Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1087: Allied forces disbanded

After Meng Zhang received the information from An Moran through the secret disciples, he had been thinking about what to do next.

The entire army of Lord Hengdao was annihilated, which meant that all the Dali Dynasty’s plans for the Daheng cultivation world had failed. All plans and plans have come to nothing.

At this point, the situation in the Jiuqu Province of the Dali Dynasty has become completely passive.

The Dali Dynasty’s rule over Jiuqu Province has even begun to waver.

How long the Dali Dynasty can persist in Jiuqu Province may be a question mark.

So far, among this coalition of monks, only Meng Zhang has received the news.

But I think it won’t take long, and the news will soon spread throughout the entire army of monks.

Meng Zhang thought for a long time before making a decision in his heart.

He still has to act according to the original plan. No matter what others do, he still maintains the status quo and does not take the initiative to break with the Dali Dynasty.

As for Zhang Weineng, he will deal with it humbly and submissively, but will no longer work for the opponent.

He no longer just obeys the other party’s orders, but has to discuss them with the other party.

Just like now, no matter what Zhang Weineng does, Meng Zhang is not ready to keep his army on the Yuantu Prairie.

There are many people in the monk alliance, and each cultivation force has to support its own monks.

The place where they are currently camping is a second-order spiritual vein.

The spiritual energy of this spiritual vein is simply not enough to support such a large army.

The main supply for the army still depends on each sect to find a way to provide it.

Monks need to consume spiritual stones, elixirs, etc. every day to meditate and refine their Qi.

The daily consumption of such a large army is simply astronomical.

Although according to convention, after the war, the Dali Dynasty officials will provide certain subsidies.

But with the current situation, who knows how long the Dali Dynasty can maintain its rule in Jiuqu Province.

Under the attack of Ziyang Shengzong, even the mainland of the Great Li Dynasty may not be able to escape.

From the perspective of saving logistics supplies, this coalition of monks should leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang also did not discuss with others and directly announced as the leader of the coalition forces that the withdrawal would begin the next day.

The coalition forces evacuated the Yuantu Prairie as soon as possible and returned to Jiuqu Province.

Almost everyone welcomed Meng Zhang’s order with their hands raised high.

Not even the Supervisor Yang He Zhenjun had any objections. Only Zhenjun Wen Dong objected because he was ignorant of current affairs.

The expressions on the faces of several True Lords of Yuanshen in the coalition forces were wrong when they saw Lord Wen Dong.

If there was not a minimum of order among the coalition forces, they would have given Zhenjun Wen Dong a good look.

Meng Zhang was too lazy to pay attention to Wendong Zhenjun, so he pretended that he did not exist and directly ordered the withdrawal of his troops.

As soon as he started to withdraw his troops, Zhenjun Wen Dong received the news from the message sent by Zhang Weineng that Zhenjun Hengdao’s army had been wiped out.

Now, he knew where Meng Zhang’s confidence lay.

Not long after, the monks of the coalition forces who were on the way to withdraw their troops received news of the accident of Lord Hengdao one after another.

At this moment, the entire army of monks was eager to return home, and no longer wanted to stay here for a moment longer.

The entire army of monks left Yuantu Prairie in a hurry.

On the other side of the barbarians outside the territory, Chief Wolf Eagle finally couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the army of human monks evacuating.

Now, he can complete his original plan without interference.

After such a buffer, the extraterrestrial barbarians will have sufficient means to deal with it the next time the army of human monks dares to invade again.

The barbarians outside the territory were busy with their own affairs and had no intention of taking the opportunity to pursue them.

The entire coalition of monks successfully withdrew from the Yuantu Prairie and returned to Jiuqu Province.

Meng Zhang originally did not want to be in such a hurry to disband the monk coalition, but planned to retain the temporary coalition as a trump card in his own hand.

No matter how the situation changes in Jiuqu Province, as long as you have the strength in your hands, you will have the ability to adapt. Even if you sell yourself to seek refuge, you can still sell it at a good price.

However, the monks from each faction are eager to return home and have no intention of staying in the coalition.

If the people’s hearts are lost, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Meng Zhang is nominally the leader of the coalition and the person in charge of the small alliance. But in fact, the control over various cultivation forces is very limited.

What he can really influence is just a few sects that he has good relations with.

When it comes to a critical moment, the only one who can be trusted is probably the Huanglian Sect.

In desperation, Meng Zhang had no choice but to let this coalition of monks disband, and the monks from all walks of life returned to their respective families.

Although before parting, each cultivator force said nicely that they would look after each other in the future, in fact there was not much sincerity.

Meng Zhang could only make an agreement with Xu Mengying of the Huanglian Sect, True Lord Changchun of Changchun Temple, and True Lord Jijiao of the Jijiao Sect, and agreed to keep in touch and help each other.

Then, Meng Zhang led the army of monks from Taiyi Sect and embarked on the way back to Taiyi Sect.

Zhenjun Wen Dong had already reported the movements of this coalition of monks to Commander Zhang Weineng.

But Zhang Weineng’s side is also in a state of unrest, so how can he still have the energy to take care of this side?

After the coalition of monks disbanded, the two supervisors Wen Dong Zhenjun and Yang He Zhenjun rushed to Commander Zhang Weineng.

Before leaving, Zhenjun Wen Dong put aside his previous unhappiness and went to see Meng Zhang once to have a deep talk with him.

The general idea of ​​Lord Wen Dong was to stabilize Meng Zhang and prevent him from wanting to leave the Dali Dynasty.

Zhenjun Wen Dong told Meng Zhang that the Dali Dynasty still had many trump cards, and its strength was by no means what it showed.

Even if it was a temporary setback, the Dali Dynasty did not hurt the foundation at all, and there was still hope of a comeback.

He warned Meng Zhang not to be short-sighted, see the situation clearly, and make wrong choices.

Otherwise, it will harm others and ourselves, and implicate the entire Taiyi Sect.

No matter what kind of person Wendong Zhenjun is, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com At this time, they still know how to fulfill their duties and work hard to retain strength for the Dali Dynasty, which really makes Meng Zhang somewhat admired.

In front of Zhenjun Wendong, Meng Zhang, of course, patted his chest and made sure that he and the Taiyi Sect would be loyal to the Dali Dynasty. No matter how the situation changes, there will never be any intention of betrayal.

Of course Zhenjun Wen Dong knew that Meng Zhang’s words were unreliable, but he had no other choice.

Fortunately, both parties did not break up in the end, but broke up peacefully and said goodbye.

The army of Taiyi Sect monks led by Meng Zhang returned to Taiyi Sect safely without any hindrance.

This large army composed of monks from Taiyi Sect and Hanhai Dao Alliance was retained by Meng Zhang and was not in a hurry to disband.

The situation in Jiuqu Province is changing rapidly, and Taiyi Sect may be on the battlefield again.

Although retaining this army will consume more resources, it can save a lot of time at critical moments and retain enough adaptability.

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