Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1285: Siege

Without the official cooperation of the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang would not have allowed the Hanhai Dao Alliance to attack Yunwu Daze alone.

On the one hand, in the face of powerful foreign invaders, he was not sure of victory.

Once an all-out war breaks out, regardless of victory or defeat, the Hanhai Dao Alliance will surely suffer heavy losses.

On the other hand, if the Hanhai Dao League suffered too many losses in the battle with Yunwu Daze, Zhang Weineng would definitely not miss the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Since Zhang Wei could refuse to meet outsiders in the name of seclusion, Meng Zhang could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​attacking Yunwu Daze and wait patiently.

Meng Zhang has been waiting for more than a year.

For more than a year, Zhang Weineng was still the same as before, unable to go out in seclusion and not see anyone.

Sun Shengdu followed Meng Zhang’s order and made two special trips to the south of Jiuqu Province, but returned without success each time.

Including Zhang Weineng’s previous retreat time, it has been almost thirty years.

For the great monks in the later stage of Yuanshen, even a hundred years is not a long time, let alone thirty years of seclusion.

Meng Zhang did not have the patience to wait slowly.

The demon clan outside the territory has secretly built a cross-region teleportation array for many years, and its purpose can be imagined.

Although according to Wen Qiansuan, the formation master in the sect, it is difficult for the demon clan to set up such a large formation intact.

Meng Zhang is also willing to believe in Wen Qiansuan’s judgment.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. In the world of cultivation, any miracle can happen.

If the demon clan outside the territory really succeeds in building that grand formation, the consequences will be disastrous.

The last time Meng Zhang went to Daheng Cultivation World, he met Xiao Jiansheng, the world-walking Ziyang Holy Sect, and the two parties left contact information.

What the demon clan does outside the territory is a threat to the entire world of cultivation. Regardless of the Dali Dynasty, Ziyang Shengzong, as the ruler of the northern part of Junchen Realm, would not ignore it in the same way.

Meng Zhang teleported to Maple Leaf Mountain City. He didn’t bother to summon the disciples here and started trying to contact Xiao Jiansheng.

What Xiao Jiansheng left for Meng Zhang was a jade pendant.

As long as he is still within the scope of Daheng Cultivation World, Meng Zhang can contact him through this jade pendant.

Despite repeated inspections, it was determined that there was nothing wrong with this jade pendant. The cautious Meng Zhang still left the jade pendant here in Maple Leaf Mountain City.

He took the jade pendant and started to activate the jade pendant according to the method taught by Xiao Jiansheng, hoping to contact Xiao Jiansheng.

However, no matter how Meng Zhang activated his true energy, used his skills, and the jade pendant, he could not receive the message from Xiao Jiansheng.

There are generally two possibilities for this situation.

One possibility is that Xiao Jiansheng has left the Daheng cultivation world and is too far away, so the jade pendant cannot contact him.

There is another possibility, that is, the connection between Xiao Jiansheng and Jade Pendant has been artificially blocked.

If someone else were here, they might not be able to make an accurate judgment.

However, as a master of heavenly secrets, Meng Zhang has a keen sense of spirituality and a very miraculous sense. Many times, he will have the ability to predict the future.

At this moment, Meng Zhang felt vaguely that Xiao Jiansheng might be in some kind of trouble.

For so many years, Xiao Jiansheng, who has a heavy responsibility, has not left Daheng Cultivation World. He couldn’t have left at this time by such a coincidence.

Xiao Jiansheng is also a great monk in the later stage of Yuanshen. It must be no small matter to get him into trouble.

Meng Zhang thought to himself that if he could help Xiao Jiansheng this time and make him owe him a favor, it would be very beneficial to himself and the entire Taiyi Sect.

Of course, if Xiao Jiansheng is in too much trouble, then Meng Zhang will have no choice but to help.

Whether we help or not, the most important thing now is to find out where Xiao Jiansheng is and what kind of trouble he has encountered?

Meng Zhang was originally going to use the Dayan Divine Calculation to make calculations, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up.

Like himself, Xiao Jiansheng is a late-stage Yuanshen monk. It is not easy to figure out his whereabouts, and I am afraid it will cost a lot of money.

Moreover, Meng Zhang had warned himself a long time ago that if it was not a last resort, he should try not to use the secret technique to deduce the secret.

In addition to using Tianji Technique, is there any way to find Xiao Jiansheng?

Meng Zhang glanced at the jade pendant in his hand.

Meng Zhang had seen many communication weapons similar to this jade pendant, and the Taiyi Sect also had the ability to refine them.

