Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1665: Truce

The self-destruction of the sea snake was extremely powerful. Not only did it blow up all its bones and flesh, it also caused minor injuries to both Zhenjun Haiyang and Meng Zhang, who did not completely avoid the explosion range.

The self-destruction of the Yangshen level sea clan is not so easy to bear.

Meng Zhang took a deep breath and cried out unlucky.

This sea snake exploded, and everything disappeared in the explosion.

Not only were they affected by the explosion, they also did not get any loot.

Zhenjun Haiyang was far more disappointed than Meng Zhang, with undisguised regret on his face.

But then he thought about it. Zhenhai Palace could easily send out two Yang God-level sea clansmen, which meant that it had many sea clansmen under its command, and there were many strong ones.

Hai Ling Sect is counterattacking Zhenhai Palace’s attack.

In various battles, you will most likely encounter the Hai Clan sent by Zhenhai Palace.

With this experience and lessons learned, set a goal in advance. If the opportunity comes next time, the Hai Ling Sect still has hope of achieving its goal as long as it is prepared in advance.

Zhenjun Haiyang and Meng Zhang searched the surroundings and waited for another day, but found nothing.

Hai Ling Sect has begun to counterattack Zhenhai Palace. The leader of Haiyang Zhenjun should not stay outside for too long.

Maybe in the next moment, there will be something big in the door that requires him to make the decision.

Zhenjun Haiyang greeted Meng Zhang and returned to the Hailing Sect’s mountain gate together.

This time, they did not rush on their way slowly, but directly used the space teleportation technique to teleport back to the Hailing Sect’s mountain gate.

Needless to say, Zhenjun Haiyang has lived in Hailing Sect Mountain Gate for most of his life and is extremely familiar with this place.

When Meng Zhang was a guest at Hailing Sect Mountain Gate, he also left a space beacon.

The two teleported back smoothly without any accidents.

Shortly after returning to the mountain gate, True Lord Haiyang, the leader of the Hailing Sect, began to get busy.

Now that his identity was most likely exposed to the eyes of Zhenhai Palace, Meng Zhang no longer had any scruples and helped the Hai Ling faction fight in an upright manner.

The Hailing Sect, which lacks high-end combat power, has no reason to reject Meng Zhang, a powerful ally.

The Hai Ling Sect monks attacked everywhere and launched counterattacks against Zhenhai Palace on almost all fronts.

Although the Hai Ling Sect has unified the South China Sea and has nominally become the ruler of the South China Sea.

However, the Holy Land Sect has ruled the Junchen Realm for a long time, and its prestige has spread far and wide, far above the Hailing Sect.

In the vast South China Sea, there are still many cultivators who yearn for Zhenhai Palace.

In the South China Sea Alliance established by the Hai Ling Sect, there are some cultivation forces who secretly collude with Zhenhai Palace.

Although they did not dare to openly oppose the Hai Ling Sect, they would secretly pass on information to the Zhenhai Palace and provide various conveniences to the other party.

If the Hai Ling Sect encounters a major setback, these guys might jump out and attack the Hai Ling Sect.

In the past, the Hai Ling Sect turned a blind eye and tolerated the existence of these behaviors for the sake of the overall situation.

Now that the Hai Ling Sect is going to counterattack Zhenhai Palace, these guys have become the primary targets.

The Hai Ling Sect will take this opportunity to completely clean up the internal affairs and consolidate the established ruling order.

In addition, some peripheral forces of Zhenhai Palace. Including secret agents like the Zhongshan Sect, after being exposed, they also received heavy blows from the Hailing Sect.

Meng Zhang actively participated in the battle and killed some opponents during the battle.

Over at Zhenhai Palace, they really didn’t expect that the Hailing Sect, which had always been patient and retreating, would suddenly break out this time and launch such a swift and violent attack.

At first, Zhenhai Palace failed to respond in time.

Secondly, the supporters behind the Hai Ling Sect, including the Holy Land sects that are not dealing with Zhenhai Palace, are overtly or covertly containing the power of Zhenhai Palace and providing support for the Hai Ling Sect’s counterattack.

The Hai Ling Sect’s first step plan was implemented very smoothly, successfully eradicating the enemies within the South China Sea Alliance, and greatly frightened all the cultivation forces in the South China Sea.

Some of the peripheral forces in Zhenhai Palace also perished under the attack of Hailing Sect.

After Zhenhai Palace reacted, it also sent many monks to attack the Hai Ling Sect in all aspects.

From time to time, a war breaks out between the high-level monks of the Hailing Sect and the Zhenhai Palace.

Zhenhai Palace did not continue to send a large number of powerful people from the sea tribe to participate in the battle, and Zhenhai Haiyang’s original plan was completely in vain.

Because the Tiangong side kept a close eye on them, neither side sent out the Void Returning Power to join the battle.

The level of combat is mainly limited to the monks in the Yangshen stage and the late Yuanshen stage.

There is a big gap between the strength of Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Palace.

But the Hailing Sect has received a lot of help from outside, but Zhenhai Palace doesn’t know what went wrong, and it can’t go all out.

The high-level monks on both sides fought for many days. Although the Hailing Sect was at a disadvantage, they could still support it and did not show signs of defeat.

Seeing that both sides began to mobilize armies of monks, and the scale of the battle tended to expand, Tiangong finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

Tiangong sent envoys to prevent the expansion of the scale of the war.

The Void Returning Power from Tiangong publicly reprimanded Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Palace for not caring about the overall situation and only knowing about internal fighting.

Nowadays, various extraterritorial invaders are eyeing Junchen Realm, and the pressure on the defense lines outside Junchen Realm is increasing.

Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Palace really have that much ability, why not use it to deal with foreign enemies and defend Junchen Realm.

Actually, Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Palace had no intention of launching an all-out war at this time.

They mobilized an army of monks and made a gesture of not willing to start a war, just to increase pressure on the other side and show their determination.

The two sides were originally a little bit reluctant to stop, but now that Tiangong came forward, they simply borrowed the donkey from Poxia and slowly began to cease the war.

Of course, the number of frontal battles has begun to decrease, but all kinds of overt and covert battles will not stop.

As long as there is an opportunity, both sides will continue to attack each other in the future.

After this battle, both sides will reflect, learn lessons, and prepare for the next war.

The top leaders of both sides have a premonition that the next time the war starts again, it might be an all-out war involving an army of monks.

With this ceasefire, the top leaders of the Hai Ling Sect breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

Although the senior officials of the Hailing Sect had made predictions in advance, they did not expect that the war would escalate step by step like this, almost starting an all-out war between the two sides.

The real strength of Hailing Sect is far inferior to Zhenhai Palace.

If a full-scale war breaks out, the Hai Ling Sect will almost certainly lose.

Many of those who support the Hailing Sect and hold back the Zhenhai Palace do not care about the failure of the Hailing Sect.

Their main purpose is to attack Zhenhai Palace and weaken Zhenhai Palace.

During this process, if the Hai Ling Sect perishes, they will not care at all.

The senior officials of the Hailing Sect also saw through the minds of these guys and understood the strength comparison between the two sides, so they were unwilling to be taken advantage of and were unwilling to start an all-out war with Zhenhai Palace.

If it weren’t for the fact that the conflict between Zhenhai Palace and Hai Ling Sect was irreconcilable, Zhen Hai Palace would have been clinging to Hai Ling Sect, and Hai Ling Sect would have been more willing to make peace with Zhen Hai Palace, and the two sides would have restored peace.

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