Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1543: Black Turtle

After receiving the help from the human monks from Zhiyuan City, the mermaid clan’s ancestral land began to recover rapidly.

The flames have long been extinguished, the ruins have been thoroughly cleaned, and the wounded have been treated…

Although the overall appearance cannot be restored in a short time, at least I can barely see people.

The casualties suffered by the mermaid clan this time were too heavy. Not only the clan members suffered heavy casualties, but also almost all the masters were lost.

In this ancestral land, except for Yu Boli, the Crown Princess, there is no other powerful person at the soul level.

You must know that in the mermaid tribe in its heyday, there were at least ten or twenty powerful men at the level of souls.

The only good news is that due to limited time, the enemy did not have time to plunder here, and many treasures in the mermaid clan are still intact.

Yu Boli was also very decisive. She generously opened the treasure house and took out all kinds of precious resources, accumulated by the mermaid clan for thousands of years, and gave them to Meng Zhang as offerings.

Yu Boli not only formally surrendered to Meng Zhang, but also paid a lot of protection fees.

Although Meng Zhang doesn’t care much about the protection fee, it is still very useful to Taiyi Sect.

If the Taiyi Sect intervenes in the civil war of the Shui Tribe next, it will inevitably recruit monks from all parties and mobilize the monk army. By then, the consumption of various resources will definitely be inevitable.

With this protection fee, not only can it greatly reduce the pressure on Taiyi Sect, but it can also better recruit monks to participate in the war.

The mermaid tribe has ruled the water tribe for many years and has a deep foundation.

In addition to the ancestral land of the mermaid tribe, masters and even large armies of the mermaid tribe are stationed in many key places along the Jiuqu River.

Regardless of the fact that her injuries had not yet fully recovered, Yupoli sent orders to the mermaid tribesmen everywhere, asking them to rush back to their ancestral land as quickly as possible.

In the ancestral land of the mermaid clan, there are originally special communication tools that can contact the strong mermaid clan in various places.

In order to ensure that the information is conveyed accurately, Ubo Rei must go to convey the order in person regardless of her serious injuries.

Meng Zhang couldn’t tolerate anything happening to Yubo Li, so he had to condescend to him and personally **** Yubo Li to deliver the order.

Meng Zhang is proficient in the art of space teleportation and can shuttle in and out of Jiuqu River very quickly.

In addition to the strong men of the mermaid tribe, there are also some die-hard loyalists of the mermaid tribe among other groups in the water tribe who are still worthy of trust.

Following Yupoli’s movements, the remaining strength of the mermaid clan was quickly mobilized, and teams quickly gathered towards the island in the middle of the lake.

The rebels should have known for a long time that Meng Zhang had started to intervene in the internal strife of the Shui Tribe.

Due to the strength of the strong men in the Yangshen stage, the rebels did not continue to attack.

However, due to insufficient intelligence, Meng Zhang does not know the other party’s movements for the time being.

One month after the mermaid tribe suffered a sneak attack, after sorting and repairing, part of the building on the island in the center of the lake was restored, and it barely looked like the aquatic tribe’s headquarters.

During this period of time, Yuboli also fully demonstrated her skills.

She tried her best and made use of the favors and connections accumulated by the mermaid clan for thousands of years, and finally gathered a usable force.

The strong men and garrisons of the mermaid tribe outside have returned to the ancestral land of the mermaid tribe one after another.

Beside Yu Boli, there were two more strong men of the mermaid tribe at the level of soul.

A well-trained and well-organized mermaid army is stationed nearby.

In addition, among the other groups of the Shui Tribe, there are also three strong men at the soul level and several powerful armies who have gathered under Upolei’s command.

In this way, Yu Boli, the new king of the mermaid tribe and the new leader of the Jiuqu River Aquatic Tribe, finally has some cards.

She sent many envoys to the major groups of the Shui Tribe to deliver orders.

There are very few ethnic groups who are really willing to obey her. A large part of the ethnic group remains neutral, and some ethnic groups directly kill the messenger and openly oppose Upolei.

All this was expected by Yuboli.

As a member of the mermaid clan, she certainly hopes to retain her position as the leader of the mermaid clan and take revenge on her enemies.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to completely surrender to Meng Zhang.

As long as she can take revenge and restore the status of the mermaid tribe, she is even willing to sacrifice all the water tribes in the Jiuqu River.

Meng Zhang readily accepted Yu Boli’s surrender.

In Zhiyuan City, there is an army of monks that has just been organized and can send out reinforcements at any time.

At least on the surface, Meng Zhang still gave Yu Boli full respect, allowing the fish clan to maintain a relatively independent status.

Except for Meng Zhang, no other human monks easily approached the ancestral land of the mermaid clan.

At least it seems that the mermaid clan is not yet a vassal of the Taiyi Sect.

Yu Boli has the power to support herself, but she is still far away from revenge.

Among the Jiuqu River aquarium, not many support Yuboli.

Some of the other ethnic groups are staying on the sidelines, while others have completely taken the side of the rebels and openly raised their flags of rebellion.

The most important thing is that the core of the rebels, that is, the details of the fish people, Yuboli has not yet figured out.

She only knew that most of the strong men who invaded the mermaid tribe’s ancestral land were from the mermaid tribe.

Among them, there are at least two strong men at the level of great monks.

If the gap in high-end combat power was not so large, the mermaid clan would not have suffered such a miserable defeat despite occupying a favorable location.

Except for the rebellion of many tribes in the Jiuqu River Water Tribe, there are no signs of a large-scale attack by the Fishman Tribe yet.

Yu Boli came to Meng Zhang with the latest information she had, and discussed the next step with Meng Zhang.

First of all, the Taiyi Sect is not ready for a full-scale war.

Secondly, Taiyi Sect monks are far less convenient than aquatic tribesmen to move around in the water.

Thirdly, on the surface, you must respect the mermaid clan as the landlord.

So so far, Meng Zhang has not sent any monks from the Taiyi Sect into the Jiuqu River Aquatic Tribe for investigation. He also knew nothing about the enemy’s situation.

He slowly analyzed the enemy’s strength based on Yupoli’s report.

Yu Boli also specifically told Meng Zhang to find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com There is a hidden force among the Jiuqu River Aquatic Tribe.

That is a small but powerful group of black turtles.

Black tortoises like to be quiet and don’t like to move. Once they sleep, they won’t move from their nest for many years.

In addition, this Black Turtle tribe is very low-key from top to bottom, and they are never too lazy to ask about foreign affairs.

So even among the Jiuqu River Aquatic Tribe, this black turtle tribe has a low reputation, and few people know its details.

There are several black turtles at the primordial level among this black turtle, especially the ancestor of the black turtle, who has at least thousands of years of life, and is particularly powerful and terrifying.

Although the ancestor of Xuangui is not yet a strong man at the level of Yangshen, most of the great monks in the late stage of Yuanshen are far from his opponent.

The mermaid kings of all generations were respectful in front of the ancestor Xuangui, treating themselves as juniors and not daring to be careless in the slightest.

For so many years in the Jiuqu River Aquatic Tribe, whether it was internal or external fighting, the Black Turtle Ancestor has never shown up, and the entire Black Turtle clan has never participated.

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