Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1423: Afraid

For a long time, everything related to the sacred stone has been controlled by Shanshige Zhenjun and his group.

Even as the leader of the sect, the True Lord of the Ridge has few opportunities to come into contact with the sacred stones, and his understanding of the sacred stones is very limited.

The True Lord of the Ridge knows about the secret cultivation of monsters in Wanhe Mountain.

He also knows about using monsters to offer sacred stones.

Therefore, even if the True Lord of the Ridge is very dissatisfied with the sect’s breeding of monsters, he has no way to object to this matter.

Back then, he had considered that after he controlled the divine stone, he could try to change some materials, and even waste treasures from heaven and earth to support the divine stone.

If other materials could be used to replace the role of monsters, then there would be no need for Wanhe Mountain to continue to breed monsters.

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Now it seems that his original idea was so naive.

This sacred stone, no, it should be a magic stone, is simply the source of all evil.

When Lord Yamazhong revealed these secrets and had a showdown with him, Lord Mountain Ridge fell into silence.

In order to prevent the Lord Shan Zhong from believing it, Lord Shan Zhong even activated the sacred stone, causing the stone to slightly stir up the wisp of demonic energy deep in the soul of the Lord Shan Zhong.

In the face of the facts, the True Lord of Mountain Ridge had no doubts and could only accept it unwillingly.

Shanji Zhenjun always maintains a very upright attitude and behaves like a completely righteous monk.

Due to some personal experiences in his early years, he hates monsters deeply, and he hates the devil even more.

He actively participated in quelling the demonic disasters, not only because of his far-sighted and long-term considerations, but also because of personal emotional factors, so he would not let the demons wreak havoc.

He fully thought that after he took complete control of Wanhe Mountain, he could change the style of the sect completely.

But he never expected that the facts would give him a blow.

It turns out that he was under the control of the devil from beginning to end.

The stone tire produced by the divine stone is the most precious specialty of Wanhe Mountain.

Only those soul seeds with great prospects and deep trust in the sect have the chance to be rewarded by the higher-ups in the sect.

Before the True Lord of the Ridge advanced to the Yuanshen stage, he spent a lot of effort to obtain a stone tire and absorb and refine it.

Now it seems that his behavior back then was so ridiculous.

From the moment he refined the stone embryo, he became a **** in the hands of the devil.

It’s just that the demon **** who is far away from the void has never easily used these chess pieces before due to various restrictions.

If the True Lord of the Ridge dares to resist the devil, then Xiang Huanan of the Xiang family will be his role model.

Even if he doesn’t think about himself, he still has to think about his fellow disciples.

Shanji Zhenjun has personally witnessed the entire Xiang family’s clan members being transformed into demons.

No matter what price he pays, he is not willing to end up with the same fate as Wan Heshan.

Therefore, the True Lord of the Mountain Ridge was unwilling and bowed his head to the True Lord of the Mountain Chong with hatred.

Although Lord Shanjige surrendered, Lord Shanshige, who knew his temperament, did not force him too much, and did not even interfere with his daily routine.

Shanji Zhenjun strictly kept this matter secret, and the two had little contact on weekdays.

Not long ago, Lord Yamashige took the initiative to call Lord Shanji over to discuss important matters with him.

The sacred stone can help Shanzhong Zhenjun reshape a physical body, but it needs to absorb and refine a great monk in the late stage of Yuanshen.

In the entire world of Daheng cultivation, there are only a few great monks in the later stages of Yuanshen.

Furthermore, in the current state of Yamashigema, it is impossible to go out and capture the great monk.

Zhenzhong Shanzhong hopes that Zhenjun Mountain Ridge can find a way to lure a certain great monk in the late stage of Yuanshen to the sacred stone.

When the time comes, Lord Yamashige can activate the power of the divine stone to activate a certain field and firmly suppress the target that falls into the field.

With the help of the True Lord of the Mountain Back and the True Lord of the Ridge, the target can be taken down slowly.

Of course, since the area released by the divine stone is not large, the target must be introduced into the cave before it can be activated.

After Meng Zhang read this information, he finally understood the whole story.

Shanzhong Zhenjun must have been persuaded by Shanzhong Zhenjun, and he was completely in cahoots with Shanzhong Zhenjun.

As for why he chose Meng Zhang as his target, it is also easy to understand.

In the world of Daheng Cultivation, neither Bairi Zhenjun of Bairi Valley nor Cangsong Zhenjun of Songfeng Sect could be deceived by Mountain Ridge Zhenjun to come here.

Because they are too wary of each other and lack basic trust.

If you try to deceive Lord Nanzhu, you may alarm the Purple Sun Sect.

Only Meng Zhang is the most suitable. He has no big background and is at odds with Xiao Qiao of the Purple Sun Sect.

If Meng Zhang disappears in an accident, Xiao Qiao will only rejoice in his misfortune.

The True Lord of Mountain Ridge had contact with Meng Zhang before, and the two parties established a solid relationship.

In these years, the True Lord of the Ridge has worked hard to maintain this relationship and done his best to provide Taiyi Sect with all kinds of information.

Meng Zhang did not hide his admiration for the True Lord of the Ridge.


After much calculation, Meng Zhang became the most suitable target.

No matter who it is, they will not be happy if they become the target of calculation and almost fall into a trap.

Meng Zhang believed that if he really entered the cave and fell into the realm of the divine stone, it might not be so easy to escape. Find Shuyuan

The devil’s methods are so weird that even Meng Zhang can’t resist many of them.

When he thought of the terrible consequences, Meng Zhang was not only a little scared, but also felt angry.

At the same time, Meng Zhang was also somewhat self-aware.

This time, the True Lord of the Ridge caught his psychological weakness and took out what he longed for, so he became greedy and lost his basic vigilance.

As the saying goes, greedy guys are the easiest to be deceived.

The connection between Wanhe Mountain and the devil is too deep.

Meng Zhang caught the souls of the True Lord of the Mountain Ridge and the True Lord of the Mountain Back in his hands, and finally discovered the hidden evil energy.

Meng Zhang was still a little confused.

Since the enemy has laid a trap, why didn’t my spiritual sense, which originated from the Tianji Master, give me a warning in advance when I set off with the True Lord of the Mountain Ridge?

Now this doubt is solved.

The demon **** is an existence that can rival a true immortal, and is far beyond the reach of Meng Zhang’s current level of heavenly skills.

Since that sacred stone was brought to Junchen Realm by the devil, it must be of extremely high level, and it could easily block Meng Zhang’s spiritual sense.

Meng Zhang secretly thought it was dangerous.

If he hadn’t seen through that Lord Shanbei was the incarnation of Lord Shanzhong, he would have been suspicious and a little more cautious. When he actually entered that cave, the consequences would be disastrous.

Meng Zhang even thought a little more.

The monks of the Xiang family have worshiped the demon **** Moli Mansion Master for generations. Wanhe Mountain is also related to the demon god. There is also Moqing Zhenjun who believes in the demon **** of disaster and is active in secret.

The Daheng cultivation world is really deeply involved with the devil.

Maybe, there is a plan of the devil in this.

For the first time, Meng Zhang began to lose confidence in quelling the demonic disaster in the Daheng cultivation world.

The pool was so deep that he even had the urge to get out in time.

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