Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1578: Star Luo Islands

For the Hailing Sect, which is facing huge pressure from Zhenhai Palace, the more allies it has, the better, and the more powerful its own camp is, the better.

Although the Star Luo Islands is unable to compete with the Holy Land Sect, it is considered to be the top force under the Holy Land Sect.

Generally speaking, the major holy land sects will impose some restrictions on the various cultivation forces within their own sphere of influence.

If some of the cultivation forces develop too well, these Holy Land sects will find ways to suppress them.

It was because the Dali Dynasty was so powerful that it not only had great power in the Yang world, but also established an extraordinary foundation in the underworld.

Ziyang Shengzong was initially concerned about his identity and influence and did not take direct action. He only indirectly restricted and suppressed the Dali Dynasty.

When all methods failed, Ziyang Shengzong had no choice but to take direct action against the Dali Dynasty.

However, in the face of the Ziyang Holy Sect’s attack, the Dali Dynasty actually revealed its deepest secrets, revealed one trump card after another, and has been in a stalemate with the Ziyang Holy Sect until now.

With the current development momentum of the Ether Yi Sect, if it were normal, Ziyang Shengzong would have taken action directly.

Speaking of which, everyone in the Taiyi Sect really needs to express their gratitude to the Dali Dynasty.

It is precisely because the Dali Dynasty helped Taiyi Sect attract the power of Ziyang Holy Sect that Taiyi Sect has remained stable until now.

Even if they really couldn’t take any action, Ziyang Shengzong still used a lot of conspiracies and tricks on Taiyi Sect.

Because the Xingluo Islands are located overseas, their situation is very special.

No matter how well the Star Luo Islands develop, the Purple Sun Sect cannot suppress them directly.

The Purple Sun Sect has always maintained great tolerance towards the Star Luo Islands.

In the north of Junchen Realm, within the jurisdiction of the Purple Sun Sect, the Purple Sun Sect generally does not allow the cultivation forces to have strong men of the Yangshen level.

However, because the Star Luo Islands are directly facing the Sea Clan, they must have enough strength to compete with the strong ones of the Sea Clan, otherwise they will not be able to gain a foothold overseas.

So, with the tacit approval and even help of the Purple Sun Sect, the Star Luo Islands has more than one Yang Shen stage powerhouse.

If we don’t mention the void-returning power hidden behind the Dali Dynasty, the overall strength of the Star Luo Islands is still above that of the Dali Dynasty.

So, both the Taiyi Sect and the Hailing Sect hope to form an alliance with the Star Luo Islands.

The Hai Ling Sect acted very quickly and soon found out a lot of detailed information about the Star Luo Islands through various channels.

After carefully reading the information, the senior leaders of Hai Ling Sect were a little disappointed.

Although the Star Luo Islands is very powerful, the situation is too complicated and the internal chaos is too chaotic.

It is really not an easy task to form an alliance with the Star Luo Islands.

The Taiyi Sect is currently busy with this matter, and the Hailing Sect is not in a position to pour cold water on it. They just pass on this information to the Taiyi Sect one after another.

After Meng Zhang left the Daheng Cultivation World and entered the West Sea, he soon became too far away to maintain contact with the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate using communication tools.

Although Niu Dawei didn’t know about the special relationship between Tai Miao and Meng Zhang, he had received instructions from Meng Zhang before.

He communicated very well in the underworld and told the other party all the newly obtained information.

Taimiao, as the incarnation of Meng Zhang, has an extremely mysterious connection with the original deity.

As long as you are near Junchen Realm, no matter how far away you are, it is difficult to break this connection.

Of course, if the distance is too far, Taimiao cannot keep in sync with Meng Zhang, and there will be a certain delay in the communication of messages between the two.

After Meng Zhang entered the West Sea, apart from admiring the magnificent sea scenery, he just immersed himself in his journey.

One after another, a lot of information came from Taimiao.

After Meng Zhang learned this information about the Star Luo Islands, he became hesitant.

It seems that my family had oversimplified the situation before, and their thoughts were changed just because of Zhenjun Xuanshui’s words.

However, Meng Zhang had already entered the depths of the West Sea, and he did not want to go back in such despair.

As he continued to move forward, he thought about whether there was anything that could be used in this information.

The situation in the Xingluo Islands is too complicated. Even as the leader, Xingluo Palace cannot control the entire Xingluo Islands.

There are many cultivation forces in the Star Luo Islands.

Behind many powerful cultivation forces, there are supporters from Junchen Realm Continent.

In fact, the Holy Land sect behind the Star Luo Islands is not just the Ziyang Holy Sect.

The Xingluo Palace is the most powerful, and the two palace masters, Qiu Wanshui and Qiu Gangfeng, are both strong Yangshen.

The Qiu brothers are able to achieve their current level of cultivation and status not only because of their amazing talents, but also because they are good at dancing and are good at playing both sides.

They took advantage of the conflicts between the sects of the Holy Land and took advantage of the Purple Sun Holy Sect to ask for help from them, and then advanced to Yangshen one after another.

The Purple Sun Holy Sect is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. When the Qiu family brothers advanced to the Yang God level one after another, and when Xingluo Palace was about to become the dominant family, it started to support other cultivation forces in the Xingluo Islands.

The ostensible reason is to strengthen the power against the Sea Clan, but in fact it is to contain Xingluo Palace.

Fuyunzi, the master of Fuyun Temple, is the third Yangshen stage powerhouse in Xingluo Islands besides the Qiu family brothers.

Although Fuyun Temple is not as powerful as Xingluo Palace, it is still a very powerful cultivation force.

There are very few people in the world who are willing to be someone else’s puppet forever.

The strength of Xingluo Palace is increasing day by day, and facing the suspicion and precautions of Ziyang Holy Sect, it is inevitable that the Qiu brothers, as the palace masters, will have different intentions.

In recent years, Xingluo Palace and Ziyang Holy Sect have become increasingly distant from each other.

The Ziyang Holy Sect has recently cut off all aid to the Xingluo Islands. In addition to being restrained by the Dali Dynasty, to a large extent, it is a way to force the Xingluo Palace into submission and completely subdue it again.

In addition to Xingluo Palace and Floating Cloud Temple, there are also many powerful cultivation forces in the Xingluo Islands.

These cultivation forces do not have strong men in the Yang Shen stage, but they have more than one great monk in the late Yuan Shen stage, and their overall strength is not weak. Find Shuyuan

As the Holy Land sect, Ziyang Holy Sect has many cultivation forces in the Star Luo Islands rushing to be its dog.

Being a dog for the Holy Land Sect is not shabby. At least it is more secure and more respectable than being a junior for the Xingluo Palace.

Fuyun Temple wants to replace Xingluo Palace, and other cultivation forces want to feast on the ruins of Xingluo Palace to make their own progress further.

It is said that the two palace masters, Qiu Wanshui and Qiu Gangfeng, have also been at odds for a long time and have accumulated deep conflicts.

Even brothers who have supported each other for many years may find it difficult to maintain their brotherhood in the face of sufficient interests and conflicts.

Xingluo Palace itself faces many problems, which can be said to be internal and external troubles.

No wonder Xingluo Palace is eager to ask Taiyi Sect for help and wants to form an alliance with Taiyi Sect.

After knowing the specific situation, it was now Meng Zhang’s turn to consider whether to take a trip into this muddy water.

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