Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1439: Spread the news

The ability of the top monks to turn the tide of battle was fully demonstrated by Meng Zhang and the others.

It was with their actions that the monks of the Songfeng Sect were able to turn the tide of the battle and turn defeat into victory.

After Meng Zhang and the others entered the battle, they all went through a hard battle and took nearly two days to establish victory.

They specifically select those powerful enemies to attack. For low-level monsters, just sweep them away casually.

The rebellious high-level monks were basically killed, and only a few of the high-level monsters escaped.

Although there are still many small-scale battles still going on inside and outside the mountain gate, the big battles are basically over.

At this time, Zhenjun Feng Yao brought the other three Yuanshen Zhenjun remaining in the sect to Meng Zhang and the others.

Fengyu Zhenjun, Fengdou Zhenjun, Heisong Zhenjun, plus Fengyao Zhenjun, are the only four Yuanshen Zhenjun left in the Songfeng Sect.

The other True Lords of Yuanshen either followed True Lord Cangsong into the devil, or died in a series of previous incidents.

Although the Songfeng Sect’s strength has plummeted, it is still very valuable in Meng Zhang’s eyes.

Songfeng Sect is indeed a Yuanshen sect with extraordinary origins and long heritage. Even though it has experienced many changes, it can still produce such a lineup.

Of course, if Zhenjun Feng Yao hadn’t brought Meng Zhang and the others over in time for reinforcements.

Even if these True Lords of the Soul from the Songfeng Sect could quell the civil strife and repel the monster army, they would still suffer heavy casualties and lose most of their strength.

Relying on the remaining strength alone, not only will he be vulnerable to the impending return of Lord Cangsong, but he will also find it difficult to escape.

Although True Lord Feng Yao didn’t know True Lord Cangsong’s plan, after she received the news that True Lord Cangsong was possessed by demons, she instinctively guessed that the situation of Songfeng Sect would be very bad.

Without external support, it may be difficult to complete the original retreat and relocation plan relying solely on the remaining strength of the Songfeng Sect.

So, she asked Meng Zhang for help without hesitation, and she did not hesitate to make Songfeng Sect a vassal of Taiyi Sect.

Now, the four remaining True Lords of the Songfeng Sect gathered together and began to consider the next plan.

True Lord Feng Yao has a very high status within the Songfeng Sect, but he is far less powerful than Lord Cangsong, who can cover the sky with one hand.

The conditions she promised to Meng Zhang privately on behalf of the Songfeng Sect may not be able to be fulfilled.

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Although this is just a stop-gap measure, from her point of view, it is for the future of the sect at all costs. But for Meng Zhang, it was very unfair.

Of course, Meng Zhang took the initiative to rescue the Songfeng Sect, not because he wanted to join the Songfeng Sect, but mainly to fight against the monsters.

If the Songfeng faction has hesitation on this issue, he can understand that now is not the time to worry about this.

After Songfeng sent all the True Lords of Yuanshen to express their sincere thanks to Meng Zhang and the others, they left True Lord Feng Yao to accompany them, while the others confessed their sins and went to get busy.

The three True Lords of the Soul were seriously injured, especially the True Lord Black Pine.

They must suppress the injuries, deal with the remaining enemies first, and completely restore peace to the Songfeng Sect Mountain Gate.

They cannot ignore the various camps outside the mountain gate.

If monsters are allowed to wreak havoc in those camps, it won’t be long before the creatures in the camps will transform into a huge army of monsters.

Even if there are not enough high-level monsters to lead it, this monster army can still cause huge harm.

Meng Zhang and the others are not willing to waste any more time here. They have other people who need to be rescued.

Meng Zhang took out a conch-like magic weapon and handed it to True Lord Feng Yao, asking her to keep in touch at all times.

Originally, according to the plan of the monks of Zhenjun Feng Yao, after the Songfeng Sect fell and nothing could be done, they would immediately lead some potential monks to evacuate.

But now, thanks to the timely help of Meng Zhang and others, they have conquered Shanmen.

Although the monks in the sect suffered heavy casualties, as long as they repaired the mountain-protecting formation, they would have at least the ability to protect themselves.

And if you insist on retreating, you can only take away a few monks, and most of the low-level monks will be abandoned.

The countless mortals gathered near the mountain gate of Songfeng Sect could not be cared about, and they had no choice but to completely abandon them to the monsters.

After Zhenjun Feng Yao and the others withdrew, one can imagine the tragic fate of these people.

Although True Lord Feng Yao has a certain killing and decisiveness, deep down in his heart, there is still a soft place.

For a while, she couldn’t bear to abandon low-level monks and mortals.

As for the other monks in the sect, especially those who were born and raised here, they are even more unwilling to evacuate.

None of their family members or mortal relatives are willing to give up.

No one can decide what the Songfeng Sect will do next.

I’m afraid we have to wait until the surrounding situation is dealt with, and then the remaining sect’s middle and high-level people will get together and have a good discussion.

Meng Zhang also had no intention of interfering with the decision-making of the senior officials of the Songfeng Sect.

To be honest, the Songfeng Sect has great disadvantages whether they leave or stay.

If the senior officials of the Songfeng Sect decide to stay, with the current strength of the Songfeng Sect, they will probably not be able to stop the next attack of the monster army.

Once the monster army attacks, the expeditionary army will be too far away from here to provide timely support.

The worst thing is that if the expeditionary army is ambushed halfway, it is likely to be defeated by the enemy one by one.

But if the senior officials of the Songfeng Sect decide to evacuate, it will be impossible for such a large number of mortals to be transported away in a short time.

Throwing them to the monster will only increase the monster’s power.

No matter what choice the senior officials of the Songfeng Sect make, Meng Zhang will actively cooperate.

After bidding farewell to True Lord Feng Yao, Meng Zhang and the other three immediately teleported away and rushed towards the direction of Bairi Valley.

This time they did not teleport directly, but stopped a few more times on the way.

The places where they stayed were the mountain gates of various cultivation forces in the Daheng cultivation world.

The news that the entire army of monks led by Xiao Qiao was annihilated has not yet spread completely.

Many cultivation forces that do not have sophisticated communication methods and are not well-informed have not yet received the news.

The few cultivators who have received the news have fallen into chaos.

They began to pack up their belongings and prepare to escape.

With so many cultivation forces, Meng Zhang couldn’t take care of them for a while.

What he can do is try to keep everyone informed of the latest situation.

Although the expeditionary army has already begun to spread the news. But when he got to the end of the field, Meng Zhang still had to do more.

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Every time he stops, he will release a message talisman.

In the messenger talisman, Meng Zhang, as the head of the Taiyi Sect, informed everyone of the latest news.

He didn’t hide much and wrote down exactly what happened.

Whether these cultivation forces believe it or not, Meng Zhang has no control over how they will react after receiving the news and what choices they will make.

The strongest one left in the Daheng cultivation world is Bairigu, and this is the one he needs to pay attention to.

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