Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1339: Aftermath

With the wisdom of Meng Zhang and Xiao Liang, they can understand each other’s meaning without saying anything clearly.

There are historical reasons why Taiyi Sect, as a sect under the Dali Dynasty, was able to maintain a semi-independent status.

Jiuqu Province is far away from the mainland of the Dali Dynasty. When the Dali Dynasty conquered the Jiuqu League, in order to quell the resistance as soon as possible…

According to the practice of the Dali Dynasty, after the situation is completely stabilized, it will use various means to slowly incorporate semi-independent sects like Taiyi Sect into its own governance system.

However, due to the struggle with Ziyang Shengzong, the Dali Dynasty never bothered to do this, but it gave the Taiyi Sect an advantage.

After experiencing the previous battle, Taiyi Sect had completely broken away from the Dali Dynasty and completely surrendered to the Purple Sun Sect.

In the future, the Taiyi Sect will be a member of the Purple Sun Sect.

As a high-ranking Holy Land sect, the Purple Sun Sect may not bother to inquire about Taiyi Sect’s internal affairs, and generally does not compete for any interests with Taiyi Sect.

But Taiyi Sect must have a minimum attitude when facing the Purple Sun Sect.

The Ziyang Holy Sect itself must also ensure control of the Taiyi Sect.

Since Taiyi Sect has taken refuge in Ziyang Holy Sect, it must be loyal to Ziyang Holy Sect. It is absolutely impossible to sway back and forth like before.

As the superior, Ziyang Shengzong must have at least a minimum of defense and control over the Taiyi Sect.

The Shui Tribe’s seizure of the territory of Jiuqu Province can be regarded as a blow to the Taiyi Sect from the Purple Sun Sect.

If Meng Zhang can’t even stand this and shows two minds, how can he gain further trust from the Purple Sun Sect?

Of course, as a superior, in order to control his subordinates, big sticks and sweet dates are a common method.

Since Ziyang Shengzong used the Shui Tribe to give the Taiyi Sect a warning, he should use some benefits as sweet dates.

Xiao Liang shifted the responsibility to the enemy family in order to save some face for Meng Zhang and leave some room for everyone.

He also told Meng Zhang almost clearly. The future status of Taiyi Sect will depend on its performance in quelling demonic disasters.

As long as Meng Zhang is not stupid, he will not betray the Ziyang Holy Sect again after betraying the Dali Dynasty.

The stance of a sect is not child’s play and cannot be changed at will.

If the Taiyi Sect wants to make a living under the Purple Sun Sect in the future, it must make sufficient contributions.

Meng Zhang accompanied Xiao Liang in the performance for a long time. The atmosphere was very friendly and both parties were enjoying themselves. Amidst the laughter, the two parties reached an agreement implicitly.

The Taiyi Sect continued to serve the Purple Sun Sect and tried its best to quell the demonic disaster. Xiao Liang will work hard to gain benefits for Taiyi Sect.

There are quite a few Yuanshen sects of this level like Taiyi Sect under the control of Ziyang Shengzong. There is not much that is surprising about Taiyi Sect.

For Ziyang Shengzong, if it weren’t for special circumstances and unlucky timing, there really would be no need to turn to Taiyi Sect for help.

For Taiyi Sect, it is a good thing if it can be used by Ziyang Holy Sect.

Does the noisy child have milk? Knowing that it is useless to complain to Xiao Liang? Meng Zhang still made a special trip like this.

Since the goal was achieved, Meng Zhang did not stay in Tiangong for a long time and hurried back to Jiuqu Province.

In just a few days since Meng Zhang left, there have been many conflicts between the Taiyi Sect and the Shui Tribe to seize territory and resources.

Small-scale battles broke out from time to time among the low-level monks on both sides. Apart from the fact that no one was killed, it was already a commotion.

In addition to seizing the official territory that originally belonged to the Dali Dynasty, the Shui Tribe also began to invade the interests of the local cultivation forces in Jiuqu Province.

Of course? The Shui Tribe can’t help but use some coercion and inducement methods to get the surrounding cultivation forces to join them, but it has no effect.

As long as there is no interest-related relationship between the Shui Tribe and the Human Tribe, there are not many cultivators who are willing to take refuge in a foreign race like the Shui Tribe.

No matter how powerful the Shui tribe appears, they are always outsiders.

Taiyimen, as the leader of Jiuqu Province, has a very high prestige here.

After Meng Zhang left, Niu Dawei resolutely carried out the plan left by Meng Zhang.

When Meng Zhang came back, he saw that Niu Dawei was executing the plan very well, so he did not interfere.

Meng Zhang looked for opportunities and had several more troubles with the Mermaid King.

It’s not that he really wants to have trouble with the Mermaid King. But he knows that the more discord between himself and the Mermaid King, the more relieved Ziyang Shengzong will be.

Meng Zhang knew that the dispute with the Shui tribe would not last long. In the end, both parties had to compromise.

The top priority now is to lead the army to Daheng Cultivation World as soon as possible to quell the demonic disaster there.

Before this, there is not much time left for yourself.

In the south of Jiuqu Province, although there were many battles between the Shui Tribe and the Taiyi Sect, in the end the two sides still had a tacit understanding to carve up the territory and delineate their respective spheres of influence.

The Shui Tribe mainly controls the Jiuqu River and some important tributaries, as well as both sides.

These places were originally the sacred lands of Jiuqu Province, and Meng Zhang was very reluctant to give them to the Shui Tribe.

But there is no way, now is not the time to settle accounts with the Shui Tribe.

The local cultivation forces in the south of Jiuqu Province basically retained their original territories as long as they took the initiative to join the Taiyi Sect.

Except for the Shui Tribe, which was directly under the official territory of the Dali Dynasty, the Taiyi Clan got the bulk.

The influence of the Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province has been removed, at least on the surface.

A few diehards were also wiped out by the Taiyi Sect.

The Datong Merchant Alliance and other large merchants finally agreed to Meng Zhang’s proposal.

They clung to their own territory and bowed to Taiyimen on the surface.

Meng Zhang knew that Taiyi Sect had only become the controller of Jiuqu Province on the surface, but secretly there were many troubles. Such a rule was not stable.

Not to mention anything else, there are still many remnants of the Dali Dynasty operating in Jiuqu Province and its surrounding areas.

There were quite a few cultivators who broke out from Zhang Weineng’s camp alone.

Despite the rumors from Taiyi Sect, they offered extremely high conditions to recruit these cultivators.

As long as they join the Taiyi Sect, all the past problems can be wiped out.

If they don’t want to work for Taiyi Sect, that’s fine. As long as they don’t continue to fight against Taiyi Sect, Taiyi Sect can give them a generous gift and send them out of the country to keep them far away from Jiuquxing. Province.

Unfortunately, very few responded to Taiyi Sect’s proposal.

Most of these cultivators lurked and became the thorns hidden in Jiuqu Province.

Those cultivation forces who have taken refuge in Taiyi Sect are even more unreliable.

They were forced by the situation to take refuge temporarily.

If the situation changes, these cultivation forces may rebel again and find another owner.

Meng Zhang himself has done this kind of thing between Qin and Muchu, so he especially understands the virtues of these cultivation forces.

In a word, Taiyi Sect’s rule over Jiuqu Province is completely superficial.

Such a situation should be something Ziyang Holy Sect would like to see.

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