Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1319: Effects

When the news about the Xiang family’s misfortune reached Meng Zhang’s ears, Meng Zhang was recuperating in Maple Leaf Mountain City.

While in the valley, he learned from the mouth of Zhenjun Mo Qing the ins and outs of their ceremony, and also learned a lot of information about the Xiang family.

The power contained in the Xiang family’s blood comes from the gift of the Demon God, the Lord of the Demon Li Palace, and should have been a huge secret.

But in order to win the trust of others, the Xiang family asked everyone to hold a ceremony to worship the master of Moli Palace, so they took the initiative to reveal it to the members of the loose organization.

How can a gift from the devil be so easy to obtain?

Not to mention demon gods, even those righteous gods, it is very normal to do some tricks with the divine power given to them.

This time the sacrificial ceremony allowed believers of the hostile demon **** to get in, causing the ceremony to fail. You can imagine the anger of the master of Moli Palace.

It is natural for the devil to punish Xiang Jia when he is angry.

The ancestors of the Xiang family obtained the power of the demon god, and the entire family worshiped the demon **** all year round. Future generations will pay the price for this, and they will reap the consequences.

It’s just pity that the monks and innocent civilians in the Xiang family’s territory were affected for no reason.

The Xiang family is one of the four giants in the world of Daheng cultivation. All of their clan members have been demonized and completely transformed into monsters.

This is an extremely large group of monsters, which easily completely destroyed the Xiang family’s territory and turned it into a paradise for monsters.

Next, this monster swarm will definitely not stay contentedly in Xiangjia’s territory, but will continue to expand in all directions.

Wherever monsters reach, destruction of life and disasters are unavoidable.

Relying solely on the power of the remaining three giants in the Daheng cultivation world may not be able to stop the expansion of monsters.

While in the valley, Meng Zhang worked hard to kill and killed most of the Yuanshen monks present, greatly weakening the power of the monster group in the future.

But the entire Xiang family was completely demonized, and the monsters gained new strength.

Meng Zhang felt a little scared. Could it be that everything he had done could not prevent disaster from coming to Daheng Cultivation World?

Are the scenes deduced by myself using the Dayan Divine Calculation destined to happen?

Then what is the use of all the efforts you have made?

For a moment, Meng Zhang fell into deep self-doubt.

Meng Zhang is also a veteran Tianji master.

Especially after being promoted to Master of Tianji? Not only did Tianji make great progress, but he also gained his own understanding of Tianji.

The secret is not certain? The future can be changed.

The future deduced by his use of Heaven’s Secret Technique? It’s just one of the possibilities.

If there is strong external interference, this possibility will naturally not become a reality.

Meng Zhang has read in classics that in the world of cultivation, there are still some schools of Tianji masters who believe that the future is doomed and cannot be changed no matter how hard they struggle.

Even if there are some deviations in the middle, the future will eventually return to the original track.

Meng Zhang naturally dislikes this statement.

If the future is already determined, what use is there for cultivators?

Influenced by his previous life? Meng Zhang more agrees with the principle that man can conquer nature.

But what happened this time? It actually made him feel confused and fell into a state similar to a demon.

Meng Zhang couldn’t help but start to deny himself.

He first doubted whether his understanding of Tianji Technique was correct, and then he doubted the meaning of everything he did…

Just when Meng Zhang’s ideas became more and more extreme and he started to get into trouble? A sudden inspiration made him break out of this state.

In just a moment, Meng Zhang was already dripping with cold sweat and filled with fear.

Although he has left the valley long ago? He is far away from the remaining power of the devil.

But the impact of that power on my family is still there, and it almost triggered my own inner demons.

If Meng Zhang’s luck hadn’t been at his head, his mind was blessed, and he suddenly woke up? He would have fallen deeper and deeper, and maybe his Taoist heart would have collapsed because of his denial of himself.

The influence of the remaining power of the devil on the physical body is easier to remove, but the influence on the soul is invisible and intangible, so it is difficult to completely remove it.

Meng Zhang has experienced a moderate calamity this time, and it has been a training for him.

Meng Zhang looked at himself and others, thinking that he had been so seriously affected, and he didn’t know what happened to others.

Nanzhu Zhenjun and the other three immediately retreated into seclusion after returning to Taiyi Sect. Apparently they had sensed it.

The three brothers and sisters of Nanzhu Zhenjun have been in the world of cultivation for many years. They are well-informed and have rich experience. They have ways to deal with various situations.

Xiao Qiao is a monk of the Ziyang Holy Sect, and his sect is responsible for it, so there is no need for Meng Zhang to worry about it.

The other monks are all members of the Taiyi Sect, so Meng Zhang cannot ignore them.

Meng Zhang thought for a while and asked someone to send a message to Xu Mengying, a saint of the Huanglian Sect, asking her to come to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

Xu Mengying majored in the spiritual path and should have certain ability to deal with such spiritual problems.

After experiencing this disaster, Meng Zhang became more cautious.

He even let go of things in the Daheng Cultivation World and took Yang Xueyi back to the Taiyi Gate.

After Xu Mengying received Meng Zhang’s message, she immediately dropped everything and rushed to Taiyi Gate as quickly as possible.

After Xu Mengying met Meng Zhang, she learned what happened from his mouth.

Xu Mengying is indeed a monk who has been immersed in the spiritual path for many years.

She can mobilize the power of the spiritual path to help others calm down, calm the chaos in their hearts, and prevent the birth of inner demons.

Meng Zhang summoned all the Taiyi Sect monks who were dispatched this time.

Xu Mengying spent a lot of effort to help everyone regain peace of mind one by one.

After Xu Mengying cast the spell, everyone felt that their originally heavy mood became much lighter.

It was as if a layer of dust had been swept away from my heart, making it appear much clearer.

Meng Zhang sent a message to Nanzhu Zhenjun and the three people in seclusion, and went to Shuyuan to tell them about this matter.

Nanzhu Zhenjun replied to Meng Zhang’s message and told Meng Zhang that the three brothers and sisters had secret techniques and could solve the problem on their own.

Since this is the case, Meng Zhang can’t say anything more.

With the many years of friendship between him and Xu Mengying, there is no need to say too many words of gratitude.

After Xu Mengying learned from Meng Zhang what happened in Daheng Cultivation World, she also began to feel worried.

As the leader of a faction, Xu Mengying is also very aware of the overall situation.

The power of monsters in the Daheng cultivation world has greatly increased, but the cultivators have been seriously weakened. This is clearly a situation where the Tao eliminates demons.

If the Daheng cultivation world is completely captured by monsters and completely reduced to a demonic realm, then the nearby area will become the next target.

On this issue, no one from all the forces in Jiuqu Province can stay out of the matter.

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