Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1370: Employment

The various spiritual liquids provided by this silver pot have exchanged for the old man Yinpot a lot of materials needed for cultivation, and also won many favors.

If it weren’t for the limited output of Yin Pot and the hard-won spiritual liquid, Old Yin Pot’s achievements might not be limited to this.

Needless to say, Yin Hu is a natal magic weapon. The old man Yin Hu takes a very close look at it and will never let others touch it.

Old man Yinpot also values ​​these spiritual liquids that were created at great cost and would not give them away easily.

Basically, every time the spirit liquid is delivered, it can bring huge gains to the old man Yin Ke.

If he had not been forced to do so this time and had no better solution, Old Man Yinhu would not have spent such a high price.

The most wonderful use of the three drops of spiritual liquid he gave to Meng Zhang is that it can be used to repair various magic weapons.

When Meng Zhang complained just now, he said that his magic weapon was severely damaged by the power of the devil and could not be completely repaired.

Since you are fighting against monsters, a magic weapon is a must.

The thunder from the sky that Old Man Yinhu just gave is not only powerful in itself, but the power of thunder has a special effect in killing evil spirits, and it can be called the nemesis of monsters.

It’s just that Shenxiao Tianlei is a one-time use and can only be used once.

The monster army is powerful and needs other magic-reducing tools.

So, the old man Yinhu endured his heartache and gave Meng Zhang three drops of spiritual liquid to repair the magic weapon and enhance his strength against monsters.

Of course Meng Zhang accepted Old Man Yinhu’s kindness with peace of mind.

If these three things are used properly, they can really be of great use and help Meng Zhang defeat the monster army.

In addition to giving Meng Zhang three items, Old Man Yinhu also opened the door for him to go to the library in the Tiangong to look up some information about monsters.

There are many kinds of monsters with strange abilities.

If you know more about monsters, you can take targeted action.

The Taiyi Sect itself has a lot of information about monsters.

When Meng Zhang was away from the mainland of the dynasty, he was recruited into the Five Penal Guards and took on the important task of exterminating monsters.

Not only did he read a lot of monster information collected by Wu Xingwei, but he also worked hard to collect more information later on.

Now that I have the opportunity to enter the library of Tiangong and read the information on monsters collected by Tiangong, it is really an opportunity.

Old man Yinhu knew that Meng Zhang was busy dealing with monsters, so he didn’t stay with him much longer. He just said a few important words and let him leave.

When Meng Zhang left the mansion of the old man Yinhu, a boy beside the old man Yinhu took him to a library in the Tiangong.

With this boy leading the way? Meng Zhang entered the library easily without encountering any obstruction.

Tongzi said a few words to Meng Zhang and left directly.

Meng Zhang looked at the dazzling array of various classics in the library and began to slowly browse through them.

What was so easily opened to Meng Zhang? Of course it was only the lowest level library. The various classics collected inside are not particularly precious.

Most of the classics in it can be found on the market.

Meng Zhang then flipped through a few books, and his original excitement began to calm down.

The classics here are of little value to him. He has limited time now and needs to read what he needs first.

The classics inside are arranged in categories? Meng Zhang quickly found the section introducing monsters.

Meng Zhang read quickly.

Although there are many classics collected here, there are very few that he has not seen.

He has had so many interactions with monsters, and his understanding of monsters is far superior to many cultivators in the world of cultivation.

He quickly read these classics, but his gains were not very great.

Perhaps, there may be more detailed books in those high-level libraries, but he is not qualified to enter them.

Tiangong has ruled Junchen Realm for many years? Its accumulation and background are unfathomable.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you must find a way to collect various classics collected by Tiangong.

Meng Zhang did not stay in the library for too long and left here.

His next stop is the Dark Alliance branch in Tiangong.

The operating style of the Dark Alliance is very similar to that of the black market. They are both very secretive.

The branch of the Dark Alliance in Tiangong is also a small secret.

It was also because of Granny Liansi’s guidance that Meng Zhang got connected with the Dark Alliance branch.

Meng Zhang came to the Dark Alliance branch with familiarity. With the jade talisman given by the old man Yin Hu, he met a well-established deacon.

Meng Zhang used this jade talisman as a voucher to make his request.

He needs to hire a great monk in the late stage of Yuanshen to go to Daheng Cultivation World to help him fight and kill monsters.

The great monks in the later stage of Yuanshen are not cabbages. Even in the Dark Alliance branch, it is difficult to find too many monks for Meng Zhang to choose slowly.

Because Meng Zhang was in such a hurry, the Dark Alliance branch did not have much time to mobilize more targets.

Finally, the Dark Alliance branch provided a great monk named Qianying Zhenjun for Meng Zhang to hire.

Qianying Zhenjun soon appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

This is an old man in white with kind eyes and a peaceful face, just like the kindly grandfather next door.

According to what the deacon said, Qian Ying Qian Ying Zhenjun is the veteran Yuanshen Zhenjun within the Dark Alliance. Extremely strong and very experienced.

Meng Zhang took a closer look and found that although the opponent deliberately concealed his strength, he was definitely not an easy person.

In the absence of more choices, the other party should not be the worst choice.

Under the introduction of the deacon, I found Shuyuan www. Meng Zhang and Qianying Zhenjun have become acquainted.

Next, Meng Zhang will tell Qianying Zhenjun in detail what he needs to do.

Generally speaking, when employing people from the dark alliance to participate in such an operation, the employer must disclose the relevant information in detail, and especially cannot deliberately conceal the dangers involved.

Meng Zhang is unwilling to violate the established rules, let alone antagonize the dark alliance.

So, he didn’t hide anything and told all about the monster’s power and various dangers.

Qianying Zhenjun was not frightened by the danger Meng Zhang said, but looked quite interested.

Since Lord Qianying has no objections, this employment can be easily accomplished.

Meng Zhang signed a contract with the deacon from the dark alliance and made an agreement.

During the period of employment, Qianying Zhenjun will stay with Meng Zhang to help him fight and kill monsters.

In normal battles, Qianying Zhenjun will obey Meng Zhang’s orders and obey Meng Zhang’s dispatches.

Of course, he has the right to refuse that kind of fatal action and the order to die.

Qianying Zhenjun was hired by Meng Zhang until Meng Zhang successfully killed the monster that Xiang Huanan had transformed into.

If Meng Zhang fails to kill the demonized Xiang Huanan, then after ten years, Qianying Zhenjun will also leave on his own initiative, ending the employment relationship between the two parties.

As for the remuneration of this employment, it will naturally be the responsibility of the old man Yinhu.

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