage, is not qualified to get involved in such a major event.

Since the migration is for escape, this new wormhole passage should be successfully constructed.

The second question Meng Zhang asked Wang Defeng was whether this wormhole passage would be open to the outside world.

Wang Defeng’s answer was very straightforward.

This is to avoid the relocation of Cloud City. Naturally, everything in the Four-Pointed Star Area, including cultivators and mortals, as well as various resources, etc., will be relocated as much as possible.

However, this wormhole passage has not yet been successfully constructed. Even after the construction is successful, its traffic capacity should have certain restrictions.

As for how to arrange passage, Wang Defeng has no idea who will go through first.

Of course, according to the practice of the cultivation world, there are still many precedents for this kind of thing.

Those with the most power in the Four-Pointed Star District and those with true immortal level powerhouses will definitely get priority.

How to line up next depends on how each force shows its special abilities.

For a power like the Wang family, the position ranked by Shuyuan should not be too far behind.

After listening to Wang Defeng’s detailed answer, Meng Zhang had a general understanding of the causes and consequences of this matter.

Meng Zhang knew that it would be difficult or easy for an outsider like himself to pass through this wormhole passage.

It’s hard to say. If Meng Zhang came directly to the door and wanted to pass through the wormhole, the senior officials in the Four-Pointed Star District would definitely not agree easily.

How can the escape route, which is related to one’s own life and death, be freely used by unrelated outsiders?

Say Yi, all the powerful void-returning powers from the local forces in the Four-Pointed Star Region should be qualified to pass through this wormhole passage.

After all, no matter how powerful the force is, the Void Returning Power cannot be a cabbage, but a very precious high-level combat power.

Even if he is running for his life, a being of the level of the Void Returning Power will not be left behind easily, but will be taken away as much as possible. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter “” in Baidu to enter this site

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