Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 146: Get ready

Before Meng Zhang finished speaking, Zhou Shengkao shook his head.

“No, absolutely not. Although Uncle Shan is a little angry, he will not let Shuangfenggu and Qingzhushan fight against each other.”

“My younger brother did not ask you to come forward, let alone Shuangfenggu and Qingzhushan. Instead, I asked Taiyi Sect to come forward to recruit Yang family monks and help the Yang family save people. Big brother only needs to provide some help secretly. ”

“In addition, if Qingzhu Mountain embarrasses Taiyi Sect in the future, Shuangfeng Valley should be asked to provide more protection.” Meng Zhang explained quickly.

After hearing what Meng Zhang said, Zhou Shengkao asked, “How sure are you that you can successfully rescue the mortals of the Yang family?”

“At least 80% sure.” Meng Zhang said, patting his chest.

Zhou Shengkao thought for a while but remained silent.

Meng Zhang read his mind and knew that he had been moved by him, but he just couldn’t make up his mind.

Zhou Shengkao thought about it again and again, and finally asked Meng Zhang to wait here while he left first.

Meng Zhang waited patiently here. After waiting for almost an hour, Zhou Shengkao came back.

You don’t need to read Zhou Shengkao’s thoughts, just by looking at his face, you know that this matter is probably done.

“Brother Meng, you can do this, but you must do it beautifully. After you rescue the mortals of the Yang family, you will bring everyone from the Yang family back to your Taiyi Sect.”

“If Qingzhu Mountain wants to retaliate against you in the future, Shuangfeng Valley will never sit idly by and ignore it.”

After receiving Zhou Shengkao’s promise, Meng Zhang’s heart finally fell to the ground. This matter is finally settled.

After leaving Zhou Shengkao’s place, Meng Zhang directly found the residence of the Yang family monks in Mingshafang City based on the information given by Zhou Shengkao.

There are still six monks from the Yang family who have survived and have been hiding in a remote small courtyard in Mingshafang City.

Shuangfenggu, as the owner of Mingshafang City, certainly knows this. Qingzhu Mountain once sent monks to Mingshafang City to investigate, but they were obstructed intentionally or unintentionally by Shuangfeng Valley.

Yang Xueyi also took the initiative to go out on her own and went to Sihai Tower to hire casual cultivators. Only then did she expose her traces and get entangled with Liu Fenglang.

As long as the Yang family monks hide in this small courtyard, Qingzhu Mountain will not be able to do anything to them for the time being.

Especially after what happened, Shuangfenggu will not allow the Qingzhushan monks to cause chaos in Mingshafang City.

The Yang family monks were very wary of Meng Zhang who came to his door.

Among the several Yang family monks, Yang Xueyi is the youngest, but she is the one who calls the shots.

“Miss Yang, I am Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect.”

“Miss Yang, the first time I met you was in Sihai Tower. I have a little understanding of your situation. At the same time, I also have an immature idea that may be able to solve your problem.” Meng Zhang Be the first to speak.

“I remember you. You were right next to me when Liu Fenglang pestered me in Sihai Tower.”

“Later, in that alley, you were the one who notified the patrolling monks of Shuangfeng Valley. You were probably the one who made the words that angered Liu Fenglang.”

Yang Xueyi is only at the sixth level of Qi Refining, but her senses are very keen. Not only did he recognize Meng Zhang at a glance, but he also revealed Meng Zhang’s movements.

“I owe you a favor about the matter in the alley. Thank you for helping me out.” Yang Xueyi said very sincerely.

Since Yang Xueyi showed her affection, the two of them got off to a good start and quickly got down to business.

Meng Zhang and Yang Xueyi talked for a long time before they reached an agreement.

As long as Meng Zhang can rescue the mortals of the Yang family from Qingzhu Mountain. Yang Xueyi will lead everyone in the Yang family into the Taiyi Sect.

When Meng Zhang first came into contact with him, he secretly used his telepathy to read the thoughts of everyone in the Yang family.

These people have good personalities and are not cold-blooded people.

Especially Yang Xueyi, although she is a woman, she is determined, has excellent qualifications, and is a very good Talisman Master. Such talent is indeed rare, and even if you take some risks for her, it is completely worth it.

A sea that is open to all rivers is a great place. If Taiyi Sect wants to develop and grow, it must recruit talents from all over the world.

After making an agreement with Yang Xueyi, Meng Zhang left Mingshafang City and returned to Taiyi Sect.

The nine-sided and nine-sided wind and fire flag entrusted to the Dihuo Gate to be refined has been successfully refined long ago and was brought back to the gate by Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang selected nine disciples who were in the middle stage of Qi refining and asked them to practice according to the secret method and become familiar with how to use this set of combined magic weapons.

After a period of running-in, it seems to have a good shape.

The nine disciples are headed by Wen Qiansuan. He told Meng Zhang that he could now go into actual combat.

Meng Zhang asked them to continue practicing and be sure to master the use of this combined magic weapon. It won’t be long before they need to take action.

Meng Zhang contacted Jueying again.

The two agreed to meet near Huojingfang City.

When Meng Zhang rushed there, Jueying had been waiting for a long time.

Meng Zhang also trusted Jueying and told her his plan in detail.

Then the two set off together to Huojingfang City.

Arriving at Huojingfang City, Meng and Zhang went directly to the black market.

Meng Zhang’s customer level in the black market, thanks to Jueying’s recommendation, is already a regular customer and has greater authority. Not to mention having Jueying by his side.

The two found a person in charge of the black market, and Meng Zhang made his request.

Meng Zhang first entrusted the black market to help investigate information about Qingzhu Mountain.

What Meng Zhang wanted to investigate was not the core information of Qingzhu Mountain, but only some peripheral information. The black market easily accepted this commission.

During the black market investigation, Meng Zhang temporarily stayed in Huojingfang City.

He and Jueying walked around Huojingfang City for several times and waited for a few days before getting a reply from the black market.

After receiving the specific information, Meng Zhang read it several times. Fortunately, it was not unexpected, and I could handle the situation this time.

Meng Zhang made a series of demands to the black market. The most important one is to hire two foundation-building monks.

They don’t need to fight to the death with the foundation-building monks in Qingzhu Mountain, they just need to entangle the foundation-building monks in Qingzhu Mountain at the critical moment.

With the black market’s vast magical power, Meng Zhang’s client level being sufficient, and Jueying’s reputation, as long as Meng Zhang gives enough spirit stones, it is not difficult to satisfy his request.

It is not cheap to get a foundation-building monk to take action once. He hired two foundation-building monks at once, and they were against Qingzhushan.

Facing the prices offered on the black market, Meng Zhangdu felt a twinge of pain.

After Meng Zhang paid the deposit, he was empty.

As for the remaining spirit stones, Jueying lent them to him.

I really didn’t expect that Jueying was still a little rich woman.

After Meng Zhang and Jueying repeatedly discussed the details of the entire plan and determined that there were no problems, Meng Zhang went to gather the people and prepare to take action.

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