Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1134: Harvest

The Shangguan family’s years of accumulation are indeed very rich.

In addition to the large treasury, there are many secret treasure troves in the family mountain gate.

It contains a wealth of cultivation materials, including various spiritual objects from heaven and earth, including many fourth-level items.

In particular, there were many fourth-level talismans, elixirs and other items. Fortunately, Shangguan Hui and Shangguan Tu did not carry them with them.

Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to surround and kill them.

In a secret treasure house, there are actually two unrefined fourth-level disposable magic weapons.

Such a thing was so precious that the two ancestors of the Shangguan family were reluctant to use it, so they kept it in the family secret treasury.

They never thought that they would be attacked in their own mountain gate, and they would not have time to take out the various treasures in the treasure house to fight against the enemy.

Now, all the treasures have become the spoils of Taiyi Sect and Huanglian Sect.

A large area around Pingding Lake, the mountain gate of the Shangguan family, is the territory of the Shangguan family.

There are also many vassal forces nearby, relying on the Shangguan family for survival.

Of course, the territory directly under the Shangguan family is divided between the Taiyi Sect and the Huanglian Sect.

Those vassal forces must be screened.

For those who can be recruited as their own vassals, the most they can do is make a small fortune and let them give some blood.

As for those stubborn and ignorant guys, they must all be eliminated naturally.

However, given the culture of the world of cultivation, not many people would be stupid enough to be buried with the Shangguan family.

The pursuit of the remnants of the Shangguan family and the distribution of various spoils involved a lot of energy from the Taiyi Sect and the Huanglian Sect.

Fortunately, there is no need to waste True Monarch Yuanshen’s time with these things.

After the important matter was settled, Meng Zhang took the initiative to report to Governor Zhang Weineng that he lived up to his trust and successfully annihilated the Shangguan family.

Shortly after receiving Meng Zhang’s report, Zhenjun Wen Dong came to Taiyi Sect again.

In addition to commending Meng Zhang on behalf of Governor Zhang Weineng, he also brought two pieces of good news.

The good news is that Chunyu Zhongda, the national advisor of the Dali Dynasty, was injured in a surprise attack by the Void Returning Power of the Purple Sun Sect, and was then hunted down by many powerful men of the Purple Sun Sect. However, Chunyu Zhongda relied on his own ability to break out of the siege and successfully returned to the mainland of the Dali Dynasty.

Emperor Bawu warmly welcomed the returning national master Chunyu Zhongda in the capital city.

The Dali Dynasty has now maintained its complete Yangshen combat power.

Unless Ziyang Holy Sect’s void-returning power takes action again, Ziyang Holy Sect has lost the ability to fight quickly.

Chunyu Zhongda was able to escape the killing trap set by the Void Returning Power and escaped under the siege of many strong men. This ability is really amazing.

Even Meng Zhang couldn’t help but praise him after hearing what Zhenjun Wen Dong said.

Of course, Meng Zhang believed that even if Chunyu Zhongda escaped with his life, his injuries would definitely be serious.

Zhenjun Wen Dong did not even mention this matter. Either he knew nothing about Chunyu Zhongda’s injury, or Chunyu Zhongda’s injury was too serious and he did not dare to reveal the truth to the outside world.

No matter what, at least Meng Zhang is still a minister of the Dali Dynasty.

The safe return of Imperial Master Chunyu Zhongda is always a good thing.

The first news brought by Zhenjun Wen Dong is closely related to the entire Dali Dynasty.

The second news he brought was the household affairs of Jiuqu Province.

Zhenjun Hengdao, who had previously led an army to conquer Daheng Cultivation World, was trapped in Daheng Cultivation World and was besieged by an army of monks led by Xiao Jiansheng, the world-walking Purple Sun Sect.

The conquering army faced a powerful enemy and was severely defeated, almost completely annihilated.

At the last moment, Hengdao Zhenjun had the idea of ​​​​sacrifice for his country, and when he was ready to fight to the death and die with the enemy, changes finally occurred.

The original long-distance teleportation circle was destroyed, resulting in a space storm that trapped True Lord Qing Gu and made him lost in the turbulence of space.

As the former top master of the Qingyuan Sect, True Lord Qinggu has mastered many inherited secret techniques of the Qingyuan Sect of the Yuanshen sect, and he himself is a great monk in the late Yuanshen period.

After being trapped for a period of time, he spent a lot of effort and finally got rid of the space turbulence, returned from the different space, and returned to the place where the long-distance teleportation circle was destroyed.

He returned there just when Zhenjun Wen Dong and others were about to reach a dead end.

Zhenjun Qinggu hurriedly came to help, regardless of the fact that his family was also seriously injured.

