Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1071: Discover

Stealth and defense are like spears and shields.

In the world of cultivation, there are many secret methods for sneaking in, and there are just as many secret methods to prevent sneaking in.

As for who is stronger or weaker, spear or shield, you have to try it before you know.

Among the barbarian tribes from outside the world, by borrowing the totem poles enshrined by the tribe, they can use excellent defensive methods, which are no less than those of cultivators.

Sun Shengdu was very tactful and did not disturb the opponent’s arrangement.

The Yuantu Prairie is so large that it is impossible for the foreign barbarians to set up defenses in every place and strictly guard against every direction.

Sun Shengdu avoided the monitoring range of the totem pole and made a large circle from a distance, trying to find the weaknesses in the enemy’s monitoring.

It didn’t take him too long to discover the flaw and slipped in through the gaps in the surveillance of different totem poles.

One of the very important reasons why Sun Shengdu was able to survive many battles and achieve a lot of military exploits was that he was very good at escaping and was proficient in a variety of escaping techniques.

Earth Escape, Wind Escape, Wood Escape… he skillfully displayed all the escape techniques. He successfully avoided the various monitoring methods of the barbarians and finally began to enter the core area of ​​Yuantu Prairie.

Yuantu Prairie, like other grasslands, often experiences windy and sandy weather, and there are even days when big storms rage.

Sun Shengdu took advantage of a sudden sandstorm and used the dust escape technique to successfully cross a long distance and reach the bottom of a small mound.

Because the barbarians from outside the territory have very strict control over the Yuantu Prairie, except for a few caravans, almost no outsiders have come here, let alone penetrated deeply.

As for the various situations deep in the Yuantu Prairie and the core areas controlled by the barbarians outside the territory, including the Taiyi Sect, Jiuqu Province knows almost nothing.

Sun Shengdu stood in this place. It was the first time in many years that a human cultivator was so close to the base camp of the barbarians outside the territory.

Many practitioners with extraordinary talents have cultivated to the level of the soul. Even if they know nothing about the art of heaven, they are more or less aware of their own good and bad luck.

Sun Shengdu has such a talent, otherwise he would not have reached this stage with his mediocre background.

He did not continue moving forward, but used various secret exploration techniques here to begin to explore the situation ahead.

Dozens of miles away is the base camp of the foreign barbarians on the Yuantu Prairie.

Countless tents stretch endlessly, like an undulating forest.

If someone who is not familiar with the situation breaks into it rashly, they may really get lost.

The barbarian camp stretches for dozens of miles, and there are at least 100,000 barbarians living in it.

Sun Sheng did not expect that so many people from outside the territory would be gathered in one place.

As far as he knows, shouldn’t the barbarians from outside the territory be distributed throughout the Yuantu prairie in tribal units?

It seems that after the barbarians shrank from all over the Yuantu Prairie, all the tribes gathered in one place.

The distance is too far, even with the means of True Lord Yuanshen, it is impossible to clearly see the situation in the camp.

Outside the camp, there were countless barbarian warriors patrolling back and forth.

In the sky, birds tamed by the barbarians are flying freely.

Although the barbarians outside the territory are well-defended, there are still many ways for Sun Sheng to get close to the camp.

But he stood still and continued to observe.

This is not because he is afraid of death or conserving his strength, but because he has a faint sense of fear towards the barbarian camp.

The camp looked normal, like a giant beast that chose people to eat, which made Sun Sheng feel inexplicably shuddering.

Sun Shengdu suppressed the bad feeling in his heart and carefully observed the barbarian camp in front of him, trying to find out the reason for this feeling.

While Sun Shengdu was conducting reconnaissance, the army of monks commanded by Meng Zhang continued to advance.

After a great victory, the morale of the entire army was greatly boosted. Many people think that the barbarians are nothing more than this, and it is time for them to make contributions.

When fighting foreign wars, Meng Zhang basically treated the direct disciples of the Taiyi Sect and the monks of the Hanhai Dao League equally.

He clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, and does not hesitate to reward monks who have made great achievements.

Therefore, when recruiting monks for foreign wars, not only should everyone be happy to hear the battle, at least they will not reject fighting.

Zhenjun Wen Dong also feels that the barbarians from outside the territory are a bit unworthy of their reputation, and their combat effectiveness is really mediocre.

Although I don’t know what happened to the barbarians, now is the time for the army to march in.

The barbarians from outside the territory have always been straightforward, and it seems unlikely that they can use tricks to lure the enemy deeper.

Moreover, to say the least, even if the barbarians set up an ambush on the front line, they may not be able to swallow such a large army.

With enough flying boats, the entire army can advance and retreat freely.

There are so many multi-spiritual true kings in the army, they are not just decorations, and they will definitely not be easily defeated by the enemy.

Under everyone’s repeated requests, Meng Zhang had no choice but to listen to everyone’s opinions and let the army speed up its advance.

