Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1441: Help

Meng Zhang informed the rear of the situation in Bairi Valley. As for how the rear dealt with it, he had no control over it for the time being.

The main purpose of Meng Zhang’s attack this time with the Mermaid King and the Gray Peng King is to rely on his advanced cultivation, hoping to kill some high-level monsters and reduce the pressure in the future.

Being able to save the Songfeng Sect is already an unexpected blessing.

Here at Bairi Valley, if you can save it, save it; if you can’t, you have to give up.

You can’t just send an expeditionary army in just for a bunch of low-level monks and mortals who were abandoned by White Sun Valley.

Meng Zhang is not in the army now. The people in charge of the army are Niu Dawei and Yang Xueyi.

How to deal with it is their business. Meng Zhang can’t control it remotely.

After leaving White Sun Valley, Meng Zhang and the three of them began to move around, looking for high-level monsters to hunt.

As for the monsters, the Black Gold Demon King led the monster army to achieve an unprecedented victory.

After a big victory, he also needs time to digest the fruits of victory.

The monks who fell into the hands of monsters were transformed into new monsters one after another.

Among the group of monsters that have experienced a lot of killing and devouring, many monsters have begun to advance.

The monks of Wanhe Mountain did not directly participate in this battle. They just made way for the passage and destroyed the protective circle, allowing the monster army to advance straight in.

At the same time that the monster army invaded the camp, the Yuan Shen Zhenjun of Wanhe Mountain and his monks had already evacuated the battlefield.

The last time Meng Zhang left Wanhe Mountain, he made a big fuss and buried all of Shanzhong Zhenjun and the so-called sacred stone.

These means cannot trap Yamazhong Zhenjun.

After it was confirmed that Meng Zhang had left, the spirit of Lord Shanzhong left the sacred stone and directly contacted the monks left behind in Wanhe Mountain.

Although Yamashigema’s soul was not destroyed and he was resurrected from the dead, it was beyond everyone’s expectations. However, after the death of the leader, Shanzhizhenjun, he quickly regained his identity as Yamashigema. The right to speak.

Wanhe Mountain is different from the Songfeng Sect. The True Lord of Shanji sent most of the monks in the sect to serve under Xiao Qiao, and there were not many monks left behind in the sect.

Shenjun Shanzhong used coercion and inducement to reveal the true identity of the sacred stone, and quickly controlled the remaining Yuanshen monks.

In the following time, because of the incident at the mountain gate, the Wanheshan Yuanshen monks in Xiaoqiao’s army were recalled by the mountain gate in turn.

The Yuanshen True Monarchs in Wanhe Mountain basically obtain the stone bodies produced by refining divine stones, thus gaining the opportunity to advance to the Yuanshen stage.

Controlled by others, they quickly succumbed to the highly prestigious Yamashige Shin-kun and had to accept the reality.

Having mastered the True Lord of Yuanshen in the sect, you can naturally command all the monks in the sect.

Even if there are smart monks in the sect who think something is wrong, so what, can they resist the True Lord Yuanshen?

In fact, although Wanhe Mountain has always had a tradition of raising monsters, many monks in the sect are still very repelled by directly colluding with monsters.

However, under the forced order of the True Lord Yuan Shen in the sect, everyone had to obey the order.

If there really is a disciple who dares to disobey orders, all the True Lords of Yuanshen will kill him without hesitation.

Of course, although all the True Lords of Yuanshen in Wanhe Mountain have succumbed to True Lord Shan Zhong, they are not so mad as to transform all the monks in their sect into monsters.

The many low-level monks in the sect are still of great use value.

After the team of monks from Wanhe Mountain left the camp, they embarked on their way back to Wanhe Mountain.

After True Lord Cangsong became a demon, he used various means to make many of his monks fall into the devil’s path.

After the war, he led this group of demonized men and also embarked on the return journey to the Songfeng Sect.

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After being possessed by the demon, Cangsong Zhenjun was simply more cruel and cold-blooded than the monster.

He plans to demonize all the remaining monks of the Songfeng Sect, including the monks and mortals who fled around the mountain gate. They are all his targets.

It won’t be long before he leads a huge army of monsters and joins the fight for hegemony in the Daheng cultivation world.

Although several demonic forces temporarily joined forces to eliminate the army of monks led by Xiao Qiao, they have different backgrounds and have great conflicts of interest and many differences.

If all the human forces in the Daheng cultivation world are wiped out, there may be another fierce battle between these demonic forces.

Meng Zhang and the others did not touch those large groups of monsters, but specifically looked for some isolated high-level monsters to attack.

But when monsters reach a certain level, most of them will spontaneously form groups of a certain size.

They hunted everywhere, but the harvest was not very big.

They kept appearing near the monster army, and they had already figured out the general situation of the monster army.

If the monster army did not deliberately hide its strength, it seems that there is only the Black Gold Demon King, a fourth-level monster at the level of a great monk, in the army.

Guys like Zhenjun Mo Qing and others of the same level have gone somewhere.

Meng Zhang and the others were a little hesitant as to whether they should take the opportunity to launch an attack on the monster army.

Once there are too many monsters in the army, they will launch an assault and find Shuyuan. may not be able to cause much harm to the Black Gold Demon King.

Secondly, if there is a strong man of the same level as the Black Gold Demon King hidden in the army of monsters, then they will take the initiative to step into danger.

They discussed it for a while and finally decided to give up directly attacking the monster army.

Meng Zhang met the Black Gold Demon King last time, and he was very wary of his advanced strength.

The expeditionary army led by Niu Dawei has gathered the teams sent by the Shui Tribe and the monster beasts, and has been advancing in the direction of the monster army.

They did not advance quickly, but cautiously and step by step.

Niu Dawei also specially sent a team of monks to take in the lone cultivators and appease the cultivators who were in chaos.

The army led by Niu Dawei will also not rashly fight head-on with the monster army.

Just when Meng Zhang and the others felt that the harvest was not great and began to consider their next plan, Meng Zhang received a message from Zhenjun Feng Yao.

He took out the conch-like communication weapon and began to communicate with Zhenjun Feng Yao.

After Meng Zhang and the others left, the monks of the Songfeng Sect spent a lot of effort to exorcise the monsters and calm the surrounding chaos.

The monks in the door healed the wounds and repaired the magic circle. They began to repair the magic circle.

Zhenjun Feng Yao, who was in the best condition, took the initiative to leave the Songfeng Sect and flew far away to patrol and conduct reconnaissance in the outer areas to prevent the Songfeng Sect from being raided.

Just now, she discovered that the team led by True Lord Cangsong was on its way back to Songfeng Sect.

The Songfeng Sect has just experienced serious losses, and even the mountain-protecting formation has not been completely repaired.

At this time, facing the demonized True Lord Cangsong, the Songfeng Sect had little resistance.

True Lord Feng Yao immediately asked Meng Zhang and the others for help, hoping that they would help resist True Lord Cangsong.

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