In the end, with the help of True Lord Qinggu, True Lord Hengdao and a few strong men in the army successfully broke through, escaped from all kinds of pursuits in the Daheng cultivation world, and escaped all the way back to Jiuquxing Province.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}Governor Zhang Weineng, who originally felt that his subordinates lacked strength, suddenly received such a force, and it was mainly composed of reliable monks directly from the Dali Dynasty.

Of course he was overjoyed, as if he had found a treasure.

Governor Zhang Weineng did not hold them responsible for the defeat, but allowed them to temporarily serve their crimes and continue to serve in the army.

With such a powerful reinforcement, Governor Zhang Weineng is full of confidence and confidence.

In particular, Qing Gu Zhenjun, as a great monk in the later stage of Yuanshen, has an irreplaceable role.

At that time, there were only two great monks in the late Yuan Shen period in such a large Nine-Bend Alliance, which shows how precious it is.

A great monk in the later stage of Yuanshen can block an army per person. In the battles in the world of cultivation, it often plays a decisive role.

If it weren’t for Qing Gu Zhenjun and the others who escaped from Daheng Cultivation World, Daheng Cultivation World would not have kept secrets for them. I am afraid that Governor Zhang Weineng will keep this news strictly confidential and use them as a trump card to be used at critical moments.

However, Governor Zhang Weineng kept the news secret from Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang secretly thought he was lucky.

This time, the secret hall of Taiyi Sect did not find out this important news in time. Fortunately, Meng Zhang used the secret technique to deduce that the situation was not good.

Otherwise, Governor Zhang Weineng, who has gained strength out of thin air, may really take advantage of Taiyi Sect.

Following the order of Governor Zhang Weineng, Meng Zhang successfully destroyed the Shangguan family and completed his own mission.

As the highest official of the Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province, Governor Zhang Weineng still had to be more or less famous.

Taiyimen has always been submissive, and he has no excuse for being embarrassed.

Governor Zhang Weineng had no choice but to send Zhenjun Wen Dong over and beat Meng Zhang again.

With Zhang Weineng’s current strength, if it were not for the purpose of guarding against the Purple Sun Sect, he could have fought against the foreign invaders again and completely regained the lost territory.

Local cultivation forces like Taiyi Sect have no ability to resist him and can only obey him.

In front of Zhenjun Wendong, Meng Zhang was very honest and expressed his loyalty to the Dali Dynasty many times.

In addition, he also took the initiative to donate a large amount of cultivation materials as support to Zhang Weineng.

Jiuqu City has been destroyed. The army led by Zhang Weineng has lost its original stronghold, and supplies must not be so convenient.

Meng Zhang offered this thing to express his feelings.

Although he had some unpleasant experiences in the past, he also knew that Meng Zhang’s loyalty was limited and Taiyi Sect was not very reliable. But Meng Zhang had such an attitude, so Lord Wen Dong still reluctantly accepted it.

At the time when the Dali Dynasty is employing people, it must recruit all the forces that can be attracted and use all available help.

Loyal ministers are of course of great use, and a slick fence-sitter like Meng Zhang can also come in handy.

Moreover, Zhang Weineng now has a large army to support, and the demand for various cultivation materials is indeed great.

Zhenjun Wen Dong, who achieved his goal, left Taiyi Sect with various cultivation materials presented by Meng Zhang.

Although most of the supplies were seized from the Shangguan family this time, Meng Zhang still felt very distressed.

This time, the secret hall did not find out the information about the return of Qing Gu Zhenjun and others in time, which made Meng Zhang feel a little annoyed.

He was about to summon his third disciple, An Moran, to scold him.

At this moment, An Moran actually came over and asked to see him.

It turns out that after wiping out the Shangguan family, the Taiyi Sect and the Huanglian Sect began to hunt down the remnants of the Shangguan family.

An old-established Yuanshen family like the Shangguan family will definitely leave many backup players and make many preparations so that after the family encounters a catastrophe, it can retain its inheritance and have the opportunity to make a comeback.

Taiyi Sect rose again after the demise of Taiyi Sect in its heyday.

Among them, the backhand left by the Taiyi Sect’s senior masters played a big role.

Although the Shangguan family is far from comparable to the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, it has a lot of heritage and accumulation, and Meng Zhang still has to be careful.

Finding out the backhand left by the Shangguan family has become an important task for the Taiyimen secret hall.

But in addition, Antang also has to monitor the situation in the entire Jiuqu Province, and recently it has to screen the vassals of the Shangguan family.

The various means arranged by the Shangguan family are indeed very secretive and difficult to see through.

As a result, the dark hall is a bit overwhelmed.

