Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1348: Attacked

Now that he understood this, Meng Zhang gave up the idea of ​​using the secret technique to continue the deduction.

With the power of the demon **** level involved, Meng Zhang would not be able to obtain much useful information even if it cost him his own life.

If he doesn’t know what’s good for him and continues to fight, whether it’s the backlash from heaven or the spontaneous counterattack of the devil’s power, it can kill him.

The enemy’s situation was unclear, and the derivation of the secret technique yielded no results. Meng Zhang’s heart was filled with a thick dark cloud.

He instinctively felt that Xiao Qiao’s order was inappropriate.

This time he forced everyone to join forces to attack, which is likely to lead to very bad consequences.

But this was just a feeling in his heart, but he couldn’t provide any evidence.

Given Xiao Qiao’s temperament and current state, Meng Zhang no longer expected to be able to convince him.

Meng Zhang is determined to go to the Heavenly Palace and talks to Xiao Liang about it.

However, Xiao Liang and Xiao Qiao are from the same clan, and Meng Zhang is always an outsider in front of them.

Xiao Liang would most likely be more willing to believe in his own clan members when it comes to the so-called alienation.

Besides, Meng Zhang would never reveal his secret of being a Tianji Master in front of outsiders no matter what.

In this way, he no longer has the ability to persuade Xiao Liang.

If Meng Zhang rashly went to Xiao Liang to question Xiao Qiao’s order, he might end up being an inhumane person inside and out.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment and gave up the idea.

But with Xiao Qiao’s successive and increasingly severe orders, Meng Zhang could no longer delay.

In desperation, Meng Zhang had to make a very reluctant choice.

Meng Zhang mobilized a large number of monks from the expeditionary army to form a capable but not weak team.

The monks in this team are mainly monks from the southern cultivation forces in Jiuqu Province, including monks who have been transferred from big merchants such as the Datong Merchant Alliance.

This brand new team was quickly formed, and then boarded the flying boat. Under the leadership of Meng Zhang, they rushed directly to the direction of Xiao Qiao.

As for the remaining expeditionary army, they are mainly composed of monks from Taiyi Sect and Hanhai Dao Alliance.

Meng Zhang also knew that if something really happened, this brand new army under his command would have to become a victim.

Doing so looks too ugly and will definitely lead to some bad consequences.

Chi Guoguo’s rejection of dissidents might cause chaos in Jiuqu Province.

But a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. If you must sacrifice, it must be to sacrifice outsiders and strive to preserve your own direct lineage.

Even if there are any troubles, they will happen in the future.

The key now is to deal with Xiao Qiao first.

Even, in Meng Zhang’s heart, there was some luck.

Maybe? After leading the army to successfully join forces with Xiao Qiao, we can really defeat the monster.

In order to satisfy Xiao Qiao? The strength of this army is actually not weak.

If nothing else? Meng Zhang brought all three brothers and sisters of Nanzhu Zhenjun with him.

In terms of top-level combat power, it is considered to be going all out.

Among this army are selected monks with high overall quality.

The army numbered less than 5,000 people? But it was enough to crush the average group of monsters.

In the sky, densely packed flying boats formed a huge team and rushed towards the target quickly.

Since he had accepted the order and had to act immediately, Meng Zhang just followed the trend and wanted to do it beautifully.

Although Meng Zhang led this army to set off last, he was the fastest and quickly flew to the front.

In order to avoid marching out of the water as much as possible, the Shui tribe’s army slowly took a detour behind them.

As for the army of monsters sent by the Black Jade Forest, they were even more lagging behind.

Eager to join forces with Xiao Qiao, the army led by Meng Zhang avoided all unnecessary battles.

Even if you encounter some small groups of monsters on the road? Just ignore them and fly over quickly.

Occasionally encounter a larger group of monsters? Just take a short detour.

Actually, the information provided by Xiao Qiao is not useless at all.

He said that the monster groups in the Daheng cultivation world have basically gathered under the Xiang family monsters and started to concentrate on a large scale. This is probably correct.

Around the area where the expeditionary army is located? There is really no large group of monsters found.

Meng Zhang has been leading this army for so long, and even after flying all the way, he has not found any group of monsters that are too powerful.

The flying boat team did not stop on the road and kept flying at high speed in the sky.

The monks on the flying boat basically did not leave the flying boat.

It will be a long night and many dreams. It is best for this army to join forces with Xiao Qiao as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, the flying boat team has been flying in the sky for more than half a month.

The distance is less than two thousand miles at most, and we will arrive at the meeting place agreed with Xiao Liang.

An endless stretch of mountains appeared in front of the flying boat team.

Due to the influence of the Daheng Mountains, there are many mountains in the Daheng cultivation world, and there are endless dangerous peaks and ridges.

Although the flying boat team is flying at high altitude, there are still certain restrictions on the flying height.

Many times, the entire team will fly close to the mountains, using the cover of the mountains to slightly conceal their whereabouts.

This is not Meng Zhang’s request, but Xiao Qiao’s order.

He not only wanted Meng Zhang to lead the army to join forces as soon as possible, but also wanted Meng Zhang to try his best to hide the whereabouts of the army.

The army reaches its destination secretly, which can achieve surprise in the battle and help launch a surprise attack on the monster group.

Although Meng Zhang was a little disdainful of Xiao Qiao’s order, there was no need to offend him on such a trivial matter.

Anyway, it’s just a show. It’s a little troublesome at most, not a very embarrassing thing.

Under Meng Zhang’s order, the advancing flying boat team made many moves to hide their whereabouts.

As for whether these actions have any effect, only God knows.

Seeing the endless peaks appearing in front of them, the flying boat team slightly lowered their flying altitude and prepared to fly around the peaks. Find Shuyuan

When half of the flying boat team entered the peak area, a sudden change occurred.

On the mountain peak where everything seemed normal, a strong attack suddenly broke out against the Feizhou team.

Huge hills were crashing towards the flying boat team.

On the top of the mountain, powerful monsters suddenly appeared.

Pitch black mist rose from the top of the mountain and soon enveloped almost the entire flying boat team.

Thick tentacles shot out from all directions, some directly shot the flying boat through, and some directly entangled the flying boat and squeezed it violently…

One after another, huge bird-like monsters descended from the sky and pounced crazily on the flying boat in the sky.

The incident happened suddenly. The cultivators in the entire army, from the True Monarch of Yuanshen to the young monks in the Qi Refining Stage, did not notice anything unusual in advance.

It was only when the monster launched a surprise attack that everyone finally reacted.

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