However, the refining method and refining materials determine the grade of the magic weapon and also determines the communication range of the magic weapon.

The communication weapon left by Xiao Jiansheng is of course a high-quality product.

Meng Zhang circulated his true energy, used his magic method, and activated the jade pendant again.

The jade pendant faintly emits an extremely secretive wave, spreading towards the distant horizon.

This special fluctuation is the way the jade pendant transmits information.

Even great monks in the later stages of Yuanshen would find it difficult to detect the existence of such fluctuations.

Meng Zhang had studied similar magic weapons before because of his curiosity, and knew its general principles.

He began to carefully sense the fluctuations, and slowly explored the direction in which the fluctuations propagated.

In addition to his keen spiritual sense, Meng Zhang’s unique spiritual sense from the Tianji Master also played a role this time.

It didn’t take long for him to discover the direction of this special wave transmission.

Meng Zhang began to fly in the direction of the wave.

He quickly left Maple Leaf Mountain City and flew towards the south.

As long as Meng Zhang keeps urging the jade pendant, the transmission of fluctuations will not stop.

The fluctuations were transmitted so fast that even Meng Zhang, who was flying at full speed, could not catch up.

Fortunately, the direction of this special wave transmission is actually fixed, which provides Meng Zhang with a lot of convenience.

In order to speed up, he used the Void Cauldron to teleport through space from time to time, and soon left Maple Leaf Mountain City far away.

Meng Zhang rushed south all the way.

The area around Maple Leaf Mountain Castle has not been attacked by a large group of monsters since the last battle.

At most, from time to time, a few monsters will break in here accidentally.

Yang Xueyi organized multiple patrol teams and strengthened inspections of surrounding areas.

As long as there are traces of monsters, they will immediately be pursued by cultivators.

The entire Daheng cultivation world was almost caught in the flames of war, and was tormented by demonic disasters to the point of being unable to live in peace.

The area around Maple Leaf Mountain City has actually been turned into a rare piece of pure land.

Meng Zhang flew farther and farther away from this area.

As he began to enter the Daheng cultivation area, various monsters began to slowly appear in his field of vision.

Meng Zhang, who had important matters at hand, could not attend to cleaning up these monsters and continued flying towards the north.

He spent more than half a month on the road before finally arriving near his destination.

The special wave transmitted by the jade pendant entered the area in front, just like a mud cow entering the sea, without any response.

According to normal circumstances, Xiao Jiansheng also wore a similar jade pendant.

The jade pendant will automatically activate after receiving special fluctuations from afar, and then Xiao Jiansheng will respond accordingly.

That jade pendant will send out similar special fluctuations and return to the jade pendant owned by Meng Zhang.

There is no special wave coming from the front now. It is most likely that the message sent by Xiao Jiansheng through the jade pendant has been intercepted by some means.

Could it be that Xiao Jiansheng is in the area ahead?

Meng Zhang became very cautious, slowed down, and moved forward cautiously.

Looking from a distance, the area ahead is normal, just a seemingly inconspicuous barren mountain range.

After Meng Zhang advanced for a certain distance, he stopped on his own initiative, raised his Dharma Eyes to look ahead.

This is an innate magical power that Meng Zhang has mastered since his Qi refining period. As his cultivation continues to improve, his ability to see through illusions becomes more and more powerful.

In Meng Zhang’s Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eye, a thick layer of fog first appeared in front of him. Through the fog, a fierce battle was taking place.

Zhang Weineng, the governor of Jiuqu Province, the long-lost demon cultivator Mo Qing Zhenjun, and two water tribe monks are besieging the world of Ziyang Holy Sect together. Xiao Jiansheng.

Needless to say, Zhang Wei is capable, his fighting ability is stronger than that of Meng Zhang.

As a demonic monk, True Lord Mo Qing possesses many strange demonic secrets. Ordinary late-stage Yuanshen monks may not be his opponents.

The two water tribe monks are weaker in cultivation, both of them are only at the middle stage of Yuanshen.

One woman has the head of a human and the body of a fish, and the other man has the head of a fish and the body of a fish.

Two water tribe monks jointly controlled a jade bottle-like treasure, and they were able to exert almost the same combat power as the late Yuan Shen.

Xiao Jiansheng is not an ordinary great monk in the late stage of Yuanshen.

He was born in a sect in the Holy Land, and his martial arts practice is one of the most top-notch in the world of cultivation. He has mastered many magical powers and secret techniques, and has superior magical weapons and life-saving items…

It would be difficult for monks at this level of late Yuanshen to threaten his life.

But faced with the siege of many enemies, there was a magic circle outside to trap him.

