Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1415: Greed

For cultivators, breaking through the Yuanshen stage is a huge difficulty.

Once you achieve Yuan Shen, your longevity, cultivation, status, etc. will all usher in a leap forward.

Even if they can only increase the chance by a tiny amount, they are often willing to pay any price.

You must know that treasures that can assist in breaking through the Yuan Shen stage, including pills, are very rare in the world of cultivation.

If Taiyi Sect didn’t have access to the Heavenly Palace, there really would be no way to occasionally obtain such treasures.

For example, Meng Zhang’s second disciple An Xiaoran, as a fourth-level alchemy master, can already refine many fourth-level elixirs.

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Taiyi Sect has concentrated the strength of the entire sect to collect various elixirs for it.

But those elixirs that can help break through the Yuan Shen stage cannot be collected even if the Taiyi Sect tries its best.

This type of elixir recipe is often in the hands of the Holy Land Sect.

On weekdays, at most a small amount of such elixirs appear on the market.

Every time such pills appear, they are quickly sold out.

As for the prescription, it will never appear on the market.

If Taiyi Sect can possess the sacred stone of Wanhe Mountain, it will really lay the foundation of the sect for thousands of years.

At this moment, even with Meng Zhang’s temperament, he couldn’t help but have the idea of ​​​​killing people to seize the treasure.

He himself no longer needs this sacred stone.

But as the leader of a sect, he has to think about his disciples and the future of the sect.

On the surface, Meng Zhang remained calm, but in fact, he finally suppressed his evil thoughts and continued talking to the True Lord of the Ridge.

Looking at Meng Zhang’s nonchalant expression, the True Lord of the Ridge sighed secretly and continued to tell.

When Lord Shanzhong took control of Wanhe Mountain, this sacred stone was naturally in the hands of Lord Shanzhong’s group.

Even if True Lord Shanji is the head of Wanhe Mountain, he is not qualified to interfere with matters related to the sacred stone.

Of course, anyone with some brains knows the importance of this sacred stone.

After the True Lord of Mountain Ridge took control of Wanhe Mountain, the first thing he thought of was this sacred stone.

The person responsible for guarding the sacred stone at that time was the Lord Shanbei in the gate.

Shanbei Zhenjun always kept a low profile in the sect and had little contact with other monks.

Although he has the trust of Shanzhong Zhenjun, he has no conflict with the leader of Shanzhong Zhenjun.

When the news of Shanzhong’s death spread, and Shanzhong Zhenjun and Shanliang Zhenjun were competing for power in the sect, Shanzhong Zhenjun also adopted a neutral attitude and did not help the two.

After the True Lord of the Mountain Ridge came to power, he faced heavy losses among the monks inside the sect, and there was a formidable enemy called the Songfeng Sect outside the sect, and there were even monsters wreaking havoc.

In this situation of internal and external difficulties, of course he could not easily disturb the True Lord Shanbei and cause internal strife in the sect.

Anyway, the True Lord Shanbei always guards the sacred stone, does not compete with the True Lord Mountain Ridge, and never comes out to cause trouble.

The True Lord of the Ridge let him continue to guard the sacred stone and ignored him.

But when he learned from Meng Zhang that the soul of Shanzhong Zhenjun still existed, he immediately thought of the sacred stone.

According to what True Lord Mountain Ridge knows, the stone tire produced by the divine stone not only helps the Wanhe Mountain monks break through the Yuan Shen stage, but also has the function of warming and nourishing the Yuan Shen.

In addition, the True Lord of the Ridge also vaguely knew that after being directly refined, this sacred stone could help Yuanshen monks reshape their physical bodies.

However, this sacred stone is related to the foundation of Wanhe Mountain, and the monks in the sect will never allow anyone to use the sacred stone in this way.

If someone really dares to do this, everyone in the door will immediately attack him.

Shanzhi Zhenjun thought of Shanzhong Zhenjun’s always selfish temperament.

After he and Meng Zhang separated, he rushed back to Wanhe Mountain as quickly as possible and came to the forbidden area where the sacred stone was placed.

Shanbei Zhenjun, who guarded the sacred stone, initially did not allow the mountain ridge Zhenjun, the leader, to approach the forbidden area.

The Mountain Ridge True Lord immediately knew that something was wrong. Seeing that the leader’s majesty could not suppress the Shanbei True Lord, he had no choice but to fight with him.

Both of them were monks in the middle stage of Yuanshen, and they were inseparable from each other for a while.

Fortunately, both of them were worried about causing too much damage to the surroundings and accidentally damaging the sacred stone, so they were very measured in their actions.

After falling to the disadvantage, the Mountain Back Lord had to take the initiative to give in, allowing the Mountain Ridge Lord to rush to the sacred stone.

Seeing the sacred stone, the Ridge Master finally knew that his worst suspicions had come true.

The soul of Lord Yamazhong has actually sneaked into the sacred stone a long time ago and is trying to refine the sacred stone.

No matter whether the Lord of the Mountain Ridge expressed his great righteousness or pleaded with the future of the sect, he could not make the Lord of the Mountain Chong stop.

The True Lord of the Ridge wanted to expel the True Lord of the Mountain, but there was the True Lord of the Mountain Back who was watching him closely, and he was even more worried about damaging the sacred stone in the process.

The spirit of Lord Yamashige is in the sacred stone, and he uses the sacred stone to protect himself.

Shan Zhongzhen, the Lord of Mountain Ridge who threw the rat weapon, tried every means, but could not stop Lord Shan Zhong.

Shan Zhongzhenjun also thought about summoning other monks in the sect to besiege Shanzhong Zhenjun.

But a large part of Wanhe Mountain’s power is currently serving under Xiao Qiao.

If this part of the power is mobilized rashly, it will definitely arouse Xiao Qiao’s suspicion.

The matter of the sacred stone is of great importance, and the True Lord Shanji really cannot trust Xiao Qiao’s character. Find Shuyuan

Even though a holy land sect like the Purple Sun Sect is a righteous leader, they are usually aloof and aboveboard.

But after discovering the treasure, they will also kill people to seize the treasure.

Meng Zhang fully recognized the Mountain Ridge True Lord’s caution against Xiao Qiao and the Purple Sun Sect.

In addition, Yamashige’s soul is protected by a sacred stone, and it is difficult to expel him by ordinary means without damaging the sacred stone.

Fortunately, this sacred stone is not that easy to refine. Even if the soul of a great monk like Lord Yamashige wants to completely refine this sacred stone, it will not be accomplished overnight.

It was precisely because he discovered that the progress of refining the sacred stone was slow, so Lord Shanzhong had enough time to slowly plan.

In the meantime, he could even spend a lot of time dealing with Xiao Qiao.

Although the speed of Shanshige Zhenjun’s spirit in refining the sacred stone is very slow, with the accumulation of time and effort, he will always succeed one day.

If he really achieves his goal, the foundation of Wanhe Mountain will be completely severed.

As the leader of a sect, True Lord Mountain Ridge will never allow this to happen.

But he alone, and even the power within Wanhe Mountain, can no longer solve this problem.

I thought about it and tried every possible means. Recently, as the speed of refining the sacred stone has accelerated, Lord Shanzhong had to make a difficult decision and had no choice but to ask Meng Zhang for help.

Before he met Meng Zhang, he knew clearly that letting Meng Zhang know this secret would be very risky.

If Meng Zhang covets this sacred stone, Wanhe Mountain will face a terrifying opponent amid civil strife.

But the True Lord of the Ridge really has no other choice.

In contrast, asking Meng Zhang for help is the best choice among all options.

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