Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1813: Visit

The preliminary completion of Blessed Land is of great significance to Taiyi Gate.

In addition to saving a lot of cultivation resources, if Junchen Realm really encounters a disaster in the future, Taiyi Sect monks will also have a place to take refuge.

The monks hide in the small world of the blessed land and can avoid many wind and rain outside.

Of course, this blessed land is only initially completed and needs continuous improvement.

Furthermore, the foundation of the blessed land is not particularly solid, and it will take a long time to slowly consolidate.

Currently, Taiyi Sect monks are cautious and reserved about the use of blessed land.

At least the Yuanshen stage monks cannot absorb spiritual energy in the blessed land unscrupulously.

In order to protect the blessed land, Taiyi Sect arranged for some Yuanshen-stage monks to take turns stationing there.

When they carry out daily practice, they all have reservations and pay special attention to try not to absorb too much of the spiritual energy in the blessed land.

The blessed land is initially completed, but the various buildings inside have not yet been built. Just a few functional areas were roughly divided and used temporarily.

Next, in addition to continuing to improve and consolidate the blessed land, Taiyi Gate will slowly move the mountain gate into the blessed land.

Meng Zhang is not very proficient in construction and just has a preliminary idea.

According to the practice of the cultivation world, the blessed land will be divided into multiple functional areas, and a large number of palaces and buildings will be built.

Meng Zhang was not good at construction, so he only told the monks in his sect some of his preliminary ideas.

Next, the senior people responsible for the construction of the door will naturally carry out the construction according to Meng Zhang’s intention.

After the initial completion of the blessed land, Meng Zhang also turned his energy back to his own practice.

He seized the time to absorb and refine the source crystal in his hand, and worked hard to improve his cultivation.

Seeing that the one-year period was approaching, he made a special trip to the South China Sea to visit his ally, the Hai Ling Sect.

Although under the orders of Tiangong, Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Palace have temporarily ceased war. However, the Hailing Sect has never relaxed its vigilance and still maintains a high level of vigilance against Zhenhai Palace.

The Hai Ling Sect welcomed the arrival of Meng Zhang, a great master of returning to the void.

Hai Yang Zhenjun, the head of the Hailing Sect, and the two Void Returning Masters in the sect, all came out to receive Meng Zhang.

To be honest, when they first formed an alliance with the Taiyi Sect, some monks in the Hailing Sect were quite critical.

I feel that the Taiyi Sect is too weak and not worthy of an equal alliance with the Hailing Sect.

If the situation faced by the Hai Ling Sect was not so bad at that time, the alliance between the two families would not have been so easy to achieve.

Not to mention the rapid development of Taiyi Sect in recent years, Meng Zhang’s promotion to the Void Return Stage alone is enough to be on par with the Hailing Sect.

Zhenjun Haiyang felt that his initial bet on Taiyi Sect and Meng Zhang was very worthwhile.

Meng Zhang chatted with the senior officials of the Hailing Sect for a long time, had a good exchange, and talked about many issues candidly.

The biggest enemy faced by the Hailing Sect has always been the Holy Land sect, Zhenhai Palace.

In these years, the Hailing Sect has sincerely sued for peace with Zhenhai Palace, trying to completely end the conflict between the two families.

But Zhenhai Palace showed no sincerity and looked like they were convinced of the Hai Ling Sect.

Especially when I heard that the immortals who had been sleeping for a long time, including the founder of the Hailing Sect, were about to wake up, everyone in the Hailing Sect felt huge pressure.

It has long been leaked that the immortals were forced to continue sleeping due to the sudden change in the Origin Sea, and their awakening time was greatly delayed.

The Hailing Sect is powerful and has eyes and ears in the Heavenly Palace, and they also learned the news.

For the Hai Ling Sect, this is

A great thing.

In fact, probably except for a few Holy Land sects, almost all cultivators in the world of cultivation are not willing to see the immortals waking up.

Meng Zhang later also reflected on everything that happened in Yuanhai.

In terms of motivation, almost half of the cultivation world and most of the cultivation forces are willing to help the foreign invaders who break into the Origin Sea.

From Meng Zhang’s perspective, he also didn’t want to see the immortals wake up.

Thinking about it this way, it is very normal for cultivators in the Junchen world to exchange information with outside invaders and even cover each other.

If the opportunity is right, Meng Zhang might be willing to help these extraterritorial invaders and delay the awakening of the immortals.

As for Tiangong, especially the attitude of Tiangong’s chief manager Ban Xuejianjun, Meng Zhang has never been able to guess.

Although the two had some friendship, Meng Zhang would not ask these sensitive questions rashly.

On issues such as the Holy Land Sect and the sleeping immortals, Meng Zhang and the senior officials of the Hailing Sect have a lot in common.

Although both parties did not say it explicitly, there was a certain tacit understanding that everyone would try their best to prevent the immortals from awakening.

In the past, Meng Zhang did not have the strength to get involved in such things.

Now that he has entered the Void Returning Stage and has a certain amount of capital and confidence, he can look for opportunities to intervene in related matters.

Meng Zhang did not stay in the Hailing Sect for too long and left after talking about business matters.

Next, Meng Zhang went to visit another ally of Taiyi Sect, the Dali Dynasty.

After being promoted to the Void Return Stage, Meng Zhang was no longer afraid that the Dali Dynasty had evil intentions and ambush him.

He swaggered to Shangjing, the capital of the Dali Dynasty.

Before the visit, the Taiyi Sect monk notified the Dali Dynasty.

As soon as Meng Zhang arrived in Shangjing, he was warmly welcomed by Chunyu Zhongda, the national preceptor.

After the two exchanged a few words, Chunyu Zhongda took Meng Zhang directly to the palace.

This is not the first time for Meng Zhang to come to this place. When he returns to his old place, his identity and status are completely different.

The last time he came here, he was still a minister of Emperor Bawu.

Now, he is an ally who can be on an equal footing with Emperor Bawu.

In the palace, Emperor Bawu had been waiting for a long time.

He was also very happy to see Meng Zhang’s arrival.

Both Emperor Bawu and Imperial Master Chunyu Zhongda were unlucky. Like Meng Zhang, they were implicated in the sudden change in Yuan Hai.

Soon after, like Meng Zhang, they will be sent to the void outside the Junchen Realm to fight against the foreign invaders.

The Dali Dynasty has been able to fight against the Ziyang Holy Sect for many years. Find Shuyuan www. is not only powerful in itself, but also has a profound background behind it.

But this time, faced with the joint attack of several Holy Land sects, the Dali Dynasty also had little power to resist.

If it weren’t for Ban Xuejianjun’s active dealings, Emperor Bawu and Chunyu Zhongda might not have achieved such a good result.

In this matter, Emperor Bawu and the others have a lot in common with Meng Zhang.

Everyone was implicated because of the Yuan Hai incident and was persecuted by the sects of the major Holy Lands.

Whenever these things are mentioned, everyone is filled with resentment and complains one after another.

There are no outsiders around, and there is no need for everyone to cover up this matter. They all express their feelings directly and express their dissatisfaction with the major holy land sects.

With a common object of hatred and some verbal venting, the relationship between the two parties suddenly became much closer, and they could continue to talk about some in-depth topics. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter “” in Baidu to enter this site

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