Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1253: Grand Array

This crack is a hundred feet long and wide enough.

Meng Zhang and Zhang Weineng had a tacit understanding and led their men to stand at both ends of the crack, facing each other from a distance.

In Zhang Weineng’s team, in addition to the direct monks from the Dali Dynasty, there are also many monks recruited from the local cultivation forces in Jiuqu Province.

Among this group of monks, the weakest one is Jin Dan Zhenren.

Obviously, Zhang Weineng had some guesses about what he was going to face.

Chasing the descendants of gods and attacking small worlds, it is useless to have too many people, and monks are more valuable than their essence.

Local monks like Qianye Zhenjun knew that they would probably be used as cannon fodder by Zhang Weineng to explore the way, but they had no choice but to retreat.

Zhang Weineng did not rush into the crack, but carefully observed the situation inside the crack with a few close men.

Meng Zhang followed suit and also led a group of Taiyi Sect disciples to observe the situation in the crack.

Meng Zhang was so close this time, and with his eye for detecting illusions and his keen spiritual sense, he didn’t believe that he couldn’t detect any clues.

Before, Zhang Wei was able to discover the small world inside first. He only found out about it after being reminded by Xu Kongzi, so he lost half the trick first.

Zhenjun Jin Li, Niu Dawei and others all showed their talents and began to carefully observe the situation in the cracks.

But no matter how hard Meng Zhang and the others tried to observe, they could not clearly see what was going on inside.

There is always a strange force lingering at the opening of the crack, constantly interfering with their perception and various exploration of secret techniques.

Meng Zhang glanced at the opposite side. Zhang Weineng had already started discussing with several of his subordinates. It was obvious that they had gained something.

Having fallen half a step behind again, Meng Zhang felt a little anxious.

However, he will not risk the lives of himself and his men until he understands the specific situation in the crack.

Xu Mengying and other allies stood behind Meng Zhang, but they also gained nothing.

Meng Zhang began to secretly summon Xu Kongzi and communicate with him.

Xukongzi was not as cold as before this time. Instead, he patiently communicated with Meng Zhang.

According to Xu Kongzi, there is a mysterious formation below the crack.

This formation makes full use of the power of space, using the small world as the core of the formation.

If you want to enter that small world, you must first break through the big formation.

The death aura in the formation is so strong that it is not a good place at first glance.

Although Xukongzi has strong spatial abilities, his attainments in formations are still a bit lacking and he is unable to discover the weaknesses of this formation.

The spiritual thoughts released by Meng Zhang and the others, as well as the secret exploration techniques they used, were all blocked by the power of the formation, so nothing was discovered.

Hearing that there was a large formation below, Meng Zhang frowned slightly.

Not only did he have mediocre attainments in the art of formation, but among the monks present, there seemed to be no outstanding masters of the art of formation. The full text of the full text is the fastestんττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

According to Taiyi Sect’s practice, among the monks accompanying the formation this time, there were specially arranged monks from the Sect’s Formation Hall.

However, those formation hall monks were only third-level formation mages at most, and they had not discovered the mystery of this crack before.

Meng Zhang glanced at the opposite side. As far as he knew, Zhang Weineng seemed to have a good level of formation skills. Moreover, his subordinate, Zhenjun Liu Qi, who joined the army, is said to be a fourth-level formation mage.

Meng Zhang thought for a moment and made a decision.

He asked his second disciple An Xiaoran to **** some of the loot captured this time and return to Taiyimen Mountain Gate first.

When she went back, she asked Wen Qian to come over.

Then, he called several monks from the formation hall in front of him, covering them to observe closely to see if they could discover the existence of the formation.

While Meng Zhang was making arrangements, Zhang Weineng gestured with several of his men as if they were arguing about something.

After a while, Lord Liu Qi seemed to have convinced everyone and they stopped arguing.

Zhenjun Liu Qi took out a lot of formation flags from his body and placed them himself around the crack, as if he was setting up a magic circle or something.

Of course Meng Zhang would not just watch them do whatever they wanted.

If True Lord Liu Qi did anything during the formation process, he could definitely cause his side to suffer a big loss.

Meng Zhang was preparing to go over and negotiate with the other party to prevent Lord Liu Qi from continuing to act.

Zhang Weineng took the initiative and flew over.

“Master Meng, I wonder how your investigation is going. When are you going to take action?”

Meng Zhang was immediately asked.

An Xiaoran had just left not long ago, and even if Wen Qian left immediately, there was no way he could get here so quickly.

Without the formation master Wen Qiansuan present, and without knowing the details of the formation below, Meng Zhang would not take risks easily.

Although he and Xu Kongzi didn’t communicate much, it could be heard from Xu Kongzi’s tone that he was very afraid of the formation below.

Zhang Wei could see that Meng Zhang did not answer, and probably guessed that he was not ready.

If only Zhang Weineng’s men were here, he would definitely want to take action immediately and capture the small world as soon as possible.

But there was Meng Zhang watching eagerly from the side, but he was unwilling to take the first step.

Not to mention that Meng Zhang and the others would reap the benefits, but if they took advantage of their own formation to attack from both front and back, it would be a disaster.

Zhang Weineng pondered for a moment and tentatively asked Meng Zhang how much he knew about the situation below the crack.

Meng Zhang couldn’t let Zhang Wei Neng look down on him and casually said that the situation in the formation was strange and it was not appropriate to act rashly now. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

After listening to Meng Zhang’s words, Zhang Weineng went to Shuyuan and secretly lamented that the Taiyi Sect did have a lot of knowledge and had discovered the formation below so quickly.

In this case, Zhang Weineng reluctantly asked Meng Zhang if he was willing to join forces to explore this crack together.

Of course Meng Zhang would not agree to Zhang Weineng.

He knew nothing about this formation. If he was cheated by Zhang Weineng during the exploration, he would have no place to complain.

Meng Zhang pretended to be mysterious and thought for a while, then told Zhang Weineng that the time had not come yet and it was not a good time to explore below.

You need to wait for a while, until the time and place are right, then it’s time to take action.

If Zhang Weineng hadn’t been proficient in formations himself, he might have been fooled by Meng Zhang.

Although he didn’t quite believe Meng Zhang’s statement, he couldn’t completely ignore it.

He returned to Zhenjun Liu Qi, who joined the army, and discussed with him again.

Meng Zhang saw that they seemed to be having an argument.

Zhenjun Liu Qi shouted loudly in the direction of Meng Zhang, saying that Meng Zhang was pretending to be a ghost.

Meng Zhang ignored him and flew into the air. He pointed downward with one hand and shot out a sharp sword energy, leaving deep marks on both sides of the crack.

His meaning is very clear. This crack is divided into two, and each side has a part.

Whether the two sides are exploring or setting up formations, they are on their own territory and should not easily invade other people’s territory.

Once you cross the line, you will be responsible for the consequences.

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