Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1539: Rescue

“Prince Princess, please get up quickly and stop being like this.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help, it’s because this matter is an internal matter of your Aquatic Tribe. As an outsider, it’s really hard for me to interfere.”

Meng Zhang looked like a kind and good old man at this time.

In Meng Zhang’s heart, he even felt a little regretful.

I really shouldn’t have rushed here in such a hurry.

I should wait a little longer, wait until the situation inside the aquarium gets worse and worse, and all the damned people are almost dead, then I will appear as a savior to save the mermaid clan.

Now faced with the Crown Princess’s pleading, Meng Zhang still had to find excuses to deal with her.

The Crown Princess was also a decisive person. Seeing that she could not move Meng Zhang by simply begging, she immediately offered her a favor.

As long as Meng Zhang is willing to help the Shui Tribe quell the rebellion and save the Shui Tribe, then the Shui Tribe will definitely be loyal to the Taiyi Sect and become a **** of the Taiyi Sect.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was a little moved, the Crown Princess struck while the iron was hot and told Meng Zhang that the civil strife in the Shui Tribe was not simply an internal problem of the Shui Tribe, but the intervention of outsiders and collusion between internal and external parties, which led to such a situation.

As soon as he heard that outsiders were involved in the internal strife of the Shui Tribe, Meng Zhang’s sensitive nerves were immediately aroused.

The Daheng Cultivation World has long belonged to the Taiyi Sect. The Jiuqu River water tribe can maintain its independence because it poses no threat to the Taiyi Sect, so Meng Zhangcai shows mercy.

In Meng Zhang’s eyes, this water tribe already belongs to Taiyi Sect. It is only a matter of time to completely absorb and subdue this aquatic tribe.

Now that outsiders are meddling in the internal affairs of the Shui Tribe, creating civil strife within the Shui Tribe, and subverting the original ruling order of the Shui Tribe, Meng Zhang must not sit idly by.

In fact, he already had suspicions in his mind.

Could it be that the Dark Alliance’s hands and feet are involved in this civil strife in the Water Tribe?

Meng Zhang began to guess in his mind, and at the same time he praised the Crown Princess for her really good tricks.

Not to mention her other abilities, her ability to grasp people’s hearts and persuade them is very extraordinary.

She first lured Meng Zhang to gain advantage, and tempted Meng Zhang to take action with the water tribe’s complete surrender.

Then, she mentioned that outsiders were involved in the internal strife of the Shui Tribe, which would arouse Meng Zhang’s vigilance.

Meng Zhang glanced at the Crown Princess. Although the other party had used some tricks, she would never dare to deceive him on key issues.

Meng Zhang pondered for a moment before speaking slowly: “The Shui Tribe and my Taiyi Sect have been friends for many years. We were comrades who fought side by side when we suppressed the demonic disaster.”

“Now that the Shui Tribe is in trouble, and you, the Crown Princess, are personally asking for help, I can no longer sit back and ignore it.”

Before he finished speaking, Meng Zhang gently tore open the protective formation in front of him with both hands.

With a sound like a piece of cloth being ripped apart, the restrictions of the protective formation were broken.

Of course, if the protective formation itself had not been seriously damaged, Meng Zhang would not have broken it so easily.

The protective formation was broken, it was like the curtain of a stage was removed, revealing the scene behind the stage.

I saw that what was originally a magnificent palace in front of me now became devastated.

Continuous palaces collapsed one after another, ferocious fires were spreading among the palaces, and the black smoke rising into the sky almost obscured the sky…

The Taiyi Sect monks have never entered the Aqua Tribe headquarters before, and the information they have here is very sparse.

After Meng Zhang first advanced to the Yangshen stage, he visited the Daheng cultivation world.

At that time, he secretly came to the vicinity of the Aqua Tribe’s headquarters, and with the magical power of the Eye of Deception, he briefly observed the Aqua Tribe’s headquarters through the protective formation.

Contrary to what Meng Zhang originally imagined, the Aquarium headquarters is not located underwater, but is located on an island in the middle of the lake in the main stream of the Jiuqu River.

Meng Zhang has once explored the terrain around Daheng Cultivation World and has a certain understanding of it.

To the west of Daheng Cultivation Realm is the vast West Sea.

The water from the West Sea flows into the Daheng Xiuzhen Realm through a large gap. After some wonderful changes, it turns into a river and merges into the Jiuqu River, forming the Jiuqu River, which runs through the northernmost part of the Junchen Realm. of big rivers.

The Jiuqu River spreads so long, its length within the Daheng Cultivation Realm alone is far more than one hundred thousand miles.

In addition to the main stream, the long Jiuqu River also has numerous tributaries, large and small, and has formed a large number of rivers and lakes in many places.

The Jiuqu River, where the aquarium headquarters is located, has formed a huge ring-shaped lake due to special terrain conditions.

In the center of this circular lake, there is an island in the middle of the lake with a radius of several hundred miles.

This is the headquarters of this aquatic tribe, and it is also the ancestral land where the mermaid family has thrived and thrived for many years.

Now, this ancestral land where the mermaid clan has lived for many years has been almost destroyed in the war.

The ground is full of corpses of the mermaid clan. They are real corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood.

The few survivors who were lucky enough to survive were hiding in the ruins of the palace to avoid the enemy’s pursuit.

There were also many seriously injured members of the mermaid clan, lying on the ground with their eyes closed, waiting to die.

Meng Zhang looked into the distance and saw that King Golden Hook, who had been injured by him just now, and a group of strong men from the water tribe were running for their lives quickly.

They didn’t care about anything else, and even gave up on their men who were still chasing the enemy and looting everywhere, and just ran away at full speed.

Those guys don’t look weak, but if Meng Zhang is willing, he can chase them and kill them all at any time.

But at this time, the Crown Princess not only rushed to save her people with her seriously injured body, but also loudly asked Meng Zhang for help.

Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was not in line with his status to refuse to save anyone.

On the island in the center of the lake ahead, many strong men from the hostile water tribe, such as various shrimp soldiers and crab generals, masters from the shrimp and crab tribes, are running around.

Among them, there are masters at the golden elixir level and even masters at the soul level.

If Meng Zhang doesn’t help, find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. comThe Crown Princess, who was seriously injured but had not yet recovered, was not only unable to save her own clan members, she could not even save her own life.

The ancestral land of the mermaid clan was destroyed, suffered heavy losses, and was almost on the verge of annihilation.

The Crown Princess, a survivor, is of great use to Meng Zhang. Naturally, Meng Zhang cannot just watch him die.

In the originally dark sky, bursts of light suddenly lit up.

The almost endless divine light of the sun and moon fell from the sky, fell on the island in the middle of the lake, and fell on all the water tribes present.

Those members of the mermaid clan who were seriously injured were suddenly surprised to find that their injuries began to slowly heal, with various scars quickly disappearing and their injuries becoming stable.

The other water tribes who were chasing the mermaid tribe, exposed to the divine light of the sun and moon, made pitiful cries for help and watched their bodies disappear quickly.

There are at least tens of thousands of hostile low-level water tribes on the island in the center of the lake. However, in front of a strong man like Meng Zhang in the Yang Shen stage, they have no power to resist and can only accept death.

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