Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1300: Give up

With the character of the alien demon tribe, they never took any action from beginning to end, and just sat back and watched Meng Zhang and others come and go as they pleased.

From this point, Meng Zhang knew that the purpose of his demonstration had been achieved.

That’s right, when dealing with these monsters, you need to show your strength and deter them.

Meng Zhang and the others set out on their return journey along the original route as they came, and flew back to the Taiyi Sect territory.

It was smooth sailing all the way without encountering any obstacles.

After the operation, Mr. He returned to his old place and fell asleep.

Nanzhu Zhenjun and the other three are still in charge of Taiyi Gate.

In addition to daily practice, the three of them will also have some exchanges and discussions with the Taiyi Sect monks.

As casual cultivators, the three of them, Nanzhu Zhenjun, have been able to reach this stage today. Their cultivation and achievements show that they are extraordinary.

They have been to Middle-earth, the most prosperous continent in Junchen Realm, and met with experts from all over the world.

After arriving in the north of Junchen Realm, I was not idle and had dealings with many monks.

Their cultivation and experience are all outstanding.

Especially because they have been to many places and traveled all over the world of cultivation. Whatever they saw or heard was very attractive to the Taiyi Sect monks in the remote north.

The Taiyi Sect monks are also willing to communicate with them to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge.

For Nanzhu Zhenjun and the other three, communicating with monks from a large sect like Taiyi Sect is also a very precious opportunity.

With their experience, they certainly know how powerful the Taiyi Sect was in its heyday, and it was the overlord in Middle-earth.

The current Taiyi Sect seems to be prospering and developing, and it must have inherited the legacy of its predecessors.

The three of them are all casual cultivators. Although they have had many encounters, they are still very interested in the systematic inheritance of the sect.

Nanzhu Zhenjun and the other three lived a very fulfilling life in Taiyimen.

For Taiyi Sect, it is not just the addition of a few temporary top combat forces, but also a window to understand the outside world.

As for the Angry Dragon King, although he and the Demon King under him were very unhappy. I feel intolerable to Meng Zhang and his group’s demonstrations.

But form is stronger than people. Facing powerful enemies, they can only tolerate it temporarily.

After seeing the strength of Taiyi Sect, King Nu Jiao had to give up the idea of ​​joining forces with Zhang Wei to attack.

In his opinion, if he and Zhang Wei can join forces to attack Taiyi Gate, even if they can win, their own side will suffer heavy casualties, and maybe both sides will suffer losses.

In a world full of enemies and hostility everywhere, the Angry Dragon King must of course work hard to preserve his strength and not dare to let his own side weaken.

He can be on good terms with Zhang Weineng, and can cooperate with Zhang Weineng, but if they join forces to attack the Taiyi Sect, then forget it.

On Zhang Weineng’s side, he began to hesitate after learning that Taiyi Sect had received strong reinforcements.

The attitude of the Angry Dragon King came to him at this time, and it did not surprise him.

Although he was extremely unwilling, he still had to give up his original plan to exterminate the Taiyi Sect.

Compared to the Angry Dragon King, he couldn’t afford the loss.

If the losses were too great and his own strength plummeted, he would not be able to continue to maintain the rule of the Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province.

The Taiyi Sect has received reinforcements, so the advantage of joining forces with the Angry Dragon King is not so obvious.

As a frontier official with important responsibilities, he must take into account the overall situation, think about everything, and cannot act according to his own temper.

Although Meng Zhang knew that after he showed his strength, the battle would probably not be fought.

But he still maintained a high degree of vigilance and did not relax at all.

The surveillance and infiltration of the southern Jiuqu Province and Yunwu Daze have never been cut off.

Taiyimen previously captured many barbarian tribesmen from outside the territory.

In the beginning, only ordinary barbarians were tamed and served as coolies for the sect, digging in the mines and farming in the spiritual fields…

Later, the barbarian warriors were slowly tamed.

After thousands of selections, some of the better domesticated barbarian warriors were selected.

The Taiyi Sect uses various harsh methods to control them to ensure that they can be completely loyal to the Taiyi Sect.

In the area around Yunwu Daze, those extraterrestrial barbarians who had taken refuge in the extraterritorial demon clan had gained a place to live.

Of course, they were also controlled by the demon clan from outside the territory and became cannon fodder and food.

In the past few years, facing the increasingly complicated situation in the surrounding area, King Nu Jiao worked hard to suppress the demon clan under his command, especially those powerful demon kings, and did not allow them to oppress and devour these extraterritorial barbarians at will.

In the eyes of the Angry Dragon King, these extraterritorial barbarians still have great uses, but they cannot be wasted like this.

In this way, although the oppression of the barbarians outside the territory is still very heavy, it is much better than before.

On the Yuantu Prairie, even after years of suppression, some barbarians from outside the territory still appear from time to time.

As fish that slipped through the net, in addition to trying their best to hide and hide deeper, some barbarians, especially barbarian warriors with a certain strength, left the Yuantu Prairie to join their compatriots under the rule of the demon clan.

Leave aside the fate that these extraterritorial barbarians will encounter, this provides an opportunity for the Taiyi Sect Dark Hall monks.

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The barbarian warriors who had been trained by the dark hall were also sent there, trying to find ways to blend into the various barbarian tribes.

This process was certainly not smooth sailing, with many twists and turns.

But this is a good start. Taiyi Sect was finally able to successfully send spies to obtain information about these extraterritorial intruders.

Next step, Antang is even ready to train the tamed spiritual beasts in the sect and let them break into the monster clan outside the territory.

Meng Zhang is not optimistic about this idea.

The difference between foreign monsters and local monsters is quite obvious.

It is not easy for local monsters to get in.

Of course, even though he was not optimistic, Meng Zhang did not pour cold water on it, but actively tried to find ways to provide assistance.

If we can get in touch with the monsters in the Black Jade Forest and get their help, then this type of operation will have a higher chance of success.

As for how to contact the monsters in the Black Jade Forest and obtain their help, the only way is to ask for help from the Purple Sun Sect.

While Taiyi Sect was secretly making various efforts and constantly sending spies to collect various intelligence, Zhang Weineng had already shifted his attention and no longer regarded Taiyi Sect as his next target.

Ziyang Shengzong secretly planned to give the Dali Dynasty a hard blow.

The senior officials of the Dali Dynasty may not be aware of Ziyang Shengzong’s plan.

But as opponents, they will also use all means to attack the Purple Sun Sect from all aspects.

Compared to the Holy Land Sect that has ruled the Junchen Realm for thousands of years, although the Dali Dynasty seems to be powerful, it is still slightly inferior in appearance.

In order to level the gap between the two sides and try to contain the strength of the Purple Sun Sect, the Dali Dynasty would inevitably resort to unscrupulous means and resort to some underhanded practices that violated taboos.

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