Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1172: Gathering

Don’t look at the fact that the strongest cultivator forces around you are the Jindan sect and family, and there are also many Foundation-building sects and families that make up the numbers.

But when fighting against demonic disasters, everyone can basically actively participate, invest manpower and material resources, and fight against the monsters desperately.

For Taiyi Sect, it also needs a large group of vassal forces, as the peripheral force of the sect, to help expand its strength, expand its territory, and stabilize order.

In the large tent, the three True Lords of the Soul from the Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang, Yang Xueyi and Jin Qiaoer, all lowered their bodies and tried to comfort and win over everyone.

Monsters invaded, and the major forces that dominated the Daheng cultivation world did nothing. Everyone had to actively save themselves, seek other forces, and protect their sects and families.

No matter what Taiyi Sect’s intentions are, Taiyi Sect has indeed played a mainstay role in fighting against demonic disasters.

If Taiyi Sect had not continuously invested its strength and paid a huge price, this area would have fallen long ago.

The cultivators present were all discerning and had made their choices early.

Yang Xueyi brought them here to meet the leader Meng Zhang, also with the intention of confirming their status.

From then on, all the cultivation forces present officially became vassals of Taiyi Sect.

There is a long-distance teleportation array in Maple Leaf Mountain City, and the transportation to Taiyimen Mountain Gate is very convenient.

These cultivation forces will be incorporated into the Hanhai Dao Alliance and become members of the Hanhai Dao Alliance.

As for what kind of treatment they will enjoy in the future, and what kind of rights and obligations they will have, they need to have a detailed discussion with the elders in charge of such matters in the sect.

Considering that they took the initiative to take refuge, they paid a high price and made a great contribution when fighting against the monsters.

The Taiyi Sect will take care of them.

Perhaps for a long time in the future, Taiyi Sect will not only not ask for offerings from them, but will also provide them with various supports.

This meeting with this group of cultivators took a lot of time.

After getting some promises from Meng Zhang, everyone left with satisfaction.

After sending all the visitors away, Meng Zhang thought for a moment and then sent an order to the door.

It is best for the sect to send experienced elders as soon as possible to properly handle the issue of these cultivation forces taking refuge and bring them all into the Hanhai Dao Alliance system.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}In the following time, they probably found a new master and had a reliable backing relationship. The morale of the monk coalition was greatly boosted, and everything was going up and down. The work of repairing the defense line has been accelerated.

Yang Xueyi organized a coalition of monks to set up defenses here, not completely passively waiting for the enemy to attack.

She had already sent out a team of capable Jindan monks to form a reconnaissance team, asking them to go deep into the surrounding area, expand the scope of investigation, and carefully monitor the movements of the monster groups in the surrounding area.

If there is a suitable opportunity, Yang Xueyi will also lead the monk coalition to take the initiative and defeat the group of monsters trying to invade in one fell swoop.

The two monster groups that attacked the defense line before were already relatively large monster groups.

The two monster groups were defeated together, and suffered heavy losses. Even the fourth-level monsters were killed. The remaining monsters became more cautious.

The demonic disaster is simply more terrifying than the most severe plague.

Wherever the monsters go, they will demonize and devour all creatures they encounter.

The monster group is huge and contains many monsters.

Even if you suffer a loss, it is not difficult to make up for it.

As long as you enter an area with many creatures, the group of monsters will expand rapidly, and their number will continue to increase.

Up to now, many places in the vast territory of Daheng Cultivation World have been ravaged by monsters.

Except for a few big forces that dominate the Daheng cultivation world, the rest of the small sects and small families will basically be destroyed as long as they don’t escape fast enough.

Especially for mortals, except for the territories of a few major cultivation forces, it is difficult to see large numbers of mortals gathering.

This area of ​​Maple Leaf Mountain City is an anomaly. The cultivation forces have basically remained intact, and the mortal territory has not yet been invaded.

Such a treasure land is an unexplored virgin land for all major monster groups.

As long as you occupy this place, you will gain a lot of harvest, which will not only make up for the losses, but also strengthen the monster group.

In addition to the two large monster groups that took the first step and launched the attack, the other monster groups are also concentrating here.

Better late than never, even if you can’t eat fat meat, just drink broth.

The disastrous defeat of the two monster groups before made the other monster groups that followed became fearful and had to temporarily stop advancing and wait and see.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}The investigation team sent out by Yang Xueyi took extraordinary risks and sneaked close to the monster groups many times to obtain precious information.

In the latest information sent back by the reconnaissance team, the group of monsters that originally stopped moving forward did not stay there for long before starting to set off again.

The direction they are heading towards is the area where Maple Leaf Mountain City is located.

Monster groups are often large in number and generally do not hide their whereabouts.

This reconnaissance team discovered the existence of three monster groups without spending much effort.

Each of these three monster groups may not be as good as the previous two monster groups, but when the three monster groups come together, look for Shuyuan www. is also an opponent that cannot be underestimated.

As for whether there are more groups of monsters approaching further away, further investigation is needed.

Three monster groups mean that every fourth-level monster has three heads, not to mention the numerous low-level monsters.

In addition, the shadow monster that took countless incarnations last time has not appeared yet, and the human cultivators have no specific information about it.

At the speed of the monster swarm, if they do not change their direction, it will not be long before they enter this area and begin to attack the defense line set up by the human cultivators.

Meng Zhang will not become careless because of the previous victory, let alone despise an enemy like a monster.

He was originally thinking about where to find monsters to kill, but the monsters came to his door. Of course he wanted them.

In order to obtain the latest intelligence, Meng Zhang decided to go out to investigate in person.

Anyway, he stayed in the camp and had nothing serious to do.

He can’t get involved in repairing the defense line and replenishing personnel and supplies.

The investigation team sent by Yang Xueyi is very capable, and its members are all veteran Jindan masters. They not only have profound cultivation, but also have rich experience.

But Jindan Zhenren’s cultivation level is still a bit low.

Ask them to detect the movements of the fourth-level monsters, but they are still unable to do so.

Not only did they not discover the fourth-level monster that transformed into a large number of shadows last time, but they also did not obtain any useful information afterwards.

Meng Zhang needs to fly a little further and take a closer look at the surroundings to see how strong the monsters are and will take the initiative to attack here.

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