After many days of hard fighting, Xiao Jiansheng was completely at a disadvantage and suffered heavy losses.

His several attempts to break out have failed, and instead he has suffered a lot of wounds on his body.

If nothing happens, this is where he will die.

Besieged by the enemy, Xiao Jiansheng rushed left and right without being able to take off his clothes. He couldn’t help but show a trace of sadness and anger on his face.

The **** magic circle outside not only prevented him from breaking out, but also prevented him from sending out a distress message.

The magic circle can enter but not exit. He can receive the information coming in from the outside, but cannot transmit the information out.

Although Xiao Jiansheng was born in the Purple Sun Sect, he has never been the kind of arrogant person, and he will not act willfully based on his background.

Before the full-scale war between the Dali Dynasty and the Ziyang Holy Sect began, Xiao Jiansheng was ordered to come to the Daheng cultivation world to contact the cultivation forces here and join the encirclement of the Dali Dynasty.

This mission was requested by Xiao Jiansheng.

He also went to the Jiuqu League last time to help the Jade Sword Sect fight against the invading army of the Dali Dynasty.

Although he persuaded Bairi Valley to send reinforcements, he himself actively participated in the war.

But in the end, he could not avoid failure and allowed the Dali Dynasty to conquer the Jiuqu League.

Although he was not entirely responsible for the failure, he still regarded the failure as a great shame.

This time when he went to Daheng Cultivation World, he had the intention of revenge.

The Dali Dynasty caused a demonic disaster in the Daheng Cultivation World, and also sent an army of conquests with the intention of conquering the Daheng Cultivation World.

Xiao Jiansheng paid a lot of money and made many promises, secretly connecting the forces of all parties.

With deliberate calculation and unintentional calculation, he gave the Dali Dynasty a heavy blow, which was barely enough to avenge him.

Later on, as the demonic disaster in the Daheng Cultivation World became more and more intense, and the Purple Sun Sect did not send more forces to support him, he had to stay here temporarily to help the local cultivation sect quell the demonic disaster.

Xiao Jiansheng has a clear understanding of the relationship between the local cultivation sects and monsters in the Daheng cultivation world.

However, the demonic disaster has become so raging, and the local cultivation forces are still like that, unwilling to do their best, which makes Xiao Jiansheng very angry.

But even Bai Rigu, who was most respectful to him, was acting in a counter-intuitive manner and did not fully devote himself to the battle to extinguish the demonic disaster.

No matter how hard Xiao Jiansheng tried, he alone could not completely quell the demonic disaster.

Of course, the local cultivation forces still respect him very much on the surface.

Xiao Jiansheng organized a team of True Lord Yuanshen to extinguish fires and kill monsters everywhere.

The Yuanshen True Lords in the team are all drawn from the local cultivation forces.

As long as it does not touch the vital points of the local cultivation forces and does not affect their strength, they are also willing to send some Yuanshen True Monarchs for Xiao Jiansheng’s dispatch.

This time, Xiao Jiansheng received news that there was a sudden change in the monster group in a certain place. He specially brought two subordinates from the early stage of Yuanshen to fly over to check.

But he never expected that one of his subordinates was actually a secret agent of the Dali Dynasty, leading him directly into an ambush.

Zhang Weineng and others have already set up a magic circle here. Find Shuyuan Then they all joined forces and trapped Xiao Jiansheng with the help of the magic circle.

Xiao Jiansheng was furious after being betrayed, and even though he was injured, he killed the traitor on the spot.

But after being besieged, he quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Another of his men did not last long and died in the magic circle. Only Xiao Jiansheng was still here struggling to hold on.

More than three months have passed since he was besieged.

Xiao Jiansheng has long been at the end of his strength, and he is hanging on with one breath, making the final resistance.

All the life-saving things he had on him were used up, and he couldn’t hold on much longer.

If nothing else happens, his death will be within these two days.

Wars between monks at the level of True Lord Yuanshen are common, even if they last for a year and a half.

It takes more than three months to kill a great monk in the late stage of Yuanshen, which is indeed not too long.

Zhang Weineng and others are still in high spirits and full of vitality.

They bullied the few with their numbers and waited for work. They had made a lot of preparations in advance for this ambush.

There was a similar plan many years ago.

Now that success is imminent, Zhang Weineng and others not only did not show any carelessness, but became more cautious.

The opponent is a monk from the Purple Sun Sect. Who knows if there are any hidden cards.

Especially at the last moment of life, the other party may strike a fatal blow.

It is really not worth it if you are defeated by the enemy’s counterattack before death when you successfully kill the enemy.

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