The army of monks moved forward in flying boats. Occasionally they encountered some barbarian teams intercepting them on the way, and they could be easily defeated.

All the barbarian tribes that were supposed to be blocking the road were gone. Only a small number of barbarians were blocking the road, trying to stop the advance of the army.

This kind of mantis-like behavior will not have any effect.

Under the insistence of Zhenjun Wendong, Meng Zhang only divided a small group of monks to deal with these small groups of barbarian warriors, and the advance speed of the army was not greatly affected.

Soon after, they encountered the patrol team and the barbarian warriors who had blocked Sun Shengdu’s advance.

Facing the army of monks, this group of barbarians retreated quickly without a fight.

At this time, even Meng Zhang had the idea of ​​making a contribution.

If we can reach the core area of ​​Yuantu Prairie and break through the barbarian base camp, it will be a great achievement.

How many treasures can such a great achievement be exchanged for in the Dali Dynasty’s treasury?

Meng Zhang also felt that something had probably gone wrong within the extraterritorial barbarians, which had caused their combat effectiveness to drop significantly, making them vulnerable to a single blow.

The army of monks that has accelerated their advance will soon reach the location where Sun Shengdu is now.

After a long period of observation, Sun Shengdu found nothing unusual in the camp ahead.

The more this happened, the more worried he became, and the less he dared to sneak into the camp to investigate.

Just when he was a little helpless, waves of vague murmurs sounded in his ears again.

Ever since arriving near the barbarian camp, such whispering sounds have sounded in his ears from time to time.

But even with his sharp ears, he couldn’t hear clearly what the whispering voice was about.

This time, Sun Shengdu, who had unintentionally freed his mind and had no distracting thoughts, suddenly heard a few voices clearly.

It sounded like someone was praying, and it sounded like there were quite a few people praying.

The barbarians outside the territory have primitive totem beliefs.

Almost every day, the shaman in the tribe organizes tribe members to kneel down and pray in front of the totem pole.

On certain festivals, the shaman will lead the tribe members to sing and dance in front of the totem pole and hold various large-scale sacrificial activities.

In the camp ahead, there are barbarian members praying, which does not seem to be a strange thing.

Just when Sun Shengdu was about to turn his attention to other things, he suddenly remembered what he felt was wrong.

He has been sneaking into the Yuantu Prairie for a long time and has met many barbarians.

However, of all the barbarians he met along the way, no one prayed in front of the totem pole.

Moreover, the number of barbarian totems seems to have decreased inexplicably.

At least, in the barbarian camp ahead, there were no tall totem poles, and there were basically no virtual images transformed by totems.

The totem poles he saw along the way were all small totem poles.

Those large totem poles that are only owned by large tribes seem to have disappeared all of a sudden.

If it were someone else, they might overlook these inconspicuous details.

But Sun Shengdu has rich experience and broad knowledge, and has heard many unknown secrets in the world of cultivation.

He thought of a very scary possibility.

This might just be his guess, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was probably the truth.

Although Sun Shengdu was shocked, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

He glanced at the barbarian camp in front of him very naturally, as if he had finished the investigation normally, turned around, and was about to fly away.

As soon as Sun Shengdu started to start, there was a series of noises in the air behind him, as if someone was approaching quickly.

Sun Shengdu sighed, it seemed that he could not retreat easily.

He didn’t look back for a second, and he no longer cared about hiding his whereabouts. He opened full speed and fled away from the barbarian camp as quickly as possible.

Now he can only hope that his escape ability can be used to allow him to escape this dangerous situation.

Several fourth-level barbarian warriors began to chase and intercept Sun Sheng, vowing to keep him here.

Meng Zhang led the army of monks to advance rapidly. Jin Qiaoer, who had not enjoyed the last battle, took the initiative to ask for orders to go forward and clear the way in front of the army.

She had traveled quite a distance in front of her, and was dozens of miles away from the army behind her.

When Sun Shengdu appeared in Jin Qiaoer’s field of vision, Jin Qiaoer almost couldn’t recognize this comrade who had a close relationship with him.

Sun Shengdu was disgraced and looking for Shuyuan in an extremely embarrassed state. Almost half of his body had completely disappeared, leaving only half of his body flying rapidly in the air.

While he was flying, blood kept coughing out from his mouth as if it was free of charge.

One couldn’t help but worry whether he would cough out his own internal organs at the next moment.

Behind Sun Shengdu, there were several fourth-level barbarian warriors chasing after him.

In addition to the barbarian kings that are common among barbarians, there are also pursuers dressed as shamans.

Jin Qiaoer did not hesitate at all, while sending a message to the rear, asking for reinforcements. On the other hand, he rushed forward as quickly as possible and took the initiative to meet Sun Shengdu.

Although she became a soul not long ago, her strength is not weak.

As she flew rapidly, her hands kept dancing.

Thunders descended from the sky and struck crazily at the powerful barbarians who were chasing after them.

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