Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1178: Strain

Relying on the magic-conquering mirror in his hand, Meng Zhang kept shooting out the demon-conquering golden light, killing off the waves of monsters coming in.

As soon as he carried Houtu God General and flew some distance away, Meng Zhang felt a huge pulling force coming from the hand holding Houtu God General, constantly pulling his body.

Under this situation, General Houtu was still able to struggle, trying to prevent Meng Zhang from breaking out.

You must know that General Houtu is just a protector general with the power of golden elixir. Even if he is not trapped, he is unable to struggle under Meng Zhang’s suppression.

The methods Meng Zhang used just now are more than enough to trap the True Lord Yuanshen.

But General Houtu was able to continue to struggle and continue to put pressure on Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang’s face turned even uglier.

This is not because of the pressure from God General Houtu, but because he is worried about the safety of God General Houtu.

Power cannot appear out of thin air.

You can imagine the price that needs to be paid for a golden elixir-level monk to be able to exert his power against the True Monarch of Yuanshen.

Houtu God General’s body not only has the power injected by the powerful demon, but his own life potential has also been greatly stimulated.

This approach will damage his foundation and endanger his life.

A protector general like Houtu God General only has the power of the golden elixir level, but has the longevity of Yuanshen Zhenjun.

But they are already quite old, and most of their lifespan has been lost.

If the oldest of them, the Supreme Sword Master, cannot make a decisive breakthrough in his cultivation, he will not have much life left.

The Houtu God will be controlled by a powerful demon. If his potential is stimulated in this way, it is almost certain that his longevity will be damaged.

Meng Zhang, furious in his heart, tried to control his emotions. He first strengthened the power to suppress the Houtu Divine General so that he could no longer struggle. Then he quickly broke through, trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

The monster on the mountain of meat desperately drove the monsters under it to chase and intercept it, and I also tried my best to intercept it.

But the magic-conquering mirror held by Meng Zhang has powerful power to subdue demons, and can almost be said to be the nemesis of monsters. Coupled with Meng Zhang’s powerful strength, this group of monsters really couldn’t trap him.

Actually, Meng Zhang did not put all his thoughts on the monster in front of him.

Even when the battle was at its fiercest, he did not relax his vigilance and still retained enough strength to defend himself against unexpected enemies.

Being able to use the secret techniques of magic to control the Houtu God General, allowing him to exert his soul-level strength, such a powerful demon is a truly terrifying enemy.

Among this group of monsters, there will only be one fourth-level monster, the Roshan monster.

This meat mountain monster is indeed very strong, but the path it takes is not the one that can control the thick earth **** general.

There should be someone else who can use this kind of demonic method.

This guy is the enemy that Meng Zhang really fears.

According to Meng Zhang’s guess, this mysterious enemy should probably be hiding in the dark, waiting for him to reveal his flaws, and then launch a thunderous strike.

The Earth God will not be its ultimate goal, just a tool. Only a True Lord of Soul like himself is qualified to be calculated like this.

In order to guard against hidden enemies, Meng Zhang secretly retained a certain degree of adaptability.

When he led the Houtu God General out of the siege, it seemed extremely difficult and he almost lost his vitality.

In the end, Meng Zhang, with General Houtu, fought his way through the monsters and regained his life.

Meng Zhang’s figure flew high into the sky, flying higher and higher, flying farther and farther away from this place.

Looking at Meng Zhang’s disappearing back, a large number of monsters roared in anger.

The sound was like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, which made people feel numb in their hearts.

After Meng Zhang left here, he did not stop on the road and flew directly to the camp.

Houtu God General has worked hard for Taiyi Sect and has made great achievements, so he cannot give up so easily.

Meng Zhang no longer bothered to harass the monsters, but was anxious to solve the problem of General Houtu.

To solve the problem of General Houtu, we need a place that is quiet enough and safe enough.

Maybe, Yang Xueyi and others are still needed to help.

During this journey, Meng Zhang has become very familiar with the terrain here.

In the world of Daheng cultivation, the remnants of the Daheng Mountains are almost everywhere.

There are almost no large plains here, and there are mountains, steep slopes and even cliffs everywhere.

The entire area is cut into pieces by countless mountains.

The group of monsters that Meng Zhang just fought was mainly composed of land-walking monsters.

A large portion of the monsters in the monster group do not have the ability to fly.

Even the leader of the monster group, the meat mountain monster, does not move very fast.

Due to the obstruction of the terrain, the speed of land march cannot be very fast.

Even if it is an extremely ferocious monster, it still takes a lot of time to climb over various rugged terrains.

Unless a small number of elite monsters advance lightly.

Otherwise, if the entire monster group wants to move together, it will take a lot of time on the road.

Even without Meng Zhang’s harassment and delays along the way, the human monks should still have some time to prepare for war.

Meng Zhang galloped all the way, without much delay on the way, and flew directly back to the monk coalition camp.

He directly brought General Houtu to Yang Xueyi and briefly explained the situation he encountered.

Then, Meng Zhang asked Yang Xueyi to issue the order immediately.

All teams of monks who are chasing monsters, and all teams of monks who go to detect the movements of monsters, must rush back to the camp of the coalition of monks as quickly as possible.

After these monks rush back to the camp, they must be carefully inspected immediately to see if they have been tampered with by monsters.

This is the response and precaution that must be taken based on the lessons learned from the Houtu God General.

Of course, all the monks shrank back into the camp. Without the monks to detect the movements of the monsters, the entire coalition of monks might become blind and deaf.

Meng Zhang and Yang Xueyi had a brief discussion and decided to select a group of Jindan masters who had been inspected and confirmed to have no problems.

These Jindan masters should be in teams of at least three, and they are absolutely not allowed to act alone.

They must carry various items with them to resist the attack of demonic means.

Such as pure heart jade pendant, exorcism talisman, etc.

After they leave the camp, they can only move no more than two thousand miles away from the camp.

They must carefully hide their whereabouts, secretly observe the monsters from a distance, and must not get too close.

Once your whereabouts are exposed and discovered by monsters, you must evacuate immediately and alert the camp.

Meng Zhang knew that even with these cumbersome arrangements, the safety of every investigating monk could not be guaranteed.

They are all incomparably powerful golden elixir masters in the eyes of ordinary monks, but it is very likely that they will be lost so silently, without even making a splash.

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