Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1697: Authority

The True Lord of Cruelty had a determined look on his face, as if he had made some kind of determination.

No matter how strong the earthquake below is, it cannot affect those in the sky.

After the god-general was temporarily forced back by the True Monarch of Slaughter, he seemed to have been humiliated.

Not long after, he roared and swung the Daguan sword to kill him.

Zhenzhu Zhenjun did not fight head-on with this **** general this time, but flew directly towards the higher sky.

The **** general waved his sword and followed closely behind the True Monarch of Killing, as if he would never give up.

Meng Zhang’s control over this divine general is very crude. He cannot control all of his movements and can only set one goal for him.

The goal he set for this **** general was to stalk True Monarch Zulu and never let this guy go.

The two guys chased and escaped, flying higher and higher, quickly reaching the extreme height.

The sky in the underworld is not endless and endless.

The end of the sky in Yangshi is the special area of ​​Jiutian.

At the end of the sky in the underworld is the endless biting wind.

Even ghosts and gods at the level of Yangshen cannot persist in the strong wind for too long.

Ordinary ghosts and gods are in danger of falling as soon as they get close to the edge of the Gangfeng.

The power of the Gangfeng is so terrifying that the end of the sky has become the most dangerous place in the underworld.

The True Monarch of Cruelty continued to rise, as if the Gangfeng area above his head did not exist.

The **** general refused to admit defeat and pursued him desperately.

At the speed of Zhenshu Zhenjun, he quickly approached the Gangfeng area and began to penetrate deep into it.

With his cultivation, he can hold on for a while deep in the Gangfeng area.

However, this approach seems to have little meaning.

Suddenly, Zhenzhu Zhenjun did not know what kind of magic method he used, and actually stirred up countless Gangfeng in the Gangfeng area.

The Gangfeng, which was originally extremely fierce and contained terrifying power, actually gathered into huge tornadoes and chased after the True Monarch of Killing.

In this way, it seemed as if the True Monarch of Killing was flying in front and falling rapidly to the ground, with several tornadoes formed by strong winds chasing after him.

The divine general who was originally chasing behind True Monarch Zulu hesitated for a moment when faced with the power of heaven and earth formed by the strong wind, and then immediately turned around and started to avoid it.

At this time, the True Lord of Killing was chasing after him.

The body of the **** general fell quickly from the air, followed closely by the True Lord of Killing, and behind him was a huge tornado formed by the strong wind.

The speed at which they fell from the sky was much faster than the speed at which they rose.

The **** general quickly landed at a low place, and then flew low to the ground, trying to get rid of the pursuit of the True Lord of Slaughter.

The target of killing the true king has never been this divine general.

The True Lord of Cruelty fell headlong onto the violently shaking earth.

The strong wind behind him fell to the ground, causing a violent impact.

The Gangfeng containing terrifying power fell to the earth, and its power completely exploded.

A terrifying wave of air rose into the sky, making Meng Zhang and Tai Miao unsteady in the air.

Some of the weaker corpse warriors were completely unable to gain a foothold in the air, or were blown around by the air waves. Or simply fall to the ground, not knowing whether he is dead or alive.

Countless amounts of earth and rocks were sprayed into the air, turning the sky into black and gray.

Where the strong wind hit the ground, huge and unfathomable pits appeared.

The top of Hanshuang Mountain was first flattened by the strong wind, then the mountain disappeared, and finally turned into a big pit.

The power of the explosion just now was too violent, and the figure of the True Monarch of Killing completely disappeared.

Of course, no one present would think that the True Monarch of Cruelty had died in the explosion.

In fact, the power of the explosion caused considerable losses to the two Dao soldiers.

Meng Zhang guessed that it was definitely not an easy task for True Monarch Killer to create such a powerful blow just now.

Perhaps, he has paid a huge price and has begun to enter a period of weakness.

The power of the **** general is still there, and he can continue fighting for a while.

The big explosion just now did not cause much damage to this divine general.

Meng Zhang was about to urge the **** general to search the surroundings carefully to find traces of the True Monarch of Killing.

But suddenly, he found that he had lost control of this divine general.

This treasure was lent by Emperor Bawu and never belonged to Meng Zhang himself.

Although he had been mentally prepared for this situation, Meng Zhang was still a little surprised that such a thing happened at this time.

I saw that the **** ignored Meng Zhang’s order and flew directly into a huge pit on the ground.

In his heart, Meng Zhang was also very puzzled by what True Lord Cruel Slaughter had just done.

He had been planning it for so long, and he did not hesitate to risk his own life to activate the power of the wind, just to create such a big explosion?

Such a big explosion may seem terrifying, but it cannot hurt Meng Zhang and the others.

Why is this?

While Meng Zhang and Tai Miao were thinking quickly, the **** quickly flew out of the giant pit and then flew in another direction.

Taimiao’s face changed drastically at this time, as if he sensed something.

He didn’t have time to notify Meng Zhang, so he flew in one direction.

In a huge pit in front of me, True Monarch Carnage flew out from inside with a small ball of light in his hand.

The light group seemed to be no bigger than a fist, but it seemed to be as heavy as a mountain.

With this ball of light in the hands of True Monarch Cruelty, it was very difficult to find the book garden, and the flying speed could not be increased.

Taimiao became extremely excited when he saw the light group. He didn’t care about the huge gap in strength between him and the opponent, and rushed over immediately.

Before Taimiao took action, the **** general suddenly appeared behind Zhenjun Zhenzhu, holding a large sword and slashed him down.

Zhenzhu Zhenjun held the light ball in one hand and used the secret method with the other hand to fight with the **** general.

Seeing that Tai Miao was about to rush over to join the battle group, Meng Zhang stopped him in time.

Taimiao was driven by instinct, but was stopped by his master Meng Zhang, so he reluctantly stopped his progress temporarily.

Taimiao kept staring at the ball of light with greedy eyes, seeming to have forgotten everything around him.

Meng Zhang communicated with Tai Miao in time, stopped his impulse, and figured out the reason.

That seemingly inconspicuous ball of light actually contains something remarkable.

That is authority, the authority that can mobilize the rules of the underworld, the authority that can completely control everything in the underworld.

Authority is a certain embodiment of the will of heaven and represents the power of heaven and earth.

If the Junchen world follows the normal development pattern, batches of natural ghosts and gods will be born in the underworld.

Some of these lucky ones who are born with ghosts and gods will have the opportunity to take control of the underworld and become the real controllers of the underworld.

Unfortunately, this development process was interrupted due to the invasion of immortals from the spiritual world.

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