Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1768: Warning

After Lord Tianlei returned to the front line, the fierce fighting below continued as before, and the battle situation did not change significantly.

The void-returning experts on the human race are still scattered high in the sky, monitoring the surrounding situation.

The Void Returning Power from the Sea Clan has not taken action, but everyone has not relaxed their vigilance.

Shangzun Tianlei greeted and called Yangji Taoist to come in front of him.

Shangzun Tianlei did not say any nonsense and went directly to the topic, saying that the Yiqi Zhenjun of Yiqitang colluded with the Hai clan and was caught on the spot by Meng Zhang and the old man Yinhu. They have been captured.

After listening to the words of Lord Tianlei, Taoist Yangji looked calm and said, “Good catch.”

He also said that the human scum who colluded with the Sea Clan must not be treated lightly.

Shangzun Tianlei has been staring at Taoist Yangji, and asked seemingly casually whether Taoist Yangji had any dealings with Zhenjun Yiqi before.

Taoist Yangji admitted very generously that Lord Yiqi had visited him before and tried to curry favor with him.

He was very dissatisfied with this man’s character and temperament, so he sent him away just out of courtesy after seeing him once.

Since then, the two have had no contact with each other.

Seeing that Taoist Yangji had left him clean, Lord Tianlei no longer continued to test.

Shangzun Tianlei said something in a serious tone.

The Junchen world is now facing a crisis. It is the time for everyone to work together and act unanimously. Internal strife must not occur at this time.

As the envoy of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall, Meng Zhang is his direct subordinate.

He did not want to see Meng Zhang encounter the plot of the human monks and any unexpected situation happen.

This is Master Tianlei’s official warning to Yangji Taoist.

Behind Taoist Yangji is the Ziyang Holy Sect, so the information is naturally far better informed than Meng Zhang’s.

He already knows that the Junchen world is facing internal and external troubles and a great crisis.

In terms of protecting Junchen Realm and maintaining the basic order of Junchen Realm, the interests of Ziyang Shengzong and Tiangong are consistent.

In fact, this time there was a large-scale invasion by foreign invaders, and all the major holy land sects mobilized in large numbers to actively cooperate with Tiangong to resist.

As a member of the Ziyang Holy Sect, Yangji Taoist must naturally obey the interests of the sect.

But many times, he also has his own plans.

The void-returning power in Junchen Realm, no matter which race it comes from, is one of the most powerful existences in this world.

Whether they have interacted with each other before or not, they all know something about each other.

Of course, there are exceptions to those powers that are too deeply hidden.

The Sea Tribe of the West Sea and the Human Race monks have been at odds with each other for many years. In order to defend the Sea Tribe of the West Sea, the Purple Sun Sect made great efforts in many aspects.

The powerful returner from the patrolling Yaksha clan who attacked the Star Luo Islands was named Hai Weili. He was a well-known impulsive person among the West Sea Sea clan, and a person who dared to fight.

Ren Yangji has dealt with this guy before and knows him very well.

Taoist Yangji passed information to this guy through True Monarch Yiqi. The main purpose was to hope that he could seize the opportunity and kill Meng Zhang, the newly promoted Void Return Master.

Although now, because of Ban Xuejianjun’s order, Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyi Sect have temporarily restored a peaceful relationship.

But Taoist Yangji has never forgotten that the Taiyi Sect was the sinner who betrayed the Purple Sun Sect and caused damage to the interests of the Purple Sun Sect.

Most of the Ziyang Holy Sect monks who had enemies with Meng Zhang in the past were members of the Yangji Taoist lineage.

Taoist Yangji seized the opportunity and formulated this plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife without notifying the sect.

As for the accidental damage and impact on the Xingluo Islands during this process, he didn’t care at all.

As long as Meng Zhang, the great void-returning power, is eliminated, Ziyang Holy Sect will have many ways to deal with Taiyi Sect, which has a shallow foundation.

As one of the Holy Land sects that resides at the top of Junchen Realm, Ziyang Holy Sect has many monks in the sect who have long developed the character of being the best in the world and not tolerating offense from others.

Taoist Yangji, who is so powerful in returning to the void, is not exempt from vulgarity. He must seize the opportunity to get rid of Meng Zhang.

He believed that there was no flaw in his attempt to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and he had great hope of success.

He was not directly involved in this matter and believed that he had not violated Ban Xue Jianjun’s order.

Hai Weili, as the main combatant among the Sea Clan’s Void-Returning Powers, has long been very dissatisfied with the Sea Clan’s Void-Returning Powers’ blind retreat and avoidance when facing human monks of the same level.

Since there is a problem within the human race this time, he will certainly not let this opportunity go.

Although Haiweili is a little rough, he is not a brainless idiot, and he still has a lot of calculations.

He decided to seize the enemy’s flaw, raid the Xingluo Islands, get rid of Meng Zhang, the new void-returning master, destroy the Xingluo Islands, and bury the human monks on them.

For the human race, the number of void-returning powers is limited.

Every loss of a void-returning power can effectively weaken the overall strength of the human race.

Destroying the Xingluo Islands is equivalent to destroying the retreat route and logistics base of the human monk army.

You must know that among the army of monks who went out this time, a large part of the monks came from the sects on the Star Luo Islands.

With the sect destroyed, these monks must be in a state of confusion.

For the upcoming battle, the Xihai Hai Clan will naturally have many advantages.

There has always been a certain tacit understanding between the human race, the sea race, and the true dragon race.

No one will easily send out the Void-Returning Power, and ask Shuyuan to directly participate in the war.

This tacit understanding is beneficial to everyone and ensures the stability of Junchen Realm.

However, among all ethnic groups, there are always some militant factions who disagree with this tacit understanding.

They believe that this tacit understanding limits themselves and is more beneficial to the enemy.

Hai Weili thought clearly before taking action.

After he takes action this time, the human race will definitely not be able to help but retaliate.

In this way, the war between the human race and the West Sea Sea Race will break out.

The True Dragon Clan, which has always seemed to be aloof and aloof from the situation, had no choice but to directly join the war if they did not want to see this useful servant of the Xihai Hai Clan completely exterminated.

Only by the full participation of the True Dragon Clan in the war can the situation of the Sea Clan in the West Sea be completely improved and put great pressure on the human race.

In order to be on the safe side, Haiweili also made a lot of preparations in advance.

He spent a huge price and invited Ying Feitian, the main fighting faction of the True Dragon clan, to help prevent the punishment from heaven. This was one of the most important preparations.

Had it not been for Meng Zhang’s combat prowess that far exceeded normal levels this time, especially his ability to perform Dao Yun, Hai Weili’s plan might have succeeded.

Since Meng Zhang did not die on the spot and our losses were limited, the human race still had enough reasons to temporarily suppress the main war faction that demanded an all-out war with the Hai Clan and the True Dragon Clan, and effectively control the war. scale and hierarchy.

After all, against the background of large-scale invasions by various extraterritorial invaders, most of the top leaders of the human race are still unwilling to go into full-scale war with a race as powerful as the True Dragon Clan.

Many senior leaders of the human race are inclined to maintain peace with the True Dragon Clan for the time being. If anything happens, they can wait until the extraterritorial invaders are repulsed.

Thanks to my old friends Yijie Wensheng and Chunguangli Li Xiaoyao for their many rewards and support.

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