Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1524: You Dou

In this void, there are already wars everywhere.

Originally, it was just the demon tribe and the barbarian tribe who joined forces to attack the floating continent occupied by the monks from the Junchen Realm.

Later, Buddhist monks came and tried to plot against Lord Tianlei in the name of reinforcements.

However, the monks from the Junchen Realm, who were prepared in advance, took advantage of the situation and plotted against these Buddhist monks.

Several forces launched an extremely fierce battle in this void.

Although Meng Zhang was surrounded by several demon kings and barbarian kings, he did not panic at all.

The fact that Junchen Realm can fight against so many big worlds around it on its own shows its strength.

Since the Junchen Realm side has made preparations in advance, the possibility of victory in this battle is very high.

Of course, Meng Zhang couldn’t just wait for Junchen Realm to win, while doing nothing himself and waiting for someone to come and rescue him.

Who knows how long this kind of war with extremely high level and wide implications will last.

Moreover, Meng Zhang was very unwilling to leave his family’s fate to others.

In the void, the rules of heaven and earth are far less stable than in the Junchen world, and the constraints on cultivators are even smaller.

Meng Zhang can call upon the power of the great avenue of space unscrupulously, and continuously make his body flicker and move in the void.

Even without the Void Cauldron, he can perfectly perform various spatial secret techniques.

If Yuan Jue hadn’t been watching eagerly from the side, he could have used the technique of space teleportation to break away from the battle and escape far away.

Since this is a war between Junchen Realm and other big worlds, Meng Zhang certainly hopes to make military exploits.

He even wanted to find an opportunity to seriously injure or even kill Yuan Jue and get rid of this trouble completely.

Meng Zhang has never been an open-minded person.

This time he was sent by Danshanke to the Buddhist monks to ask for reinforcements. In fact, he really took a huge risk.

Buddhist monks have evil intentions to begin with. If he and the Luo family brothers were taken care of by accident, Meng Zhang would really have no place to complain.

If it weren’t for the purpose of making the performance more realistic and gaining people’s trust, Venerable Fangyuan would not have brought them here alive.

In the subsequent battle to return to the void, if Meng Zhang had not been alert enough and moved a little slower, he might not have been able to escape.

When he thought of these things, Meng Zhang became so angry that he couldn’t help but want to vent his anger.

I finally became the Yang Shen, and I was a little shaken. I had not been proud for long before I encountered such a dangerous situation again.

What makes Meng Zhang even more distressed is that even if he escapes safely afterwards, he has no ability to settle accounts with Danshanke.

Although he was already very angry, Meng Zhang acted very calmly.

He seemed a little passive under the siege of several demon kings and barbarian kings, but he was secretly looking for opportunities.

A rough barbarian king rushed in greedily and suddenly broke away from the cover of others and was about to rush to Meng Zhang’s side.

The space in front of Meng Zhang silently opened up with a thick spatial crack.

The rapidly charging Barbarian King seemed to have rushed into this space crack on his own initiative.

His entire body seemed to have been cut by the sharpest blade.

Half of the body remained in place, while the other half was drawn into the space crack and disappeared without a trace.

Even a barbarian with a strong body and extremely strong vitality would have difficulty saving his life in this situation.

The big demon king flapped its wings desperately, and countless wind blades swept in, completely submerging the place where Meng Zhang was.

Meng Zhang’s body had disappeared long before that and appeared in another place.

Next, Meng Zhang tried his best to avoid head-on confrontation with the big demon king, and specifically picked on ordinary demon kings and barbarian kings.

Although there were many enemies, they could not do anything to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang was outnumbered, but he was able to roam freely among the enemy’s siege without feeling constrained at all.

Meng Zhang’s figure kept flashing around, appearing and disappearing, making it impossible for the enemy to catch him.

Every time he takes action, he always hits the enemy’s weak link, and is always able to seize the enemy’s flaw.

Not long after, he followed the same pattern and killed a demon king and a barbarian king again.

The big demon king kept screaming angrily, wanting to tear Meng Zhang into pieces.

But Meng Zhang was too slippery and refused to confront him head-on, leaving him nowhere to use his strength.

The remaining three demon kings and one barbarian king were obviously cowering in the face of Meng Zhang’s brutal methods.

They seemed to be helping the Great Demon King to contain Meng Zhang, but they had no effect at all.

If this situation continues, Meng Zhang may defeat these enemies one by one and kill them one by one.

Yuanjue, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, knew that his chance had come.

He shouted loudly to the big demon king who was chasing Meng Zhang, expressing his willingness to help, and everyone worked together to take down this cultivator from the Junchen Realm.

Most Buddhist monks are people who are good at speaking and speaking.

Yuanjue may not have the ability to talk like a lotus flower, but his sincere words seemed to be very pleasant to the ears of the great demon king.

The big demon king hesitated for a moment, then agreed to Yuan Jue’s proposal and agreed to let him help.

Yuan Jue has been watching the battle from the side before and has been observing carefully for such a long time.

He fully thought that he had seen through Meng Zhang’s true identity and knew the truth about his opponent.

In terms of strength, Meng Zhang is not much stronger than the Black Eagle Demon King.

With so many demon kings and barbarian kings helping out, Meng Zhang should have been at a disadvantage.

But Meng Zhang’s spatial powers are so great that he can flicker and move around freely with almost a thought. This is almost like teleportation.

In comparison, the space traps he laid casually and the space cracks he created were nothing.

If you want to subdue Meng Zhang, you must first restrain his spatial powers so that he cannot teleport around freely.

After getting the permission from the great demon king, Yuanjue, who was well prepared, clasped his hands together, and the rosary hanging from his neck flew to the top of his head, and then dispersed all of a sudden.

Densely packed rosary beads fell around Meng Zhang. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

These beads did not attack Meng Zhang directly, but surrounded him.

As Yuan Jue cast the spell, the space in the area where Meng Zhang was located seemed to freeze suddenly.

Meng Zhang was preparing to use space teleportation again and teleport away from his original location.

However, due to the blockade cast by Yuan Jue, his spatial transmission was blocked and his movements paused slightly.

After a brief pause, the big demon king immediately chased after him and entangled Meng Zhang tightly.

Yuanjue’s space blockade could not completely lock Meng Zhang’s space magical power, it just delayed him for a while, preventing him from teleporting so smoothly.

Just such a short delay is enough for these demon kings and barbarian kings to react.

At this moment, Meng Zhang’s teleportation ability was effectively disabled and could not function.

He could no longer fight with the enemy, so he had to fight head-on with them head-on.

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