Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1052: Stone Egg

Although Meng Zhang received an order from Han Yao in person to investigate the demon cultivators in Jiuqu Province.

But he didn’t care much about this task, and he had no intention of serving Wu Xingwei wholeheartedly.

For Meng Zhang, joining Han Yao and joining the Five Penal Guards was just a stopgap measure. His real thoughts were still spent on the Taiyi Sect.

Of course, he can’t do nothing.

At least make a show of it and cope with some possible inspections in the future.

If Han Yao asks about it in the future, he can give some reasonable explanation.

As the head of the Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang openly announced that one of the major tasks of the Taiyi Sect in the future is to track down the various demon cultivators hidden in the Jiuqu Province.

Not only the Taiyi Sect, but also the monks from the entire Hanhai Dao League were mobilized by Meng Zhang to hunt down the demon cultivators everywhere.

Meng Zhang also offered a high reward for the capture of various demon cultivators.

As a result, not only the monks in the Hanhai Taoist Alliance, but also many monks in Jiuquxing Province, coveted the high rewards offered by Meng Zhang, joined the action of tracking down the demon cultivators.

In this regard, the Governor-General of Jiuqu Province remained silent. He neither supported nor opposed, but let Meng Zhang do whatever he wanted.

Back at Taiyimen Mountain Gate and on his own territory, Meng Zhangcai dared to take out the golden stone egg he had accidentally obtained and inspect it carefully.

With Meng Zhang’s current level of cultivation and knowledge, after repeated inspections, the use of his divine mind and the Dharma Eyes to Destroy Illusion, as well as several secret identification techniques, he managed to figure out the origin of this stone egg.

Before the natural ghost detonated himself, he condensed his life essence into this golden stone egg.

If this stone egg did not fall into Meng Zhang’s hands, but fell somewhere else in the underworld.

After being nourished by the power of the underworld and heaven and earth, and after a long period of time, this stone egg is likely to grow spiritually, and even grow into another natural ghost and god.

Although this new born ghost may not have the previous memories and emotions, it is considered a brand new creature.

But to a certain extent, the natural ghost who self-destructed can be regarded as reborn from nirvana.

Creatures such as inborn ghosts and gods have a completely different view of life than cultivators and humans.

No wonder the power of the explosion was not as powerful as Meng Zhang imagined when the born ghost detonated himself.

According to the information that True Lord Mo Qing told Meng Zhang, when the natural ghost **** was not injured, he had the strength of True Lord Yang Shen of the human race.

According to this calculation, Meng Zhang calculated that even if it was seriously injured, if it self-destructed, it would be able to seriously injure everyone present. Even Meng Zhang, who reacted the fastest, might not be able to completely avoid the lethality of the self-destruction.

It’s just that in order to condense this stone egg, this natural ghost consumed too much divine power and even lost its origin. As a result, the power of self-destruction was insufficient, allowing everyone present to escape.

Otherwise, even if everyone present would not die, serious injuries would be unavoidable.

Meng Zhang gently stroked the golden stone egg and felt the divine power contained in it.

The last legacy of the innate ghosts and gods, the essence of divine power contained in it, has a negative attribute, and has a strong aura of the underworld.

It was not entirely accidental that this stone egg fell into Meng Zhang’s hands.

Although this stone egg has not yet been born with spirituality, it already has some biological instincts.

Among the people present at that time, Shouzheng was the acquired ghost and god. Logically speaking, in terms of attributes alone, he was the closest to this golden stone egg.

But precisely because of this, this golden stone egg will instinctively avoid Shouzheng.

If this golden stone egg fell into Shouzheng’s hands, it would most likely be swallowed directly by Shouzheng.

The avenue Meng Zhang majored in was the Yin-Yang Avenue. The Yin and Yang avenues are separated into two sides: Yin and Yang.

After entering the underworld, because of the special environment here, he spent a lot of effort to feel and understand the yin side of the yin-yang avenue.

In this case, the faint aura of the avenue on his body attracted a certain amount of attraction to this golden stone egg.

When the natural ghost self-destructed, the golden stone egg was supposed to be swept away by the blast of air and fall randomly in any direction.

But because of Meng Zhang’s attraction, the golden stone egg spontaneously approached Meng Zhang and was captured by Meng Zhang.

The last legacy of the innate ghosts and gods, the treasure condensed from their life essence, exceeds all the treasures of heaven, material and earth that Meng Zhang owns or has even seen.

Of course Meng Zhang was extremely happy to acquire such a precious treasure.

I originally thought that this trip to the underworld was in vain, and it left a lot of trouble for no reason.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhang, an outsider, would become the biggest winner and get the most precious trophy.

Although he obtained this treasure, Meng Zhang has not yet figured out how to use it.

Logically speaking, only by handing it over to the senior Guishen Shouzheng can the role of this treasure be fully utilized.

However, Meng Zhang was already wary of Shouzheng, and he was unwilling to hand over such a precious treasure just like that.

In its heyday, Taiyi Sect supported Shou Zheng’s development in the underworld, and also left a back-up in the underworld.

The Dali Dynasty even established its foundation in the underworld, using this as the foundation to have the confidence to fight against the Ziyang Holy Sect.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, any sect with some ability in the world of cultivation seems to have a great interest in the underworld.

The Taiyi Sect is growing day by day, and now it has some strength and the ability to join in the fun. Find Shuyuan

The structure of the Yangshi world in Junchen Realm has been basically fixed, and sacred places such as Middle-earth are completely dominated by the major holy land sects.

Only in the corners of the wilderness, there is room for the development of other sects.

As far as the Ether Yi Sect is concerned, taking shelter under the rule of the Dali Dynasty, while gaining a certain degree of security, it also lost a lot of room for development.

The underworld in Junchen Realm is a treasure land that has not been developed much.

Meng Zhang had an intuition in his heart that the real way out for Taiyi Sect to revive was mainly in the underworld.

With the living example of the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang certainly attaches great importance to the underworld.

He thought for a long time and made preliminary plans for the golden stone egg in his hand.

Of course, the time has not come yet and it is not the time to use this treasure.

He carefully collected the golden stone egg and kept it for future use.

Next, Meng Zhang began to carefully collect various information related to the underworld.

In addition to reading various relevant classics in the door, he also cast spells many times to contact the ghosts and gods in the underworld, Shouzheng, and asked him many questions.

The last time he failed to seize the divine body of a born ghost and god, he failed, which made Shouzheng very frustrated.

The takeaway lost a divine clone. It was really a waste of money.

Of course, I was not substantially harmed. If it doesn’t work this time, just look for opportunities next time.

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