Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1336: Breaking

In the world of cultivation, the key force that truly determines the outcome of a great battle is never the low-level monks, but the top combat effectiveness of both sides.

In the Dali Dynasty camp, there was a big gap in top-level combat power, which was doomed to fail.

When the Taiyi Sect and Shui Tribe coalition forces first began to attack the camp, Zhang Weineng worked hard to stabilize people’s hearts and show his strength.

With the help of the fourth-level protective formation guarding the camp, he worked hard to suppress his injuries and was able to demonstrate his considerable combat effectiveness.

Whether it was the Mermaid King or Nanzhu Zhenjun, although they had to participate in this battle, they still tried their best to avoid a head-on fight with a strong enemy like Zhang Weineng.

Seeing that Zhang Weineng had the help of a large formation, it seemed difficult to deal with them. They just followed the story and did not show much real ability.

As a result, the attack on the camp became very unsmooth.

Niu Dawei is also a very decisive person.

Although he doesn’t mind delaying a little longer and doesn’t want to pay too many casualties, it can’t go on like this.

The correct approach must be to put enough pressure on the enemy and cause continuous consumption to the enemy.

Niu Dawei was given sufficient rights by Meng Zhang to serve as the commander of the Taiyi Sect team and had certain command rights over Nanzhu Zhenjun.

After forming an alliance with the Water Tribe, even though the Mermaid King was above him in terms of cultivation and status, he still fought hard and gained a lot of say.

Not only did Niu Dawei personally come forward to urge everyone to fight hard, he himself also took the lead and charged forward.

On several occasions, he saw Niu Dawei rushing in front of the formation. Zhang Weineng, who recognized his identity, tried to kill him with the help of the formation.

But Niu Dawei, who is proficient in the Wind and Thunder Avenue, used the Wind and Thunder Escape Technique, which came and went like lightning, and did not give Zhang Weineng a chance at all.

Zhang Weineng’s several attempts were unsuccessful. Instead, he exposed some of his own weaknesses, allowing the keen-eyed Mermaid King and Nanzhu Zhenjun to see some clues.

Although the Mermaid King and Nanzhu Zhenjun were worried that Zhang Weineng was deliberately hiding his clumsiness, they still couldn’t resist the temptation to kill him and stepped forward to entangle him.

Wen Qiansuan, the formation master, often plays the absolute main role when breaking enemy formations.

He mobilized many True Lords of Yuanshen to specifically look for flaws in the formation to attack.

Yang Xueyi, who was temporarily transferred from Maple Leaf Mountain City specifically for this war, assisted Wen Qiansuan in refining many fourth-level formation-breaking talismans before the war.

Once an opportunity is found, the fourth-level formation-breaking talisman will turn into a stream of light and fall into the formation.

The last time the Purple Sun Sect’s Void Returning Power attacked Jiuqu City, it not only destroyed the entire city, but also damaged the surrounding ground.

Zhang Weineng finally found a place nearby to set up a fourth-level protective formation, but it was difficult to fully mobilize the power of the earth veins.

The underground third-level spiritual veins cannot fully exert the power of the fourth-level protective array, and a steady stream of resources, including Yuqing Spirit Machine, is needed to maintain the operation of the array.

The resources stored in the camp are limited, and even the True Lords of Yuanshen do not hesitate to contribute all the Yuqing spiritual machines needed for their daily cultivation to maintain the operation of the formation.

But when the formation faces huge pressure? All kinds of consumption are frightening.

It had only been half a month since the combined forces of Taiyi Sect and Shui Tribe had attacked, but the protective formation had become riddled with holes and scars.

Zhang Weineng worked hard to maintain a large formation to block the enemy’s attacks, while constantly asking for help from all directions.

The Dali Dynasty still has a strong force in Jiuqu Province? As long as they gather near the camp, they will still be able to fight.

However, due to various reasons, Zhang Weineng’s request for help was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, but he did not receive any response.

As the follow-up armies of Taiyi Sect entered the south of Jiuqu Province one after another, the local garrison forces scattered in various places and the cultivation forces loyal to the Dali Dynasty were already overwhelmed.

Where are the Datong Merchant Alliance and other big merchants? Seeing that He Laofei did not come back after he left? Some people who had the overall situation in mind proposed to support Zhang Weineng as soon as possible.

However, monks from multiple factions gathered together, and it was difficult to form a unified opinion due to the large number of people talking.

Among them, no one has the authority to make the final decision.

So the reinforcement of Zhang Weineng was delayed like this.

Over the Yunwu Daze? The Angry Dragon King was even more determined not to leave.

The heavens and the earth are not as important as guarding the cross-domain teleportation formation that is about to be completed.

Zhenjun Qinggu, who had high hopes for Zhang Weineng, was even more unwilling to take chestnuts from the fire for him. Instead, he and Meng Zhang had a tacit understanding of the Taiping Fist.

That’s it? Can Zhang Wei wait and wait? But he can’t wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The fourth-level protective formation outside the camp is already crumbling and is about to collapse completely.

After this period of fighting, both the Mermaid King and Nanzhu Zhenjun found out Zhang Weineng’s true and false.

This person is indeed seriously injured and cannot display his true strength at all.

If it weren’t for the cover of the fourth-level protective formation, he might have been killed by the Mermaid King and the others.

At this time, for Zhang Weineng, the situation in Jiuqu Province has completely deteriorated.

The partial division in Yujian Mountain in the north of Jiuqu Province has been wiped out by the coalition forces of the Hanhai Dao Alliance.

After a brief rest, Wei Wuxia, who had freed up his hands, led the victorious coalition forces directly to the south of Jiuqu Province, trying to join forces with the army led by Xu Mengying who had reached them first.

An Xiaoran mobilized the entire force of the Hanhai Dao Alliance and led the last batch of reinforcements to the south of Jiuqu Province and began to sweep away the power of the Dali Dynasty here.

By this time, the cultivation forces in the south of Jiuqu Province had almost clearly seen the situation.

Many cultivation forces have defected to the Taiyi Sect.

Even the cultivators who were loyal to the Dali Dynasty had to stop their actions at this time and stay on the sidelines in order to survive.

Zhang Weineng, who struggled to persevere in the camp, did not cut off contact with his surroundings.

The bad situation currently facing the south of Jiuqu Province was introduced to him one after another.

The building is about to collapse and there is no way to save it. Zhang Weineng felt this way in his heart.

At the last moment, Zhang Weineng showed the decisiveness he deserved.

Before the fourth-level protective formation collapsed completely, and while his own side still had some combat effectiveness, he ordered all the monks in the camp to break out in all directions and try their best to carve out a **** path and save the last point for the Dali Dynasty. vitality.

Wen Dongzhenjun and other diehard loyalists of the Dali Dynasty wanted to resist the order and be loyal to the court.

But under Zhang Weineng’s strict order, they had to start a breakout.

Zhang Weineng did not break out, but stayed to attract the enemy’s attention and cover everyone’s breakout.

As the first breakout team began to fight their way out, the fourth-level protective formation finally collapsed completely, and the camp was breached.

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