Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1225: Send

Although the Taiyi Sect in its heyday was the famous Yuanshen sect in Middle-earth, it was still far behind in all aspects compared to the truly top sects in the world of cultivation.

I don’t know if the secret method of overcoming thunder tribulation exists.

Fortunately, not long after Meng Zhang broke through to the late stage of Yuanshen, he still has a long way to go before he can survive the thunder tribulation and impact the Yangshen. There is no need to rush to obtain the secret method of overcoming the tribulation yet.

Two treasures of information left behind by the Taiyi Sect in its heyday were previously obtained by Meng Zhang from the Heavenly Palace and interpreted through the Void Cauldron Lingxu Kongzi.

One of the treasures is located in the underworld.

According to Xu Kongzi’s interpretation, Meng Zhang must at least have the cultivation of late Yuan Shen in order to explore this treasure.

Meng Zhang is now sufficiently cultivated, and is assisted by Tai Miao, an external incarnation in the underworld.

After he is ready to solve the problems in the underworld, he will go to the underworld to hunt for treasure.

Meng Zhang put aside these other thoughts and focused all his attention on refining the void cauldron.

Although it was very difficult to refine the Void Cauldron, Meng Zhang got help from Void Son and spent three days and three nights to initially refine the Void Cauldron.

Now Meng Zhang is able to raise the Void Cauldron and initially show his power.

As the name of the Void Cauldron suggests, its most powerful ability is various spatial magical powers.

Meng Zhang majored in the Yin-Yang Avenue and was proficient in the Sun-Moon Avenue. On other avenues, such as the most powerful Space Avenue, it can only be said that Bo had some attainments.

Even for a long-lived Primordial Lord, his time and energy are limited. What’s more, Meng Zhang is considered young among the True Lords of Yuanshen.

It’s already good if he can understand the Yin-Yang Avenue, the main avenue. He really doesn’t have much energy left to spend on other avenues.

Refining this Void Cauldron can greatly enhance Meng Zhang’s power to mobilize the avenues of space and enhance the power of his space-like magical powers.

If nothing else, after refining the Void Cauldron, Meng Zhang can rely on the power of the Void Cauldron to freely shuttle back and forth between the underworld and the Yang world.

As long as he has been to any place, whether in the underworld or the Yang world, he can use the Void Cauldron to teleport back and forth freely.

Especially because he borrows the power of the Void Cauldron, he can move instantly and teleport over long distances.

In the outer void, because the space there is not stable enough and the space barriers are weak, Yuanshen stage monks can easily move tens of thousands of miles or even farther by using the Great Void Shift.

However, in Junchen Realm, due to the stable space structure, the power of various space teleportation spells will be greatly reduced.

In addition to using long-distance teleportation arrays, it is difficult for even Yuanshen monks to carry out long-distance spatial teleportation.

The Void Cauldron, a magical weapon, can help Meng Zhang break this restriction.

There is a very broad space inside the Void Cauldron, and it is carefully divided into several different parts.

What Meng Zhang was able to enter before was only part of it.

Now, all the space inside the Void Cauldron is finally completely open to Meng Zhang.

In these spaces, many Taiyi Sect’s inherited classics are stored.

Originally, the Void Cauldron was placed in the secret room and was meant to be the inheritance center of the Taiyi Sect.

But now that Meng Zhang needs to take advantage of the powerful power of this magical weapon, he has to carry it with him.

Anyway, with the Void Cauldron in hand, Meng Zhang can freely teleport through space. Even if he encounters a strong enemy or is besieged, he can find a way to escape.

After the Void Cauldron was refined by Meng Zhang, the weapon spirit Void Son became much silent.

He has no intention or action to fight against Meng Zhang now. However, it can’t be said to be very enthusiastic.

When Meng Zhang asked questions, he always answered them.

Meng Zhang gave orders and he obeyed them.

But he would not take the initiative to talk to Meng Zhang, let alone communicate.

With this result, Meng Zhang was reluctantly satisfied.

Compared to the previously unruly Xukongzi, Meng Zhang would not even have received this kind of treatment if he had not had the cultivation of the late Yuanshen.

As long as the Void Cauldron can be used for his own purposes and does not fall apart at critical moments, Meng Zhang will not ask for more.

Meng Zhang had refined many fourth-level magic weapons before.

In order to maintain these magic weapons, he needs to consume a lot of spiritual power.

If he hadn’t advanced to the late stage of Yuan Shen, he wouldn’t have enough Yuan Shen power to support a new fourth-level magic weapon.

After refining the Void Cauldron, he discovered one of the benefits of this magical weapon.

The Void Cauldron is a magical weapon at the top of the fourth level, and the accumulated power of the soul is already enough.

It’s just that you haven’t survived the thunder tribulation, so you can’t continue to advance.

Meng Zhang does not need to provide additional soul power to support the Void Cauldron.

He only needs to use the Void Cauldron on weekdays, and when it is consumed, it is enough to provide the power of the soul to replenish it in time.

In this way, the Void Cauldron will not put too much burden on Meng Zhang.

In the future, if Meng Zhang encounters a fourth-level magic weapon that he likes, he can continue to refine it.

After Meng Zhang refined the Void Cauldron, he met with Yang Xueyi and other Taiyi Sect senior officials.

Everything in Maple Leaf Mountain City went very smoothly, and no accidents happened.

He originally wanted to keep two Yin-Yang Dao soldiers with Yuanshen stage strength to monitor the Black Jade Forest.

However, according to the results of Jin Qiaoer’s personal investigation, the monster forces in the Black Jade Forest have shrunk. I wonder if there is an internal problem within them.

In the black jade forest adjacent to the Maple Leaf Mountain City area, monsters are now almost invisible.

After defeating the Angry Ape King for so long, there has been no massive revenge from the black jade forest monster forces. Find

Coupled with Jin Qiaoer’s investigation results, Meng Zhang roughly judged that the monster forces in the Black Jade Forest should not invade Maple Leaf Mountain City in a short time.

After returning this time, Meng Zhang will do his best to clear out the powerful barbarians hiding in the Yuantu Prairie. This is when he needs manpower.

He brought all the Yin and Yang Dao soldiers with him.

Of course, after the Yin Yang Dao soldiers leave, Yang Xueyi will find ways to strengthen the defense over the Black Jade Forest.

After handling the affairs here, Meng Zhang left.

This time he did not leave the long-distance teleportation circle arranged in Maple Leaf Mountain City. Instead, he raised the Void Cauldron and used the power of the Void Cauldron to carry out long-distance teleportation.

He wanted to take advantage of this trip to test the power of the Void Cauldron.

The power of the Void Cauldron in space did not disappoint Meng Zhang.

When Meng Zhang first teleported, he only teleported hundreds of miles at a time, and at most thousands of miles.

As he gradually became familiar with the magic weapon in his hand, the distance he teleported each time continued to increase.

From thousands of miles to tens of thousands of miles, and even gradually increased to tens of thousands of miles.

In the end, he could teleport more than 100,000 miles at a time.

Meng Zhang clearly felt that this was not the limit.

As the control over the Void Cauldron becomes deeper and deeper, it should be possible to teleport hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles within the Junchen Realm.

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