Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1769: Be wary

When Yangji Taoist designed Haiweili, the void-returning power of the patrolling Yaksha clan, he did not know that the situation outside the Junchen world was so serious.

In his mind, even if the Sea Clan and the True Dragon Clan went into full-scale war with the Human Race, it would not be a big deal.

He has absolute confidence in the strength of the human race.

If a full-scale war begins, the human race will definitely become the final winner.

By the time the news of the large-scale invasion by extraterrestrial invaders, which had put tremendous pressure on Junchen Realm, reached his ears through the channels of the Ziyang Holy Sect, Meng Zhang had already been attacked and it was too late to regret it.

As for the Sea Clan, the top leaders of the Human Clan have always kept it secret about the strength of the True Dragon Clan.

What everyone knows is that the strength of the True Dragon Clan is unfathomable, and it is impossible to easily break out into a full-scale war with them.

Now that there are powerful enemies outside, most of the top leaders of the human race have to choose to endure for the time being, or even compromise with the sea tribe for the time being.

Of course, even if you really want to compromise with the Sea Clan and seek peace, you can’t show too much weakness. Otherwise, the other party will only push further and make more unreasonable demands.

If the Sea Clan discovers the weakness of the Human Clan, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

Therefore, despite the intention to seek peace, the army of human monks still continued to attack the Xihai Hai clan fiercely, launching attacks regardless of the cost, and would not stop even if they suffered heavy losses.

This is a show of strength to the Sea Clan and the True Dragon Clan, and more importantly, it shows that the human race is determined to sacrifice and fight to the end when necessary.

When the human race is facing powerful enemies from all sides and is under great pressure, it is best not to have any major internal disputes.

On a normal day, not to mention Meng Zhang, even Lord Tianlei would have grasped this matter and taught Yangji Taoist a profound lesson.

As for the evidence or not, it doesn’t matter at all.

What really matters is the opinions of all of you.

But now, for the sake of unity within the human race, we can only endure temporarily and put the overall situation first.

Taoist Yangji understood what Lord Tianlei meant and also knew the current situation.

As a high-level monk of the human race, he knows very well that now is not the time for the high-level human race to engage in internal strife.

Since the Supreme Lord Tianlei didn’t pursue too much, he borrowed Po Xia’s donkey to give the Supreme Lord Tianlei some face.

Taoist Yangji was not ambiguous and told Lord Tianlei clearly that before the crisis in Junchen Realm was alleviated, he himself could represent the Purple Sun Sect and would never cause chaos within the human camp, let alone target Meng Zhang and Taiyi. Start with the door.

With Yangji Taoist’s words, Lord Tianlei finally had an explanation for Meng Zhang.

If Taoist Yangji or other monks of the Purple Sun Sect do not abide by today’s promise, it will be a slap in the face of Lord Tianlei. Then no one can blame Lord Tianlei for being rude.

While Master Tianlei was negotiating with Taoist Yangji, the conversation between Meng Zhang and Old Man Yinhu also began to come to an end.

Meng Zhang knew very well that the actions of Lord Tianlei could not be wrong.

For the entire human race main camp, Ziyang Holy Sect is obviously more important than Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect.

Tiangong needs the power of Ziyang Shengzong to deal with the current crisis.

As a member of the human race, Meng Zhang should focus on the overall situation and take the overall situation of the human race into consideration.

Although he understood these truths, Meng Zhang still felt deeply unwilling.

In the final analysis, I am still not strong enough.

If you are strong enough and can defeat the Holy Land Sect, then you are the overall situation, and everyone must obey you, instead of just swallowing your anger like now.

Meng Zhang did not continue to say anything unconvinced. On the surface, he seemed to be convinced by the old man Yin Hu.

But deep down in my heart, I was quite wary of Lord Tianlei and Old Man Yinhu.

Today, for the sake of the overall situation, they can force themselves to endure injustice and favor the Yangji Taoist of the Purple Sun Sect.

When one day comes, will they sacrifice themselves and the Taiyi Sect for the so-called big move?

Meng Zhang did not express his thoughts and chatted with Old Man Yinhu for a while before returning to the main island of the Xingluo Islands to continue his retreat.

Looking at Meng Zhang’s leaving figure, Old Man Yinhu smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

Of course he knew that Meng Zhang was dissatisfied, but he had no other choice. It’s impossible to really win Yangji Taoist.

The Holy Land Sect of the Purple Sun Saint Sect, if the Void Returning Power in the sect is taken down, will definitely start a riot regardless of everything.

When the time comes, it will be very difficult not only for Lord Tianlei, but also for other high-level officials in Tiangong.

The old man Yinhu shook his head and put the matter aside.

The war on the front line is now in full swing. He did not stay in the Star Luo Islands for a long time and rushed directly to the front line.

The fighting on the front line is still so fierce, and it seems that neither side will give up until the last drop of blood is shed.

The Void Returning Powers on both sides watched indifferently, waiting for the next change.

Meng Zhang stayed alone in the Star Luo Islands and never gave up on his daily practice.

Now, he urgently needs to enhance his cultivation and strengthen his combat effectiveness.

However, cultivation is not something that can be achieved overnight.

The higher a cultivator reaches a higher level, the more difficult it is to make progress.

Every time the Void Returning Great Masters go into retreat, it can easily take hundreds or even hundreds of years to find a book.

In their long lifespans, the Void Returning Masters have accumulated strength bit by bit.

If nothing unexpected happens, the human race’s great master of returning to the void has a lifespan of more than 9,000 years and nearly 10,000 years.

It has been less than two thousand years since Meng Zhang embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

He still has a lot of longevity to spend, and has enough time to slowly accumulate it.

But time waits for no one. The situation in Junchen Realm has changed too drastically and too quickly, and there is not much time left for him.

Let alone the immortals who are about to wake up, for now alone, he needs to have enough power to protect himself.

The last time he faced the returning power of the patrolling Yaksha clan, he was unable to withstand it, and the experience of narrowly escaping from death was still fresh in his memory.

If a similar incident happens again and he encounters a similar powerful enemy again, how should he deal with it based on his current strength alone?

Also, Granny Liansi once told Meng Zhang that after the immortals wake up and begin to devour the origin of Junchen Realm, many huge opportunities will appear in Junchen Realm.

If you can obtain these opportunities, you may become an immortal and become a true immortal.

Of course, if you want to participate in competing for these opportunities, you must at least have the strength to return to the Void Stage.

Meng Zhang has now advanced to the Void Return Stage and is qualified to compete for these opportunities.

However, with his current strength, not only is he at the bottom among the great powers of returning to void, he is definitely not powerful.

With such strength, how can one compete with those powerful void-returning experts?

Meng Zhang knows that there is no shortcut to normal cultivation. Even if there are so-called shortcuts to cultivation, it is best to be more wary.

But the various difficulties he is currently facing force him to find shortcuts to enhance his strength.

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