Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1150: He mud

Shortly after Meng Zhang led the Taiyimen team back to the mountain gate, the team led by Niu Dawei also completed their mission and returned successfully.

Because the Tiangong side still needed the True Lord Yuanshen to be in charge, Niu Dawei hurriedly made the handover and returned to the Tiangong.

When their team went to eliminate the target, there were also two Yuanshen True Lords guarding the area around the target.

These two True Lords of Yuanshen came from the Miaodan Society and the Qifu Alliance respectively, and both had early-stage cultivation of Yuanshen.

Among the team led by Niu Dawei, there were three True Monarchs of Yuanshen.

Not only did they wipe out all the cultivation forces that needed to be cleaned up, but they also severely injured the two Yuanshen True Lords.

In this round of competition, Taiyi Sect won a complete victory.

Not only did he successfully complete the mission, but he also had an additional bonus, that is, he captured two enemy Yuanshen Lords.

Especially Zhenjun Fu Yiming, let alone his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuan Shen. As a talisman cultivator, he is a rare fourth-level talisman maker who can draw a large number of fourth-level talismans.

The importance of such a character to the Qi Fu Alliance can be imagined.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no other way, the Qi Fu Alliance would never give up on him easily.

Now, it is Meng Zhang who is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Having thwarted the enemy’s plot and having an important prisoner in hand, the enemy is now anxious.

After what happened that day, True Lord Xuanfeng fulfilled his duties and reported everything he saw in accordance with official procedures.

The content of his report was impartial and everything happened at that time.

For example, Meng Zhang, as the Fifth Penalty Guard, claimed to kill the cultivators who colluded with the demonic cultivators, and he reported the truth.

As for the truth of the matter, it has nothing to do with him.

Several cultivation forces have been destroyed, and the True Lord Yuanshen has participated in the war. This is no longer a trivial matter.

Soon, Zhenjun Xuanfeng’s report reached Governor Zhang Weineng.

Long before Lord Xuanfeng reported the matter, Datong Merchant Alliance and other large merchants had responded promptly.

They have been enemies with the Taiyi Sect for many years and have been old enemies for a long time.

This time they coveted Yuantu Prairie and tried to plot against Taiyi Sect.

Not only was their plan discovered by Taiyi Sect, but they were also counterattacked by Taiyi Sect.

Of course they are unwilling to admit failure, let alone accept such a result.

The wicked Shanghan Zhenjun of the Datong Merchant Alliance complained first, and first went to Governor Zhang Weineng to file a complaint against the Taiyi Sect.

In his description, Meng Zhang of the Taiyi Sect was arrogant and arrogant, killing his comrades indiscriminately, and even sneaking attacks on the True Lord Yuanshen of big merchants such as the Datong Merchant Alliance.

Governor Zhang Weineng is not a fool and knows the virtue of Zhenjun Shang Han.

With the power of these big businessmen, it would be fine if they did not bully others. How could others take the initiative to provoke them?

Although Zhang Weineng didn’t really believe what Lord Shang Han said, he didn’t directly refute him.

Big merchants such as the Datong Merchant Alliance are not only extremely powerful, they are also the mainstay of the Dali Dynasty.

When the conquest army was organized to conquer Daheng Cultivation World, these big merchants actively helped transport supplies and provided various assistance. They even directly sent a large number of their own monks to join the army.

Now that Jiuqu Province has undergone tremendous changes, Zhang Weineng, whose hand strength has been severely reduced, cannot do without big merchants such as Datong Merchant Alliance.

If he wants to continue to maintain his rule in Jiuqu Province, he needs the active cooperation of these big merchants in many aspects.

Therefore, Zhang Weineng could only deal with Zhenjun Shanghan temporarily.

Not long after, Zhang Wei was able to learn the whole story through various channels, including Zhenjun Xuanfeng’s report.

With his intelligence, he could understand who was right and who was wrong and who was the first to do something with just a quick thought.

If the other party is not the Taiyi Sect, he may forcefully convince the other party and ask the other party to take into account the overall situation.

However, the Taiyi Sect, headed by Meng Zhang, has gathered a group of local cultivation forces and has become a force that cannot be ignored.

Now the group of extraterritorial invaders from Yunwu Daze are constantly making small moves, repeatedly testing Zhang Weineng’s bottom line.

Zhang Weineng has been planning for a long time, looking for a suitable opportunity to launch a counterattack against these extraterritorial invaders to make them calm down.

The contract between the two parties has only been signed for a few years. These guys are so restless. They clearly think that Zhang Wei is not strong enough.

We must fully demonstrate our combat effectiveness so that peace can be maintained for a long time.

Under this situation, the power of Taiyi Sect becomes very important.

Zhang Weineng originally planned to beat Meng Zhang, but he only tried briefly.

In Zhang Weineng’s heart, he was extremely fed up with the large merchants such as Datong Merchant Alliance who took the initiative to provoke internal struggles.

But there was no way, he had to bite the bullet and wipe their butts. Help both parties resolve the matter and prevent the dispute from continuing to expand.

Zhang Weineng thought for a while and felt that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible and could not be delayed any longer.

The solution is nothing more than making peace with the mud.

Zhang Weineng hit big merchants such as Datong Merchant Alliance and Taiyi Sect, each with fifty blows.

He reprimanded both sides in the name of the governor, saying that due to the conflict of spirits between the two sides, their respective monks had a conflict.

This matter ends here. The two sides are not allowed to continue to be entangled, let alone fight again.

Although Zhang Weineng’s words of reprimanding both sides were fierce, they did not contain much substance.

As the provincial governor, I just want to subdue both sides and prevent them from continuing to fight within themselves.

For the sake of his reputation as the provincial governor, the two sides should temporarily suspend the war.

But how long this peace can last is hard to say.

There are already a lot of grievances and disputes between the two parties, and today is just one more thing.

Sooner or later, there will be another fierce conflict between the two sides, and another war will break out.

Zhang Weineng is well aware of this.

He can’t control it so far. As long as the two sides maintain peace for the time being and it doesn’t affect his plan, then it’s okay.

Soon, both sides received Zhang Weineng’s fierce orders. Find Shuyuan

The Governor’s face still needs to be given. And neither side was ready for the next step of the fight.

Meng Zhang eliminated the group of cultivators who were pawns. Obviously, he did not have enough strength or will to continue to launch direct attacks on large merchants such as the Datong Merchant Alliance.

As for the Datong Business Alliance, the original plan was scrapped, and they also didn’t think about what to do next.

And under the current situation, Datong Merchant Alliance and others are also unable to directly attack Taiyi Sect.

Both parties followed Zhang Weineng’s order, stopped causing trouble, and maintained peace for the time being.

But the two Yuanshen True Lords captured by the Taiyi Sect are another problem.

Of course Datong Merchant Alliance and others want Taiyi Sect to release the prisoners as soon as possible, but Taiyi Sect always finds various excuses to delay.

The two parties contacted each other privately through an intermediary. The lion of Taiyi Gate opened his mouth and offered a series of extremely high conditions.

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