After listening to the young disciple’s report, Meng Zhang pondered for a moment, and then took the initiative to take over the task of destroying the Shangguan family’s backhand and screening out its vassal forces.

He warned An Moran and asked him to strengthen monitoring of Jiuqu Province, focusing on paying attention to Zhang Weineng’s movements.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}After sending An Moran away, Meng Zhang started to get busy.

It is not difficult to identify the vassal forces of the Shangguan family, although it is a bit troublesome due to busy work.

Meng Zhang’s innate supernatural power allows him to read into the minds of most cultivators.

As long as the other party has not practiced the special heart-locking secret method, or his cultivation level is not weaker than Meng Zhang’s, it will be difficult to avoid his prying eyes.

After the demise of the Shangguan family, those vassal forces took advantage of the situation and took the initiative to surrender to the Taiyi Sect.

Even their own master family was destroyed, how dare these vassal families confront the Yuanshen sect like Taiyi Sect.

Even if some people are too loyal and want to die for the main family, they must also consider their fellow disciples and family members.

Conquer those who should be subdued, and do not be soft when it is time to kill. Meng Zhang worked hard for several months before he could deal with the affairs of these vassal families.

The next step is to eliminate the backhand left by the predecessors of the Shangguan family.

Meng Zhang has no other good way but to directly use Tianji Technique to make calculations.

Basically all the calculations he had accumulated during this period were spent on this matter.

Fortunately, among the senior Yuanshen of the Shangguan family, there are no great monks in the later stages of the Yuanshen, and there are no important treasures in the family that can interfere with the calculation of Tianjishu.

After several calculations, the back-up plans left by the seniors of the Shangguan family were found and cracked one by one.

Those children of the Shangguan family who had finally escaped the pursuit, thought they had escaped, and were planning their future, became the dead souls in the hands of the Taiyi Sect monks.

Cut the grass without eradicating the root, but it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

In this process of eradicating the roots, Taiyi Sect has gained a lot.

Of course, Taiyi Sect will not share these harvests with Huanglian Sect, but will keep them exclusively.

Among them, there were several gains that surprised Meng Zhangdu.

A fourth-level mineral vein produces star-patterned refined iron.

Star pattern fine iron is the most commonly used material when refining fourth-level magic weapons.

Among the fourth-level spiritual materials, star pattern fine iron is not particularly valuable. It is mainly based on quantity. It is widely used and is often used as a basic material.

But the so-called not particularly valuable is for other fourth-level spiritual materials.

In the world of cultivation, as long as it is a fourth-level spiritual material, there is basically nothing worthless.

The Shangguan family is also worried that someone will covet this mineral vein, and has always kept this strictly confidential.

Since the entire Jiuqu Province lacks fourth-level weapon refiners, the Shangguan family does not trust outsiders.

They are especially wary of the big forces in the Dali Dynasty, fearing that someone will take away this mineral vein.

So the Shangguan family has basically never mined this star-patterned iron ore vein.

The Shangguan family built a secret base where the mineral vein is located.

Following Meng Zhang’s instructions, the Taiyi Sect monks found this place in Shuyuan, killed the Shangguan family monks stationed here, and took the entire mineral vein as their own.

Although Taiyi Sect also does not have a fourth-level weapon refiner, it is temporarily unable to use this fourth-level spiritual material in large quantities.

But with the channel of Tiangong, when it really fails, Meng Zhang can send the mined star pattern iron to Tiangong for sale.

There will never be a shortage of buyers for such basic spiritual materials.

In another secret base of the Shangguan family, it was discovered that there were many moonlight flowers growing here.

Without the cultivation power of the blessed land, it would be difficult to grow fourth-level elixirs.

Unless you are willing to invest a lot of resources such as spiritual essence or even nine-day essence.

The sources of most of the fourth-level elixirs in the Junchen Realm, apart from those produced by the major holy land sects, are from resource points within the Nine Heavens.

In addition, in various places in Junchen Realm, you can occasionally find some wild fourth-level spiritual flowers and grasses.

I don’t know when the Shangguan family discovered this place.

As a cherished fourth-level spiritual flower, the Moonlight Spirit Flower is not only an important material for refining some fourth-level elixirs, but also can directly absorb and refine it to strengthen the soul.

Especially this kind of elixir that is naturally raised in the earth, its medicinal properties are often much stronger than those raised artificially.

The Shangguan family carefully protects this wild moonlight flower, and even established a secret base around it to protect it.

Except for the family ancestors who occasionally picked some for consumption, they had never had any intention of selling them.

No wonder the two Yuanshen ancestors of the Shangguan family are both in the middle stage of Yuanshen cultivation. This wild moonlight flower must have played an important role.

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