Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1784: Not broken

The place where Ban Xue Jianjun summoned Meng Zhang was a palace deep in the Heavenly Palace.

This palace is Banxue Jianjun’s private palace. She stays here most of the time on weekdays, and few outsiders come to disturb her.

The place where she usually summons the subordinates of Tiangong is another palace.

When Meng Zhang was brought to the main hall by the maid who led the way, Ban Xue Jianjun was already waiting here.

Meng Zhang had long heard that Banxue Sword Lord was originally the spirit of a magical weapon. To be precise, it was the spirit of a flying sword used by an immortal in his early years.

After this sword spirit survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Yang God, he became a truly independent creature.

With the help of his original owner, Banxue Jianjun not only became a strong man in the realm of returning to the void, but also obtained the position of the general manager of the Heavenly Palace in Junchen Realm.

In Meng Zhang’s eyes, Banxue Jianjun was a tall woman with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. She had an indescribable aura of heroism in her body.

If you sense it carefully, you can feel an indestructible spirit from her body.

Meng Zhang just glanced at Banxue Jianjun and quickly bowed his head respectfully.

We are all monks of the same level, and they are all capable of returning to the void, so there is no need to pay homage.

But both the cultivation and status of Ban Xue Jianjun are far above Meng Zhang, so Meng Zhang must show enough respect.

Banxue Jianjun waved his hand in return.

Meng Zhang said goodbye to the chief manager, then he said nothing and stood respectfully at the bottom.

He didn’t know Banxue Jianjun’s intention, so he simply stayed silent and waited for Banxue Jianjun to speak.

Ban Xue Jianjun did not speak immediately, but stared at Meng Zhang without saying a word, as if in a daze.

Meng Zhang felt that Ban Xue Jianjun’s gaze was like a sharp sword, easily penetrating his outer shell and seeing through his inner self.

After coming here for a while, Banxue Jianjun finally spoke.

“I heard that you were promoted to the Void Return Stage not long ago, but I see that you have a solid foundation and profound cultivation. You don’t look like someone who was recently promoted.”

“However, this alone is not enough for you to escape death from the patrolling Yasha.”

Meng Zhang knew that what Banxue Sword Lord was talking about was that the Void Returning Power from the Xunhai Yaksha Clan was attacking the Star Luo Islands and fighting against him.

As the enemy of the human race, the Xihai Sea Clan has almost all of the powerful void-returning powers in their clan registered with the human race.

Only later did Meng Zhang find out that the patrolling Yaksha who had made him so embarrassed was named Hai Weili. He was the main combatant among the West Sea Sea Clan and was always known for his bravery.

Now when Banxue Jianjun asked about the situation at that time, Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment and decided to tell the truth.

“I was able to successfully block that guy Hai Weili because I accidentally understood the relationship between rhyme and rhyme by chance.”

With the status and cultivation of Banxue Sword Lord, he will not covet the Tao Yun mastered by Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang will definitely have to fight with others in the future, and it is impossible to keep his mastery of Daoyun secret forever.

Having personally experienced the battle in which many Void Returning Masters participated, Meng Zhang, as a newly promoted Void Returning Master, gained insights and benefited a lot.

After returning to the Star Luo Islands, Meng Zhang had a deeper understanding of the Tao Yun.

This Taoist rhyme was named Bupo by Meng Zhang.

This move has extremely strong defensive power and has an indestructible momentum. While defending, you can also accumulate the power to counterattack, and when necessary, you can switch from defense to offense.

The more Meng Zhang studied this Taoist rhyme, the more extraordinary he felt.

If he could thoroughly master this Taoist rhyme, the benefits would be no less than getting an ordinary magic weapon.

Hearing that Meng Zhang had now mastered a Dao Yun, Banxue Jianjun was slightly surprised, but did not ask any more questions.

Banxue Jianjun knows the rules very well and will not ask about other people’s Taoist and magical abilities.

“Now that you have mastered the rhymes, you will be more confident about this matter.”

“Are you convinced that you were defeated by the patrolling Yasha and finally escaped death? Do you want revenge?”

Not long after Meng Zhang was promoted to the Void Return Stage, he lost to a veteran Void Return Master. It was really nothing, it was a crime not committed in battle.

Of course, it is impossible to say that Meng Zhang did not have any hatred in his heart after he was almost killed by the enemy.

Meng Zhang not only resented Hai Weili, the Sea Clan’s great void-returning master, but also complained that Tiangong’s support was not timely enough. What he hated most was the Yangji Taoist who designed to frame him.

Of course Meng Zhang would not mention Taoist Yangji in front of Lord Banxue Sword. Who knows what her attitude is towards Ziyang Shengzong?

Following Ban Xue Jianjun’s tone, Meng Zhang casually expressed his hatred for Hai Weili and his unwillingness to be defeated.

Ban Xue Jianjun heard Meng Zhang’s words and nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s okay to be unconvinced. As monks, we must have this kind of spirit and cannot give up easily.”

“With your current cultivation level alone, even if you find the patrolling Yaksha, you won’t be able to take revenge.”

“However, I have always been eager to do justice and eager to help others.”

“Well, I see you are pitiful, so I will help you.”

“With my help, you can easily find the patrolling Yaksha, and you can definitely defeat it.”

“When the time comes, you can retaliate with grievances and vengeance, and do whatever you want to the patrolling Yaksha.”

Ban Xuejian became more and more happy as he talked, and even started dancing in the end.

Meng Zhang looked at Ban Xue Jianjun with doubts, and was very puzzled.

As the saying goes, if you show courtesy for nothing, you are either committing adultery or stealing.

Banxue Jianjun is so kind and kind to help me, so I can find Shuyuan www. is really just to help her get revenge, does she have no other plans?

This is the first time Meng Zhang has met Banxue Jianjun, and he doesn’t know her character and psychology.

The old man Yinhu told Meng Zhang in private that Banxue Jianjun was not a bad person.

As the general manager of Tiangong, he is not particularly devoted to his duties, but he is a good boss.

In many cases, she is relatively easy to talk to and very humane.

Probably because she was born as a sword spirit. She has a pure mind and simple thoughts. Most of the time, I like to go straight and don’t like plots, calculations, and twists and turns.

Overall, she is not a bad person.

It’s just that sometimes, to put it nicely, it’s called a child’s heart. To put it bluntly, it’s a bit of a child’s temper. She can have some petty tempers and even appear particularly stubborn.

After Meng Zhang met Banxue Jianjun, he had a good feeling towards her.

Furthermore, Meng Zhang also instinctively felt that the way Ban Xue Jianjun was acting at this moment did not seem to have any malicious intent.

Remembering what Old Man Yinhu had said about Ban Xue Sword Lord, Meng Zhang did not go around in circles, but went straight to the point and asked Ban Xue Sword Lord directly why she wanted to help him get revenge? Why did she let herself deal with Haiweili, the sea tribe’s void-returning power?

After hearing Meng Zhang’s inquiry, Banxue Jianjun sighed and his face fell.

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