Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1520: Pagoda

Meng Zhang was muttering to himself that Venerable Fangyuan was stingy, when his eyes flashed and an elderly monk appeared in front of them.

“Lao Na Yuanjue, I have met three Taoist friends.”

“According to the order of Uncle Fangyuan, next, I will be responsible for entertaining three Taoist friends.”

Meng Zhang’s face straightened, and he kept saying that he didn’t dare. The master was polite.

In Meng Zhang’s perception, this monk who calls himself Yuanjue is a monk in the same realm as himself.

He actually sent a master with a perfect golden body to entertain the guests. Venerable Fangyuan did not treat Meng Zhang and the others lightly.

Yuanjue first introduced the three pagodas in front of Meng Zhang and others.

These three pagodas are means of transportation, carrying the group of Buddhist monks away from their hometown and across a long distance to this remote area.

At the same time, these three pagodas are also their daily residence, protecting them from various dangerous environments and giving them a foothold in the void.

Meng Zhang took a cursory glance and found that the lowest of the three pagodas was over a thousand feet tall and had at least a hundred floors inside.

Yuanjue took Meng Zhang and the others and flew to the bottom of the lowest pagoda.

The bottom of the pagoda is very wide. In addition to the closed building, there is also an open-air square with a radius of more than 100 feet.

From time to time, some Buddhist monks leave the pagoda and fly into the distant void.

Similarly, from time to time some Buddhist monks flew in from a distance, landed on the square, and then entered the pagoda.

Yuanjue explained a few words casually.

Although there are very rich resources stored in the pagoda, whenever they visit a resource gathering place, the monks will still organize outings and actively collect various resources to avoid the situation of sitting on nothing.

Yuanjue led Meng Zhang and the others into the pagoda.

Along the way, monks passing by from time to time saluted Yuanjue and said hello.

Obviously, Yuanjue’s status here is not low.

Thinking about it, Yuanjue’s cultivation level is not weaker than that of a monk in the Yangshen stage like Meng Zhang. Among the Buddhist sects with many powerful people, he should be considered the number one figure.

After entering the pagoda, Meng Zhang made a somewhat surprising discovery.

There are many monks in the pagoda, and not all of them are gold-level masters.

There are many monks in the relic stage and even in the foundation stage.

You must know that the Taoist monks in Junchen Realm will not form a team to go to the outer void until they have reached the Yuan Shen stage.

Only cultivation at the Yuan Shen stage can guarantee the minimum ability to survive in the void.

The reason why these low-level monks can enter the void is probably due to the protection of this pagoda.

Meng Zhang has also heard that among the holy land sects in Junchen Realm, there seems to be void battleships that can carry low-level cultivators into the void.

Of course, these low-level cultivators must always stay on the battleship and cannot leave even half a step.

They are inside the warship and can do some maintenance and repair work on the warship.

The current Taiyi Sect has a certain foundation in mechanism skills and weapon refining skills.

The Taiyi Sect can refine various levels of flying boats, even warships and cloud boats.

But the Taiyi Sect monks have never even seen a void battleship that can survive and travel in the void.

Not to mention refining, there is no way to even buy it.

In fact, Tiangong, together with the major Holy Land sects, have placed great restrictions on all aspects of technology for manufacturing void battleships, and even the construction and sale of void battleships.

No matter how strong the Taiyi Sect’s financial and material resources are, no matter how much they pay, without the approval of the Holy Land Sect, they can never have access to the channels related to the Void Battleship.

Meng Zhang guessed that these three pagodas should be Buddhist void battleships.

Yuanjue led Meng Zhang and the others for a brief circle inside the pagoda.

Not to mention the key parts of the pagoda, they were unable to enter even most parts of the pagoda.

I wonder if these Buddhist monks don’t trust them, or is this the way they treat guests?

Everywhere Yuanjue led them to, there was nothing interesting to see.

Empty halls, spacious rooms, long corridors…

Finally, Yuan Jue led Meng Zhang and the others to a remote corner.

In this corner, there are more than ten separate rooms.

Yuanjue arranged a room for Meng Zhang and the three of them to rest.

In addition, outside the room, three monks in the foundation-building stage were arranged for them to use.

After arranging them, Yuanjue said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Yuan Jue made a special explanation.

If they have anything to do, they can leave it to the summoning monks outside.

It is best for them not to leave the room easily and walk around the pagoda at will.

The monks in the pagoda come from different sects, and many of them are not good enough and have rude personalities.

Yuanjue was worried that they would collide with the three distinguished guests Meng Zhang and cause some unpleasant conflicts.

Neither Meng Zhang nor the Luo brothers said anything and returned to their respective rooms.

Although he was alone in the room, Meng Zhang did not feel at all relaxed in the territory of Buddhist monks.

Since he took over the task of carrying the mountain guests, everything has gone smoothly so far.

Except for being ambushed by a demon clan on the road, there were no other accidents.

He and the Luo brothers arrived here smoothly and had completed their mission.

As for how the Buddhist monks will react and whether they will support Heavenly Thunder Master, it is not up to Meng Zhang.

The only thing he could do was wait silently.

Meng Zhang cannot understand or think about the connection and relationship between the senior officials of the Junchen Realm, the Heavenly Thunder Master and the Buddhist monks.

According to the Luo brothers, the high-level monks in Junchen Realm are all aware of the interactions between Lord Tianlei and Buddhist monks.

On that day, Shangzun Lei should not be suspected of secretly colluding with the Buddhist monks and betraying the Junchen Realm.

But this is just a unilateral statement by the Luo brothers.

They also said that Lord Tianlei has many opponents in the Junchen world, and the Buddhist monks are full of goodwill towards the Junchen world.


Meng Zhang shook his head, throwing away these chaotic thoughts from his brain. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Since there was something he couldn’t figure out for the time being, he didn’t bother to think about it anymore.

As long as you come, take care of yourself. Since you have come to the territory of Buddhist monks and the other party has no ill intentions for the time being, just wait honestly.

Both the Luo brothers and Meng Zhang did the same thing. They didn’t go out and kept waiting silently in their rooms.

They did not wait long. In less than two days, Yuanjue appeared in front of Meng Zhang and the others again.

There was a small corner outside Meng Zhang’s room, where Yuan Jue met them.

After meeting, Yuanjue went straight to the topic without saying any nonsense.

Venerable Fangyuan and several fellow disciples have already discussed and made a decision.

Looking at the fact that they have known each other for many years, they decided to go to reinforce the Lord Tianlei and help him get out of trouble.

Yuan Jue’s words made the Luo brothers overjoyed, their faces full of joy.

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