Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 143: Yang Xueyi

For a long period of time, nothing major happened in Taiyi Gate, and the surrounding area was also peaceful.

It was a rare period of uninterrupted time for Meng Zhang to devote himself wholeheartedly to his cultivation.

The way of civil and military affairs is to relax one by one. After practicing in seclusion for a period of time, Meng Zhang would occasionally go out for a walk. Except for two trips to Huojingfang City, the farthest place he went was Mingshafang City.

Now there are several sites in Taiyi Gate. In addition to the original Mountain Gate and Sweetwater Oasis, there is also Chaoyang Slope and an oasis that originally belonged to the Zhao family.

Every time Meng Zhang goes out, he will visit several places. Moreover, Meng Zhang now spends most of his time on Chaoyangpo.

As for the Baizang Earth Mine, Meng Zhang completely acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and almost never visited it once.

Fortunately, Li Xuan was able to do things well and managed everything such as mining and transportation in an orderly manner.

In order to facilitate the secret transportation of Baizang soil ore, Taiyimen also purchased several sand lizards and camel beasts from Shuangfeng Valley at a low price.

Hu Jing, an inner disciple of Taiyi Sect, was trained intensively by Meng Zhang after she showed her talent in beast control.

After achieving some success in the art of controlling beasts, all the affairs regarding beast control in Taiyi Sect were handed over to her.

Hu Jing spent a little time and trained more than ten mortal drivers to control the Sand Lizard Camel Beast.

The small red-feathered eagles in the door have also been completely tamed by her, and can serve as scouts, spies, and messengers.

Nowadays, the communication between several strongholds in Taiyi Sect mainly relies on these red-feathered eagles.

The three big red-feathered eagles are barely rideable.

On this day, after Meng Zhang completed the retreat, he came to Mingshafang City again.

Meng Zhang went to the grocery store, chatted with Zhang Zhanlin for a while, and then came to Sihai Tower.

When it comes to complete goods, Sihai Tower is still above Feihong Tower. Moreover, the Youjia family of Experience Sihai Tower is a pure businessman family, very businessman style. Unlike those at Feihong Tower, who were polite and considerate on the surface, but still had a hint of arrogance.

Meng Zhang has been to Sihai Tower many times. Sihailou provides intermediary services for casual cultivators, and Meng Zhang once recruited many casual cultivators here.

Meng Zhang came here not to recruit casual cultivators, but to go shopping.

After Tian Li became an official weapon refiner, his weapon refining skills improved rapidly and he has already started to refine various magic weapons.

In the Taiyi Gate Sutra Pavilion, there is no shortage of drawings of magical instruments. When Meng Zhang went out this time, Tian Li asked him to help purchase some weapon refining materials.

In addition, Meng Zhang also purchased several mountain patrol dog puppies.

Hu Jing also needs enough training objects to practice beast control.

Although the patrol dog is only a first-level low-grade monster, after being tamed, it is still very good to be used to guard homes and courtyards.

Meng Zhang finished the transaction with an acquaintance and was about to leave from the lobby.

I saw a young, handsome, somewhat oily monk, entangled with a good-looking female monk, about sixteen or seventeen years old, and kept talking.

Meng Zhang had no interest in eavesdropping, but the male monk spoke loudly, and Meng Zhang’s ears were so sharp, a few words still reached his ears.

“Miss Yang, our Liu family is very sincere. As long as you are willing to join our Liu family, we will never treat you badly.”

“Mr. Liu, I have already said that what I care about is not my personal treatment. You can join the Liu family if you want me to. Please help me rescue my Yang family members first.”

“Miss Yang, although our Liu family is not afraid of Qingzhu Mountain, we cannot offend others for no reason.”

“Miss Yang, don’t worry, as long as you join my Liu family, Qingzhu Mountain will never continue to make things difficult for you.”

“As for those so-called tribesmen, they are just insignificant mortals. As a high-ranking cultivator, Miss Yang, you have a bright future. There is really no need to delay yourself because of some mortals.”

“Mr. Liu, if we have different paths, we should not conspire against each other. You and I have different ideas and are not from the same side. I have made up my mind, and I ask Mr. Liu not to continue to entangle.”

“Miss Yang, you are a bit disrespectful. You turn a blind eye to the good intentions of my Liu family. Do you really look down on my Liu family?”

While the two were arguing, the young monk’s voice became louder and louder, and he tried to pull each other off.

After all, this is the territory of Sihailou, and trouble is not tolerated here. Soon a guard came to stop them and separated the two.

The young monk left a few harsh words and left angrily.

The female monk thanked the guards of Sihai Tower and left immediately.

Meng Zhang could see a trace of unconcealed worry from her face.

Seeing Meng Zhang watching everything that happened with interest, a familiar Zhike came over.

“Master Meng, are you interested in those two people?”

“I can’t say I’m interested, just a little curious. What are the origins of these two people, and why did they have a dispute in Sihai Tower?” Meng Zhang asked casually.

“The man is Liu Fenglang, a monk of the Liu family, and the son of Liu Dachuan, the elder of the Liu family in the foundation period. The female monk is called Yang Xueyi. She has excellent cultivation qualifications and is good at making talismans. She is an outstanding person at a young age. The Talisman Master”

As the knowledgeable guest slowly told the story, Meng Zhang finally understood the whole story.

The Yang family, where Yang Xueyi was born, was originally a vassal family under Qingzhu Mountain. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Some time ago, the Yang family somehow got into trouble with Qingzhushan, and was killed by Qingzhushan in the name of colluding with bandits.

When the Yang family was exterminated by Qingzhu Mountain, Yang Xueyi and several Yang family monks happened to be traveling outside, and they were lucky enough to escape.

After all the monks of the Yang family were killed by Qingzhu Mountain, there were still many mortals left in the Yang family.

Qingzhushan is a well-known and upright family, so naturally it cannot kill mortals on a large scale. So Qingzhu Mountain exiled all these mortals and left them to fend for themselves.

In a big desert like the endless sand sea, mortals leaving the oasis and being driven into the desert are basically a dead end.

The knowledgeable guest maliciously guessed that Qingzhushan did not kill these mortals directly, but probably had another purpose, which was to use these mortals to fish and attract the remaining monks of the Yang family. It’s so convenient for them to cut the grass and root out the problem.

When Yang Xueyi asked for help from the forces that had good relations with the Yang family, everyone avoided her.

With desperation, she came to Mingshafang City, hoping to hire casual cultivators to help save the mortals of the Yang family.

She has been to Sihai Tower several times, but no casual cultivator dared to accept her commission.

In Sihai Tower, Yang Xueyi somehow got entangled with Liu Fenglang from the Liu family.

Maybe he covets Yang Xueyi’s beauty, or maybe he really likes Yang Xueyi’s qualifications and wants to recruit talents for the Liu family. Liu Fenglang has been pestering Yang Xueyi. The scene just now was not the first time it happened.

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